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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Last post for 2015

Hi Readers

Posting the last update for the year as its time to enjoy the profits we have made over the year.

So we got a rate rise and the market ran up.
Those of you who trade markets for a living will realise it was the ideal pump and dump play.
In the end market is right where it was before the rate move.
Best time for the rate rise was in July, now it's way too late.
People, professional money simply boost the market up to catch amature short and then dump it right back to where it started the move.
Please remember when trading your up against algorithms and computer programs which can detect weight of numbers.
That's why charts alone are a very weak tool, as these systems know and detect when buys and sells will be triggered.
Now we have computers detecting computers, it's simply get way out of hand.
Trading daily is becoming deadly for amature traders.
I've never seen a market stay up after a rate rise followed into XMAS, how could it be good for the market?
Anyway I'm holding some nice shorts in stocks, that ran up..
Australian market could be in for a tailspin Monday as BHP has had its assets frozen by a court in South America.
While it won't be the end of BHP, it is seriously now damaging its name.
To our Astrological stock I saw on Thursday a number of small funds and brokerage house now own the stock also.
It's easy to see as the stock is held in good hands.
Not much gets flipped .

On the political front, in America .... Trump is really stirring the pot, and now we see the establishment ganging up to push him out.
Now you can see why trump is a loose cannon.
It's disappointing that the republican party won't support there best candidate to win in Ben Carson ..
Bush and the others will loose seats not gain.
It's true the country can't afford another Bush .

In Australia the honeymoon is over for Malcom Turnbal.
His done everything the media has ask for and his the Mr fix it .
Now it's time to show his leadership.. Both he and his supporters (Bishop and Morrison) will face a very difficult period next 3 months.

I'm heading to Australia for a couple of weeks, for holiday and research.
Will be back on the 12th of Jan.
Just want to wish you all a safe and happy XMAS and a wonderful new year.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Almost every business is a cartel, people just don't know it, and pay up.

Hi readers

Many have asked questions after doing the own research on our astrological stock.
One in particular question has been raised over 38 times.
Does FRM run a somewhat cartel with other producers to fix prices?
Your answers is in the question you ask!

Anytime companies produce a product that is a form of it.
Look at petrol companies?
Right now the oil industry. OPEC
Out to bankrupt shale research and international producers in Canada and America.
Yes while many can't work it out why would you sell below cost?
 You can only corner a market once you have eliminated the threat.
Right now this is going on and will continue, with iron ore, oil, coffee, cotton and many more.
Make in an unviable business once thats happened then your able to make those losses back in a very short space of time.
In Australia now we are seeing small vegetable growers leaving the industry.
Selling up and moving on because large producers are making it an unviable business by selling cheap there produce.(24% closed up in the last quarter)
Clean out all threats to then run prices on the public.
This occurred in the US back in the 1990 and we then saw prices run up and consumers paid up.
Yes Mother Nature can dictate how much produce can be produced but farms now are so advanced that once every 4-5 years weather will affect a yield.

We hear bullshit coming out Australia that this years wheat crop on the eastern boarder will be low due to weather drought , yet I know readers ( farmers)who have clearly said to me they will have record crops, yet will release only 30% of it .
That's call smart thinking farmers who have learnt the hard way about controlling prices.
That's why wheat is still holding good prices while soybeans have dropped in price with South American producers selling into the market at any price.

Same is happening with iron ore, that's why BHP will continue its fall, coffee with Vietnam selling at any price, and the Chinese with cotton.

Hope this Answers your questions.

To all farmers producers, mining firms, CEO's and traders who understands smart economics!
Supply demand is the name if the game, and will continue to be.
You always sell when everyone is buying and always buy when everyone is selling.
Contrarian may be but you will always make money doing it.
Timing is everything that's why you need a good astrologer to help you with timing.
That was my biggest lesson I learnt from a Japanese trader in 1991.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

what is a fair price for BHP

Hi readers

A number of questions and so many concerns...
Welcome to a Scorpio moon..

