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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Planning time

Hi readers .. Well lets get down to the gist of it.
Astrologically we are entering into a bear market.
Yes I am aware that many will say here we go again gloom and doom.
But before you make your judgement understand what a bear market is.
Markets can go up during this time but they will also fall.

During these times day traders love trading, as market do move viciously in both directions but more down than up.
For investors not a good time, and over the next 18 months you'll see why.
Saturn the planet of restriction and realization is entering Sagittarius  the house of expansion and growth.
For those who are not aware because of saturn slow movement 30 days before entering you do start to see glimpses of what is to be.
On top of that we also have Uranus squaring Pluto on the 15th of December.
Yes you said it housing market look out.

Those selling houses take what is given as the next 12 months you will see a serious reduction in the price of your property.
Those looking to buy , wait time is on your side now 2009 prices are on the way, if not lower..
People in bank stocks either sell out or obtain put options as insurance, as you will need it.

To put icing on the cake also the last new moon was at zero degrees in sag..
What that means is this will be world wide there will be no safe heaven.
Banks will demand more equity in your home and if you can't provide then there will be no hesitation is selling the property.
Many people have loans which they can't service, and are only servicing the interest.

How do you make money in times like smart.
What has happen over the last 6 years where people have being paying up for items is over.
Now is the time for bargains, all you have to do is be ready to move when the chance comes.
Cash is king remember that!!!
Remember this after this 18-24 month period is over there won't be another chance like this until 2032.

Please note the catalyst for all this will be China.

Countries to be most affected Australia,China, USA, UK and parts of Europe southern.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Central bank gone mad

Hi readers
Today I read in the Australian newspaper on the web that the governor of the reserve in Australia as put a price target on how low the A$ should be..
Wow I'm conservative compared to him.
I thought 76-77 would be it but his gone further expecting 75.
Now if the dollar does fall then my Australian readers you will be in recession, no doubt about it.
Australia is a country of importers, exports are bulk commodities, so your trade deficits will blow out and the economy will tip over. Do not buy real estate or stocks discounts are on the way..
It's been confirmed by the central bank..
By the way you can't cut rates will a low A$ !
Also remember readers how the Australian government was writing up debt like it was out of fashion, well just add 25% more due to the devaluation of the dollar...

To the US readers.
It hard to come to term with it at first but now you see the benefits of  the Obama horoscope.
If he could run again you should elect him without hesitation.
The US has first paid of some 16% of its debt just with the currency appreciation.
Stock market is running on jet fuel up and tax revenue is at a 22 year high.
Why wouldn't you want this guy running the country.
His not wasting tax payers money on a stupid war ( allowing big business to make record profits on the back of his ego ).
Stock market is creating wealth as never before, and the dollar is starting to become king again.
In fact Obama is the man that is required in 2016-2019 or else trouble will arise by the people.

Quick note yes I'm sorry that I've become somewhat political. It's the last time this year.
I will stick to the astrology.
I just have so much hatred towards the Australian government at the moment for take a good year and a half way from me.
Anyway as stated oil is still falling and will continue .
So to metal commodities will also fall away.
Watch the grains , as ethanol production will start to impact on grains

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Is Marx economic just around the corner? Ask Greece

Hi readers
It's amazing how governments around the world portray news..
Obama States that not on his watch this will occur with the CIA torches yet how can he know? Full of it.
Yet on the other side of the world we see a government prepared to go after multi nationals for tax revenue.. It's funny that CNBC says Australia is just the start.. Private accountants will always find ways to look after there clients interests..
Today we hear housing bubble about to burst in Australia .... Lol
Why is that tho ?
To the Australian readers : wholesale clients are leaving your shores wake up to it..
Retail isn't able to sustain the influx of stock... Whether it be housing, stock market or commercial.
Your key to this is the dollar.

Banks are forecasting rate cuts for next year. ...( laughing ) wake up if the dollar keeps falling there won't be no cuts regardless of what anyone forecasts.

China is the worlds flu epidemic economically.
So when they start tightening up the world will feel it.
China is will be the reason for the stock market plunge next year, as many clients know.
So it OK to be in cash for now and just wait.
In regards to oil and metals they won't stop falling so careful .

In regards to the question put to me !!!
The Australia stock index is 50% weighted by banks.
There is no banking crises so don't be of the primertive belief  that the Australian market is a mining index.
Just a quick note what will happen to the banks if a recession does come to Australia.

Question 2 from reader
Answer: I'm looking to sell my APPL stock at $150 which it should hit before the year is out with the Xmas sales.
I would only buy BHP and MQG under $15 and I'm very happy to wait.
MQG is a stock trader nothing more the rest is for protection purposes..there banking license is crap they have no branches to open account. The accounts they have is from there clients so they can trade them in and out easy..
As for BHP I struggle to keep up with them. Once they don't make money from one division in a quarter or two they seem to sell things off.. Now it's stuck with falling commodity prices from the businesses it has. So doesn't it start selling out of those businesses now?
In my view BHP has lost its direction last 2 years.
Will see $15 before $40 just my humble opinion..