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Friday, August 14, 2015

Not everything which is popular makes money?

Morning readers
7:30am Singapore time

There is no light at the end of the tunnel for TWTR!!!!!
That's the headline coming out of Wall Street.
I'm not going to say I told you so but that's business.
Regardless of what anyone thinks or believes Twitter is a great social portal which millions of people use, from sportsmen to media clowns like the Kardashians.
But does it make money the answer is NO.
In the market of dollars if your not making money and growing your finished.
It's a shame because this portal is huge for communication between relatives and friends around the world.
It's just another case of Americans wanting to stripe anything that has popularity for money I guess.

Facebook is worse with people stealing your identity, or stalking your every move but that's kept out of the media spotlight.
It's only a matter of time before a young journalist chases the story and exposes the truth.
Facebook will then collapse.
LNKD is another which has a lost business model, but that stock will be one which will rebound in 4 years time.
But until then $15-20 is what it's worth not $100+

Google is another where the stock is way overpriced in my view but the stock has such a strong birth chart that it will adapt to changing business environment and succeed.

My trade on gold got triggered so short $1120.

I'll post out next weeks astrology on Monday morning ...

Enjoy your weekend 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

General view

Morning readers
8am singapore time

So markets have accepted the devaluation of the yuan.
Question is now does the fed still move on rates after what the Chinese have just done?
There is far more to play out.
Many commentators now see it, while we have been saying it for years in advance.
2015 China is the seed that will collapse the world economy.
For the amateur astrologers you need to look at the leadership hand over birch chart to really understand China.
Not China's chart.
It is the same with US.
When Obama came into office his chart was very powerful and the country as a whole was always going to get out of the slump that was.
While many still believe BIG BEN was instrumental in saving the US economy, any astrologer worth his salt will tell you that decisions are made by government not foot soldiers saved the economy.

China is a very powerful and strong country but the leader and government is very weak astrologically speaking, no matter what they do it will create more problem and disasters.

Australia at the present time has a very difficult time, as there economy is so twisted into China.
The government and Mr Abbott has a very strong birth chart astrologically.
What's even more interesting is that 2 of his ministers (Robb & Hockey) can't do a thing wrong.
Whether it's acceptable is another thing to the people but these guys if they where in business now would be billionaires.
It will take time for Australian economy to adjust from raw mining to service product economy.
But it can and should be done.

Like wise is the chart of Hillary Clinton.
While she has an uphill battle to convice many white America male voters to give her a chance she will screw up at the beginning which will set her back.
But if this woman comes through and wins, the American economy will go to the next level.

When we look at the Donald while he speaks with passion and wants the best for the country, his Pluto indicates that the world will become his enemy, there is also many hidden agendas that his looking to also pursue.
Therefore he isn't the right many for leadership.
I know it might upset many but that's what the astrology is showing.

Readers any bounce in gold above 1120 I'm shorting.
Also A$ any bounce over the next 3 trading days over 74 is worth a short to 70 or even 68.

To the stock traders.
BHP UNDER $20 might be worth a trade but till then I wouldn't bother.
So much for $40 as my email friend keeps posting.
Reason I say this is because BHP is investing in finding oil and other metals, while others are cutting back.
Yes in 4 years from now BHP will be 35-40 but till then we might see $15 or even 10-15.
Once they cut forecast and lower expectations.
But of the two major companies (RIO & BHP) BHP better bet.
Rio will be taking over companies to catch up while BHP will organically grow.

To the American readers I'm doing the astrology on FB&TWTR, takeover or legal action as the astrology is showing a serious fight due to copy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Yuan devaluation has just killed commodity prices

Morning readers

9:30am Singapore time
Yes holiday is over and time to make serious money.
What a reception to the new week we got!
Buffet bids to buy a company!
China has just devalued the yuan!
Last but not least it is official Australian people are slaves of the banks.
The most profitable banks In the world are in Australia.
So protectionism works people, the question is for how long.

So China has investigated that it's overseas funds and people wanting to buy assets outside of China that has caused the Stock market to crash? REALLY 

So let get back at the and devalue the yuan?
Costing more those who want to take money out of the country.
But is it a double edge sword or have the Chinese planned this all along?

I say this because the commodity sector has just realised now that without China a 10-20% price adjustment will take place.
All producers of commodities always knew that no matter what China would take up any surplus supply.
With China now all but ruling themselves out of the market for commodities, who takes up the slack.
Grains and energy are the first to take the hit.
Next will be metals and sorts and meats.

Sure China still requires commodities but the government has serious storage's and local supply will be priority over imports.

To the gold bugs please don't think this is good for gold it's not it actually the worst think with the Chinese not offering a floor to the price now.
Matter of time before the U.S. houses start attacking gold knowing full well there is no floor now.

Interesting to see now how both the Canadian and Australian central banks respond.
These countries economies are now on life support.

Cheap useless rubbish is about to hit the world markets as China will try to reboot it economy.
Hold firm if you don't need it why buy it !

In the property market there was as I thought huge buying by the Chinese.
Clearance rates where high but not records which was interesting.
So I'm keen to see what occurs next month or two.

So how's the darling stocks (AAPL,TWTR and NFLX) going to invest in a country which is just about to fall into recession.

You can't say you didn't know that trouble in China wasn't over.
More to come people ..