Regarding BHP, is it time to buy yet ?
That is a question for you to answer on your own.
Reason I say that is time frame, and patience.
How long do you want to hold it and what are your expectations.
At the present time it looks to as tho there is a serious carry trade/hedge playing out in the market regardless of price.
Selling the miners, buying the banks.
Yes overseas has finally caught on that the Australian public are slaves to the banks now.
I say that because the attitude is let's live the life in style and showboat while only pay the interest on loans. The piper isn't getting his money back, which is a massive danger.
Now we hear that the government want to change bankruptcy and insolvency legislation, to make it easier to try again.
While that is a good thing it's a double edged knife also.
Those old enough to remember this is 1990-1993 all over again.
Banks will be left holding the debt, in return shareholders will wear it .

My astrology is say around March we should get a better idea of what is a good price or BHP.
We there that is $15, $12 or even $8.80 I don't know.
Market is now just starting to understand the mine damage done, so 40 billion is 12-15 I think.
If 80 billion then $8.50 very strong possibility ... But until we see a cost of damage claim we really can't put a proper price.
So is BHP cheap at the moment? No.

Another full of crap stock is Macquarie bank, will never understand why they call themselves a bank, except for government protection.
Any private trader who trades seriously can't stand 2 companies in the world as they are what we call the blood suckers of the world...
Goldman Sachs , and in Asia Macquarie.
Flip traders like toys if they loose money which I guess is business, but it's the way it's done.
So every time they get caught out in trades by market volitility, I with my friends and HSBC enjoy drinking on there graves.
These firms have the most advanced algorithm software which is years ahead of the regulators.
Able to manipulate market to suite there traders.
In particular small cap stocks.
Regardless of what the SEC or the ASX make out in the public arena these companies basically have there own rule which isn't right.
Yes I did recieve an email weeks ago about pushing FRM down to 20 cents from 60. When we emailed out.
While there code was showing up as a seller at the start,whether that was for clients or not I do not know.
But then when the stock close at 84cents the first time word went around for 300k.
While I wanted to post it I wasn't able to for insider trading rules.
Unfortunately they managed to close shorts by covering.
Waiting for another assault for which this time I am able to act and will .
Yes I'm sure the emails will come from my so called friends so let's see how good they really are.
By the way just so you all know the company has NO intentions to sell shares over the next 2 years to raise capital...

Use caution in your trading for the rest of the month..
I'll post more information on FRM later.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Financial astrology

Hi readers

When I look at stock to invest in not trade I look at 3 things which are pivotal
First... is the astrology, where is the stock at and where it's heading.
Second ...I look at what its product or service to use.
Third...what the financials of the business and how can or will it improve.

The stock in which we have powerful positive astrology is Farm Pride Foods.
First the financial astrology.
For the amature astrologers
From May 2013-May 2015 it when through its Saturn station.( it's restructure so to speak)
As of July 13th 2015 -Sep 23rd it pushed through a Venus trine Pluto at 11 degrees.
This is seeds of the restructure starting to pop up.
As of 9th Dec2015-9th Dec 2017 the company will have jupiter trine Venus in the 2nd house.
This is the most powerful of astrological aspects you can get which affects companies going forward.
Many amature astrologers will question this but when we also put the 6 degrees of the affect is hard to dispute if you know financial astrology.

So what does the company do?

There in the eggs business.
Yep eggs, everyone eats eggs.
They are the largest egg producers on the eastern board of Australia.
They supply eggs to the large chain stores that being (Coles and Safeway).
While there a number of small and medium producers as competitors, to supply the major chains they have that business covered.
The food service industry is growing also and with health regulations around the country forcing many small producers to modernise Farm Pride is sitting in the box seat to pick up future market share.
The health crap which we all got told about eggs increases cholesterol was the biggest fraud in food.
More people are eating eggs and are healthy for it as its proven in the July MD health magazine.

It's competitors being Pace farms and Meggles are very unreliable in the supply for product to the chain stores on the eastern boarder.
So the chain store have no choice but to deal with Farm Pride and accept any pricing structure.
If they had to deal with small producers with the central invoicing systems they have it would be a nightmare.
Sure Farm Pride wouldn't have the quality as some smaller producers but there the only ones with the volume, which leaves the chain stores paralysed.
Bottom line without Farm Pride Australia doesn't eat eggs and that's why in the event of any issues the government will support.

We then look at the value added products that being eggs pulp, scrabbled egg mix, and the aggressively growing market of egg whites to the weight loss and body building industry.
The equipment to make these product,FRM has he capacity to supply, and have the quality to keep growing there market.

