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Friday, March 2, 2012


Morning all.
Well yesterday was interesting considering many thought a top was in...LOL
The bottom line was as I stated on here managers where booking profits, that's why we got the down move and that's why many shorts at the present time are trapped.

I strongly believe that today could be the last day of this chop trading before we run next week.
There is enough shorts out there now to squeeze this market through 1385-1390..

Astrologically today's  disappointing and could slide the market down.
Use it to establish long positions in both the indexes and metals.

Yesterday I picked up some ES long positions at 1368.5 and will also be looking to be fully allocated today if the ES trades under 1368.

Next week I have 1405-1410 as my target.
I am no longer a humble bull and a keen seller.
I am a keen buyer and a humble bear.
That's big coming from a grizzly....

Grain traders might want to kill any shorts you have as next week grains might jump on for the ride up ...
Remember crop report comes out on the 9th not the 5th... so an up move can develop also in the grains.
Note no need to rush into the market to buy as market might drop in the morning after the numbers to suck in more shorts, then the covering traders can ram it right up on the close..


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Setting up for tomorrow

Morning all

Yesterday's trading was the icing on the cake for many traders who locked in profits.
So after that's done now they are going to buy it back up again and they look to re-establish positions once again.
We are still some 15 points away from the shake out at 1350 so I will be quiet surprise if we don't see it today.
Today one needs to look at establishing long position in the market for the pending moves next week.
Commodities and index, but volatility will be the norm so please use caution.
Today my work shows up and down and tomorrow the same.
Keep and eye out on the grains and the metals.
Oil will move up over the weekend but there is always tomorrow for a position oil.



Good morning all

So the time has come to look at Apple and see where its going and how to go about trading it.

First of all the Lets make it crystal clear I am not advising anyone to jump in and buy or sell the stock.
I am outlining what the astrological aspects for the stock going forward is and how to navigate through it.

The ipad 3 will be a total disaster for Apple lets make that clear so we all understand each other.
The timing of the launch is so wrong that component issue to reliability issue will be the main concern.
Bad publicity will follow and then pressure to build components in the USA for the ipad might become a reality which will be a good thing.
When we look at the CEO's birth chart (Tim Cook)we see that his planetary configuration is very weak.
 In fact I am confident in saying that he doesn't have what it takes to run the company.

When I look at the future his just not a firm CEO.

Now lets look at the positives
John Browett head of retail sales, has a very powerful chart. His ability to make it happen for Apple is very likely.
In other words this guy can sell Ice to Eskimos. nothing more needs to be said.
Now with the above issues can he pull it off.... 50/50

The nuclear weapon that Apple has.

Well we all know it and they have publicised it pretty clear that they are sitting on $98 billion in cash.
Hooray they are going to pay a dividend of $7 billion to share holders.

Now anyone who is smart would know that if APPL stock price starts falling more than the market average  they can announce a buy back to squeeze the shorts out.
The problem is that $98 billion people buys you a hell of a lot of stock.
Its for this reason that no one is prepared to seriously short the stock.
This is way too much fire power for the market to take on.

So I am a little sceptical as to shorting considering the above.
 I am 100% sure the stock will come off, and then I am very coconfident that a stock buy back could be announced.
I am smart enough to know that you fight the fights you can win and make money not loose.

Its looks I might have to let this trade go... will decide by the 8th of March


Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Afternoon all
What a day its been!
Ben what have you done!
For the first time in I believe 5 years his given a dovish outlook.
Is he serious now or is he just smoking something.
Anyway such is life, market has traded as I thought many are locking in there profits for the month which is wise.
Grains.... I closed out a little early and the metals I got stopped out which is annoying.
For the ES traders booked at 1365 .

I will elaborate more regarding Apple and how I intend to play this.
You must remember and please be very careful as this boat will be travelling empty when it begins..
So it might be best to observe instead of trade.

More later need to watch the close cheers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Evening all

By the number of email I have recieved at people fustration with the market a move is coming.

For those who want to know yes I have gone short at 1372 on globex..
I was waiting for 1375 but it wasnt to be.

In regards to the grains and the metals I"m booking my profits on the grains tonight while with the metals I think Ben might say a few
Yes the Ben indicator people keep an eye on it.

More later I am busy trading cheers

Setting up for tomorrow

Morning all

Market at the present time is doing nothing and it seems as tho the wait on the ECB's refinancing is an issue which I find it hard to understand.
If you pump someone up with money what do they do?
Either spend it and in this case push it into the stockmarket or just hold it.

On a personal note my observation is that every long and his dog has there stops sitting at 1342-1350.
Your not going to get a move it you dont shake the tree!
I think there could be a potential move down from today and tomorrow.
I reckon some traders will want to lock in there Feb gains of 4%+ (market)so why not.


For the students of Financial astrology:
Todays VC while it is positive it isnt potent enough to run the market up, so be aware of that .
With the Moon moving into Gemini both sides will get there chance to make money so be humble.
I dont mention moons all the times as most times they are irrelevent.
Its only when there at a certain degree's that they hold strength.
As for tomorrow we have the VC being square at 8pm but the energy will start from 8am.
This is a negative aspect and I anticipate the market trading lower Wednesday.
Its interesting also that we do have a fair amount of news coming out so one need to show caution

I would like to make the point, some  may have misunderstood or my communication might have come across wrong.
The 5th is yes a powerful day and yes the market will head higher, but please be aware that it an energy is will start building on that day onwards.
The way you would read it is to be a buyer on dips not a seller on strength.
I will post daily on what is in stall for the market but the main game is to be a humble short and an aggressive buyer when the market allows.

Its not to just buy on the day and forget about your investment.
These days doing that is like burning your money.
You need to keep an eye on whats going on.

Hopefully in the next couple of days I should have things in place to assist those who want to learn about financial astrology.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Looking forward

Afternoon all.

Today for some reason I haven't been able to log on and post.
Anyway we can now.

Receive emails from farmers which is great.
Farmers are the life blood of society.
Without them we couldn't eat.
As farmers are aware astrologers are used to forecast future prices of grains to assist in locking in a fixed price for there crops.
So the 5th of March we have Venus moving into Taurus.
Venus represtent grains.
The degrees in which it's in is telling me that there will be plentiful.
Now on the 9th we have the USDA report.
I expect the report to say that there is an oversupply with very good crop and above average yields.
So I am betting that grains will come off hard.
But as Venus continues to move through the sign this will change.
Next year prices will explode but for now, I would wait until July to sell your crop not now.
In fact if you wanted to trade it I would look at shorts next week or May puts for a week trade
Leading into the report.

To the daily traders out there as stated Friday nothing has changed.
The bull is loading up the red bull for his next run when he starts flying.
Keep an eye open on the bonds
