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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Inflation is going to double from here.

 Hi Readers 

So we are seeing the Fed pause and inflation is starting to pick up, (not that it fell at all).

Commodities are rising and not slowing down and so expect energy regardless of what anyone says, to take the batten soon and run again.

Anything that is told by the media is total Bullshit.

We had the media beef up the stock market thinking that the fed pause was now going to start cutting but this is far from the truth. With the commodities rising the way they are, there is no way that inflation is going to stay at these levels. If we have seen a bottom in inflation in the US now then its from this level that a rise will push inflation up to new highs.

Good old Jerome Powell spun the bullshit that inflation will fall with the lower demand for housing and prices will also fall. Yet he knows full well that inflation is going to rise with commodities prices rising. But had to say his bit to keep the algorithm bots at bay so they don't dump the market.

The bond market is telling us that they see inflation falling in the next 18 months but I feel that the bond market could be wrong again.

I don't see inflation falling to under 3% until 2025 or longer.

Therefore I don't see how inflation is going to fall below this level as commodities rising, cost of living is next to increase further, so how is inflation going to fall. IT CAN'T

Yes the stock market is rising on the illusions of hopes and that things will be ok but the truth is as it was last year and the year before. The debt the world is in has been orchestrated by the IMF and the BIS. Governments and central banks have been deliberately pumping debt around the world and people have been sucked into this bubble with no way out.

Yes bankers are seriously dirty dogs but they are the same as casinos, no one forces you to go in!

Yes the media with the bankers have sucked people into becoming property investors and the idea of illusion. Fake wealth.

Well that money is now coming back to it's rightful owners in case some of you didn't know. Yes people will be left high and dry as they have no idea about preservation of wealth. The last 25 years we have become a debt base society. Instant gratification and if we don't get it then we will do whatever it takes to get that fake gratification.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

The above is based on Financial astrology.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

NVIDA very questionable company

 Hi readers 

All of a sudden AI is going to revolutionize everything we do and going to take over everything we do !

 What a load of shit. AI has been around since 2006 and in 10 years was being revolutionized to think for itself. What that means or an example of it is when you call call centers and they talk to you and you press buttons and move on , that's all AI.

Now Chat GPT was able to read the internet and respond to questions which are asked from past history.

Once you make it think for itself is responds with unable to respond in other words total load to shit but we are being promised that AI is going to be the next big thing.

So lets research this and flush out if its true or not. So NVIDA is promising a 40% increase in the next quarter in sales due to AI.

So lets look at the partners who they buying supplies from, there all reported lower sales due to low demand, and have reported further drops in sales of semiconductor chips.

So how is it possible that NVIDA is going to increase its revenue by 2 billion next quarter when they haven't increased purchases from there suppliers. Maybe they have stock in hand and that give them the increase in sales. In there last quarter there stock levels have reduced considerably.

So how are they going to increase there revenue for the next quarter? Cost cutting has already taken place but in there press releases they said revenue which means sales.

Total bullshit you need stock to increase sales and no supplier  of  NVIDA has increased supply they are in fact reducing more than they have from the previous quarter.

Its never going to happen its all a lie, its being presented to the market to allow time for the professionals to liquidate positions.

When you look at the astrology NVIDA has 13degree pluto saturn square in the 8th house.

The CEO has a history hyping u the stock only to sell into hype. Yes his been fined also for doing it yet all is being ignored by the foolishness of the stampede. At the end of the day retail will end up loosing out.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

The above is based of Financial astrology

Ask your financial advisor on the above


I have position in NVIDA

Open $375 put June 30th

sold $375 calls June 30th

Short NVIDIA shares $430-425

Inflation Reboot coming

 Hi Readers 

I've deliberately held back from posting as a number of you I am the bearer of bad news. One reader called me the king of bears but I only call it as it is. Whether you can accept it or not is a matter for the reader.

So what's happened since April, market have rallied, Bitcoin market has gain and now loosing steam. rates have gone up another half a percent, and inflation is still rising. Gold's shine is fading and so to is the US dollar. The banking crisis is a memory and we believe in the AI Wank. I think I summed it up in five lines.

So lets break it all down as its all interconnected. Because while we are told one thing and we can see financial markets going up why is it then that we are all finding it difficult with the day to day expenses and living cost.

Lets go back just won step to 2020 and remember the words " You will own nothing and be happy".

So what are we currently going through ?

We saw this last week that the FED paused but said that they are still going to move in the future on rates. Yet as soon as they announced this commodities exploded higher. Grains 7-10% metals gains and so to the softs.

Currently we have moved into a deflationary environment in the US yet the FED and the media is spinning the story that inflation is sticky. If commodities start running then inflation is going into a reboot and higher inflation will come.

At the present time service inflation is very sticky and while rental prices are holding up there about to seriously collapse.

We are starting to see investment hedge fund who bought housing property in 2020-21 looking to sell as they already can see that the rental prices collapsing in the US so time to get out was 8 months ago.

So what does that say about the Australian housing market which has been over 150% overvalued. Currently the housing market in Australia is falling slowly but it about to seriously gain steam.

So what does that say about the current inflation outlook in Australia? 

I've said it before inflation can be quashed if commercial banks just increased banking provisions. Interest rate is a way to squeeze out the fake money out of the system.

Lets dig a little deeper so some of you can understand how the system works.

Fake wealth is created when mass movement into one asset inflate prices, to the point that anyone can buy and make money as its a stampede. So yes we have seen police officers ,factory workers or track drivers owning crypto currencies and making money , then moving money and moving it into the property market. Property in particular has inflated for so long that banks have been driving the gravy train all the way up. To the point where people now are priced out of buying there first home.

Property is meant to be for people to live in not be investments to make people become slaves to banks.

So YES I have no pity for anyone who has bought property and is bleeding because interest rates have increased, yes they are going to increase more and yes housing prices will collapse overnight, exactly when is a matter of time. We said previously to get out of property trust before they collapse some took it while other said I am a doom and gloom. Good luck getting your money out now.

Going back to the inflation issue had the central banks moved back in 2021 rate would be up at half the level they are now, and both the stock market, and property markets would be recovering by now. So everything we are currently going through world wide is by design. don't be fooled by what your told whether isn't government or media.

So please don't be fooled by what your seeing currently, the stock market in the US is increasing with just five major stock responsible.

Property at the moment people are defaulting yet they are selling assets as not to loose the marital home. Car leasing is collapsing with people defaulting as rate increases have paralyzed people ability to service loans.

Credit cards are now being used to purchase everyday essentials. If this isn't telling you that society is struggling then I don't know what will.

Mind you this can be all avoided if we just stopped the debt base system we have been forced into.

As Always use the above as an indicator to your own work

The above is based on Financial astrology

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above