It's looks as tho the company went into building new farms and hiring farms to secure its supply.
Obviously when this occurred it's looks as tho the GFC hit and they couldn't sell stock to raise money.
So it looks as they the company when into serious debt to secure its supply.
As those farms are now coming online Farm Pride has halved it's debt and is making a healthy profit.
I like the fact there is a tight management structure, as I don't see why you need fat cats being paid at the top.
they have been exporting products overseas and I see this continuing in the future with Australia's clean green promotion.

Who are the stake holders in the company?

It appears that the WA co, ( Westcoast eggs)have a massive invested interest in Farm Pride.
Why is that ?
To secure supply to Farm Pride.
As Farm Pride become more self sufficent supply of product will decrease.
It's my understanding reading from the Australian Egg Councils paperwork that WA producers over supply the state by 15%.
Simply there a lot bigger farms with the security of 3 day truck drive which protects them from competition from other producers around the country.

So let's look at valuation
The company has 55 million share.
At $1.80-$2 the company is worth $100 million
If it continue as is without growth and erases it's debt and culls the supply from WA company will earn $19million
If the growth continues and I can see why it won't with the increasing population in Australia, at current levels which we have been told will, in a statement to the market.
Company value then pushes to the $175-200 million.

Now this is the curve ball.
WA own 49% of the company.
WA needs Farm Pride more than the latter.
They even have to members on the board overseeing.
In the event that the culls begins, and Farm Pride no longer need WA.
What do they do?
There not selling out that's for sure , there takeover bid is in play.
For which then what is a reasonable prices knowing that WA need Farm Pride.
It's my view that $7.40 a share is a fair price.
That's equates to around $400 million.

Monday, December 7, 2015

might be time to examine yourself.

Hi readers

If you ever want to see how the establishment screws up traders Friday's action was the perfect example of it.
Burning all traders by pushing the market after news only to drop it back the next day.
Rates going up isn't good for discretionary spending.
Similar situation you have with the A$, everyone knows that it's going down yet it's still trading higher squeezing out short.
This is what the industry calls the establishments control.
Yet when it goes against them they run to the government for support and help.
Whether it's JPM or Maquarie they are all the same.
Investment banks can't make money in an open market as they portray.
Information is key and that's why small traders are always in debt.
It's also small funds who they support also and then call,up IOUs...
Yes regulators know it goes on yet turn a blind eye to it.
Perfect example I got told of a play on a stock in Australia regarding capping compensation claim in the UK.
This at the time was trading around the $3.10-3.20 area.
Word got out and some took the play yet after the announcement the amount of selling which hit the stock was incredible, open shorts, yet under rules these plays aren't allowed to occur.
No I didn't take the trade as I don't trade that way.
The SEC or any other policing agency has no chance of ever catching this type of trading as computer algorithms are that advanced that the authorities surveillance  is some 6 years behind.
That's why no one can or will be caught.

Example... Is it possible for a computer programmer on $120k be smarter than a programmer on $2 million.
That's what the game is and that's why this will never stop.
That's the truth regardless of what you think or believe.
That's why at times you will have a parcel of shares on the bid, yet when you try to sell into them they immediately disappear with a small amount only executed.
What's the excuse from the authorities, the order on the bid was revised.
Yet on the screen it's was clearly showing the bid size.

This is the main reason buy beware on spec stocks.
When rates move and money becomes tight, small spec stocks will sell there own shares to raise capital.... SUPPLY DEMAND  people.

Another great play is when sellers want to liquidate a stock they hold.
Calls are made around to limit the selling so the stock can be cooked up.
It's run to a certain point and then the word goes out to sell it.
Once again leaving the small traders holding the bottle,after the smart money has got drunk on there success.

While many of you are Technical traders and I do respect that you need to know what your investing in.
Have rules to only trade a certain amount of shares in it so you can liquidate at will without getting stuck in a stock because of its potential.
Without money you have to chance of playing so be smart with it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Planning dates for December and January

Hi readers

Let's get straight to it.

December dates

1st Positive
2nd Negative
4th Negative
10th Negative ( caution on technology)
11th Positive ( New Moon)
14th Negative
17th Positive
18th Negative
If the market was open on XMAS day it would be a massive day.
29th Negative
30th Negative

January dates
5th Negative and also it's the start of a Mercury retrograde period.
7th Negative.
11th Positive
13th Positive
14th Positive
18th Positive
20th Negative
22nd Negative big day
25th Mercury goes direct
27th Positive
29th Negative.

Positive:::means positive astrological aspects for the market.

Negative::means negative astrological aspects for the market.

Please use caution when trading during this time period as markets are very thin and can distort what's really going on.

2016 readers is going to be a big year in madcap stocks.
While blue chip stocks will struggle to keep up.
Spec stock will be just that bingo plays.

Next Tuesday I am allowed to release all my research on my stock trade.
Financial regulation in Singapore isn't like Australia.
If you don't toe the line they will come down very hard, regardless of who.
So apologies for the delay.

Thanks to the Wall Street journal ...

Australia ranks fifth in the world for the amount raised via new technology IPOs this year, according to deal tracker Dealogic, at a time when technology companies’ share of US listings has fallen to a seven-year low.
The US is still the biggest market by deal value, followed by the UK.
But Australia has been moving up the ranks from eighth place last year and 13th in 2013. The only other Asian country in the top five is China, at No. 3.
Those figures don’t include a recent wave of backdoor listings. In a backdoor listing, or reverse takeover, a company is able to go public by being acquired by an already publicly traded company — usually referred to as a shell company. The end of a long mining boom in Australia has created a pit of shell companies with few assets left. Many small miners have become the target of reverse takeovers by technology start-ups.
Some US firms have already struck pay dirt in Australia.
Silicon Valley-based online recruitment start-up 1-Page, which under CEO Joanna Weidenmiller listed in October last year via a reverse takeover of former nickel and gold explorer InterMet Resources, reached a high of $5.69 in September after listing at 20 Australian cents a share. It closed at $4.33 yesterday.
Australia’s deep mining history is a big part of the attraction: Investors who have survived numerous boom-and-bust commodities cycles tolerate a level of risk typically found only in venture-capital markets elsewhere.
“There’s a little bit of the gold miner in each of us,” said Stuart Foster, chief executive of Sydney-based Foster Stockbroking.
When the mining boom was in full swing, few people gave any thought to Australia as a possible hub for early-stage tech listings.
Now, young companies are coming here in a steady stream.
Some are seeking to avoid raising venture capital — where founders can lose control of their business or be forced to accept unfavourable terms. Others are attracted by low listing fees and other rules designed to make it easy for young resources companies to access capital while they are still exploring.
“We’re doing the same thing that we’ve been doing for mining start-ups for the last 100 years,” said Max Cunningham, general manager for listings at the Australian Securities Exchange, or ASX. “The resources sector is in a deep recession, so the market is increasingly looking for alternatives.”
In the year through June, 30 tech companies listed here, up from 12 in the previous financial year. In contrast, this year could witness the fewest tech public offerings in the US since 2009, with 15 new listings through August.
Not everyone is convinced Australia has struck gold, however.
“Australians understand that if you dig a hole in the ground and you find gold or iron ore and you sell it to China, you’re going to make a lot of money. They know nothing about US tech,” said Philip Alexander, an executive director at corporate advisory firm Jacanda Capital. “It seems a tad artificial that brokers from Perth are suddenly tech experts on a global scale. You wouldn’t go to a dentist to have a knee reconstruction, so why are we going into mining shells with tech stocks?”
Unlike many overseas exchanges, which require companies to meet certain profit milestones, companies can list on the ASX by meeting either a profit or an asset test. That suits tech companies that aren’t making a profit because they are spending money developing new technologies. Companies must have a minimum market capitalisation of $10 million ($US7.1 million) after a capital raising.
“To fundraise in Silicon Valley, if you go to the venture-capital market you have to raise (capital) and then raise again,” said Noah Abelson, the 29-year-old co-founder of Silicon Valley-based ShareRoot, a social-media-focused marketing company that will list on the ASX in mid-December via a reverse takeover of Monto Minerals Ltd. “They’re doing the whole unicorn thing: They’re going after billion-dollar companies.”
One recent lunchtime more than a dozen fund managers gathered in the cowhide-clad private dining room of a central Sydney steakhouse to hear Mr Abelson pitch his software platform, which helps companies, including McDonald’s and Costco Wholesale source user-generated content from social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook for use in marketing campaigns. Over lamb chops, silver-haired investors made the leap between appraising mining tenements and seeing dollar signs in “selfies.”
In many reverse takeovers, existing investors are switching hard hats for smartphones and staying on for the ride. Former Monto Minerals executive director James Allchurch, a geologist, will be a ShareRoot director.
Other US companies listing here recently include AHAlife Holdings, a New York-based online retailer, and the US-based online recruitment start-up 1-Page Ltd. Several more plan to do so, including Updater — an online platform that helps people with home moves. It hopes the ASX will lead to a future listing in the US.
Most Australian tech deals are small. Few IPOs raised more than $20 million. And though the number of overseas listings is rising, the ASX has struggled to land big local deals. Sydney-based software tools maker Atlassian, which has been valued privately at more than $3.3 billion, made a US IPO filing public on November 9.

BHP has more to move .

Hi readers

So November is finished and we are at the home straight and should trade up ? Really !!!!!
While that has tended to be the norm I'm not so sure that this will be the case.
For some sectors,  surprise and disappointment is expected, which will then equate to disappointing half yearly results in the months ahead.
So just don't expect the XMAS run to just happen it won't.

For those who have held off on BHP, you can now see why we said back when it was at $23 and 20 that there is more to come.
There is still more ahead for the troubled company.
I'm starting to look at the companies astrology going forward as its beginning to interest me at these prices.
Before looking at the stock I think a $12 level would be something I would take a longer term view but first let me do the astrology and I will post out .
For the time being not keen at $18 .


A number of you have sent me stock to look at and get an opinion.
While the Stockmarket will always gift the prepared mind some of these stocks are crap.
I say this because you need to understand what your buying , why your buying and what's the plan going forward.
Some of the companies which have shown great moves up are pump and dumps.
This crap was happening in the U.S. some 5-6 years ago and have disappeared.
Some of the small media firms who have turned up in Australia are looking to exploit Australian investors.
Sure some might have merit in the long term but this type of pie in the sky investing isn't for me.
I like to see companies making products, selling products or services.

Hope and one day dreams are church songs in my language.
It's harsh because it's the truth.

On Capilano Honey, there was a reason why we closed our positions when we did.
Yesterday's move was an eye opener for many who don't really understand how to trade small cap stocks.
Yes the company is being held in good hand and it can trade higher but once the liquidity starts to dry up you will get these violotile moves which will put the fear of God in small traders.
So you need to plan trades when your take a view, whether it's short term or long term .
If your trading charts like so many do then your just trading momentum which can change very quickly with a market order attack.
As was the case yesterday in the stock.

For those wanting the financial astrology for the Dec month will post them out in next post and I will also put the Jan as I will  be looking to take a break.

To the Australian readers just let you know that I'm allowed back into the country so will be traveling back to Melbourne to see friends and family.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

General comments

Hi readers

A number of Australian readers have been asking question regarding stocks which have fallen from grace.
While I haven't done any astrology to foresee the future of these stocks market can over reacted on occasions on the potential implications of news release.
The question you need to ask yourself is.. If your prepared to buy it at $4 then at $1 it's a steal ... Or is it?
The problem i see in today's market is that we jump on what market analysts say without doing our own research.
Back in the 80's and 90's smart investors always did there own research.
I guess today most who do that kind of research now all work for hedge funds.

Most investors look at technical analysis and compare it to recommendations put out by broking houses.
That's why Warren Buffet and George Soros are so successful.
They go out and do there own research, not take the work done by some hot shot university graduate.
Yes the last comment will upset some readers but they are the words of Mr Buffet himself in Omaha 1994, at the Berkshire AGM..
Was there and asked the man himself!!
The Internet doesn't have all the keys to life people sometimes you do need to walk around and see for yourself businesses.
Lived by that my whole life and will preach it.
That way you can only blame yourself if you make a mistake.
There are a lot of good people in the financial industry, looking to help small investors, with there own experiences, but there are also ruthless dogs who only have commission on there mind.
Best way to keep away from them is to trade online.

On the question of who are better traders, men or women ? The answer is both.
Women have no ego and will take profits.
Men enjoy bragging about the profits, most times loose them for holding out too long.
Flip side to that !
Men can handle pressure better than women.
When it's against them men can cut the losses out where as women tend to freeze up and hope it turns around.
This will not apply to everyone... Just my experience of seeing how people trade.

In the market
We saw the market make an effort to trade higher and while I lost money on the Nasdaq trade, and made coffee money on the ES, We made money on the ASX200.

In stocks
I'm glad some have held off, letting the scalpers finishing playing around and then see where the price is.
Please note as we are getting close to December trading will lighten up.
Act according also.
Not sure if this occurs but when trading small stocks that's the best time to buy as many look to book losses or close profits from risk of loosing them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Not wise to short A$

Hi readers..

Typical Australian financial system..
If the big boys get caught out run to the regulator, and complain.
Yet when the public gets caught out we call it uneducated investors.
How good is that!

All I can say you have 10 days before my research is exposed and believe me when I tell you I will be a buyer.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about.

With regulation in Singapore your not allowed to be an active buyer until 28 days after announcement.( via email)
Previous orders before announcing is permitted.. 
My orders are still sitting at 50-55.

Stocks go up daily 50% sometimes , mostly around 30%, yet the regulators makes nothing of it.
On this occasion the call was made for a please explain.

It's all good, obviously there are some out there either still short and fear a serious run where there is no stock to cover on.
Company stock is in very good hands so your on a respirator for another 10 days for anyone who wants to short the stock.
You know who you are and I know who you work for.
I'm not going to get into a ping pong email game either with you..
All I can say it's nice to see the big end of town screaming for mercy from the little people.
LOL it only cost you $500,000 so far.
Short more if you have the guts too..

Day traders will play around with the stock a little so anyone wanting to buy set your price and wait for it to come to you.

Regarding the A$

Most asking when will it fall?
Every man and his dog is short, since every analyst came out and said A$ was going to 60.
Yes it's now trading higher and so it should.
The old game of feeding the chooks is in play here.
Give the public what they already know and jam them up.
Currency trading is a zero sums game and with that in mind if everyone is short how can the dollar possibly trade lower.
Wait for the currency to pop, hit the stops and then short if you feel this is appropriate.
The astrology on the A$ at the present time in light so I wouldn't consider it either side.

News came out on the wires about the apple watches burning people..
Yet the market has shrugged it off.
I did say that the timing launch of these watches was wrong.
Wait until the law suits come pouring in..
Then we will see what APPL stock will be..

Monday, November 23, 2015

Financial Astrology for the true believers..

Hi Readers

My apology to all readers who haven't jumped on to our stock pick..
I didn't think that so many brokers actually read my blog.

What an interesting day to say the least.
Some 2 weeks ago we posted out via email my investment stock .(those who requested it )
Today I see the stock going and I cant understand why its so aggressive.
Then I make 1 call and wouldn't you know it, the broking houses are buying.
Nice move JP Morgan, buy 200,000 at market.
I wonder did someone get caught short??
Then I check the emails and wouldn't you know it, those threatening to bring the stock down to 20 cents now are threatening legal action...LOL
Well all I can say is that I did warn you but your ego was obviously to big for your own boots.

Get this I haven't even chased you out yet.
My orders are still sitting in the market hoping that you push the stock down.
Obviously your full of it and my advise to you is if your short cover yourself as quick as you can because its just going to continue gaining strength.
Once I publicly post out the stock and the research I have done on it!!!
If you can get $2-3 on it take it because its might just rocket like my last stock.
But for now lets just be conservative and call it $1.50-$2.

In regards to BHP
Last weeks little hollow bounce was just that Hollow.
Its not over by a long way and the stock will continue sliding down.
Its a personal choice if you wish to buy it at $20 OR LOWER..
The astrology is still very negative on it.

For those asking I'm still holding shorts and comfortable...
Should be in the money by end of the day in the ASX200.
With the ES and NAS by close should be in credit.

American accounting at its best ...

Hi readers

It's amazing how when a merger hits the market the first thing the market does is run up thinking its will be great for the market.
The truth of this deal with Pfizer just came to light around noon US time and it was obvious that this is American accounting at its best.
Where is that money going to come from and who would loan out that much money for a company?
160 billion $US is over 50% of the Singapore economy.
Why not just buy a country and invoke your own rule of law with money like that!
But it's not going to pay a cent it's going to do it through tax minimisation..
So we are screwing the little people ( public tax payers)and we want them to buy our products?
I know it happen around the world and the Australian banks are the best at it too.
(I know this for a fact, friends at KPMG in Singapore do the routing).
That's why there currency exchange centres are here in Singapore.

This type of practise has to be stopped for the good of man kind.
Sure governments around the world aren't the best at spending our taxes wisely I get that.
But we can keep screwing the public for the benefit of a few.
This transaction should not be allowed to proceed regardless of who is in office.

Yes as I said before AMERICAN ACCOUNTING, it's obvious they haven't learnt a darn thing from the past, and this is only going to fuel more sexy accounting mergers.
I'd previously posted (moons ago) that blue chip companies that don't pay at least 60-70% of there profits in dividends are suspect accounting and raise caution flags for me.
The one good thing that Australia does have is that this happens and therefore there numbers are true.
In the US very few pay out serious dividends, that's why its buyer beware.
I understand that it's designed for the buy and sell traders to tax the earnings but there are times where you want to hold good stocks for years, and earn a small income from it .

In trading
I got worried yesterday and was about to cut the trades out before I thought otherwise, checked the astrology and stayed put.
Still holding all positions at the present time.

To the readers who have looked at our stock!
I'm still holding my buyers not hitting the offer but it does appear that broking houses have bought the stock for there own accounts.
I'm hoping this will end soon and the stock comes back.
I will post the broking house who have when I am legally allowed. (5 working days)

What occurs is broking houses gain stock in companies knowing that should the company trade over a certain price for more than 3 months funds will look to Aquire a position. ( small funds)
Medium  funds...should the company produce profits for 12 months and pay dividends these funds will buy also..
As for the superfunds the stock has to be either top 50 or 100 before they look at it.

So you see it's a chain reaction system.

This is why I worry about some of the stocks that many of you have bought into and have told me to look at..
There is no chain link and its all hype.
Sure hype is good to ride but you need to know when the music stops get out or you will wear serious losses.

Many have asked on Capilano Honey.
Sure the company is a well run company and will trade higher as the stock is held in good hands but the bulk of the move is over, going by the astrology.
Sure it can trade to 22 or maybe $25 but in percentage terms in my view it's done.
At 6 to 20 that's a 300% return safely, with financial astrology.
But as far as I'm concerned it's done and we move on.

Looking years ahead after this 2 year period is over , next sector to explode will be
Not infustructure.
But first it needs to go through its Saturn cycle which it currently is.
So don't jump the gun, 2 years is a very long time.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

No reason why gold can't be $500 next year

Hi readers

Well market has gone against me some what at the present time.
Went short yesterday on the ASX200 a little early but holding.
For those who have asked for my trades.

Short 25@ 5190
Short 50 @ 5220
Short 25 @ 5250

ES Dec
Short 90@2080
Short 40@2085

NQ Dec

Short 40@4650
Short 20@4675

As you can see we are up on some trade and down on others.
The danger was as stated that the market was very low to commence a down move in particular the ASX.
So let's see what plays out as we are in for some good volatility.
I've had a number of emails to comment about gold.

Gold as I have stated previously is a great way to store wealth.. That's it.
Gold will never be anything more.
While I totally understand why gold is loved and it's the security of a currency.
But the fact is the whole financial system is out of control.
When governments need money they just print it up with no respect of process or ramifications of the action.
Population is always growing around the world so it will work itself out.
I don't make the system we live in, I just adapt to it.
Yes many will be disappointed If you think gold at 1100 or 1500 will be higher in 5 years from now?

Gold conservative outlook to me $500-600 in 5 years or maybe next year.
I say that because the is no reason to own gold.
Sure if gold drop to 200-300 an ounce I will buy it but before then no point.
There is a major difference between metal we use as opposed to investment metals.
Also the tax which countries have put on precious metals to raise revenue is the most stupidest thing in today's society.
Many will always talk of gloom and doom, so the price of gold can go up.
Bottom line gold is just another investment tool... Buy low sell higher.

In bonds they can only go down and while I don't trade them, I can't see how rates can go lower for the bond prices to increase.

For the readers who email regarding our stock to look at.
It's great how all of you are doing your own due diligence.
It's extremely pleasing  to know that many of you take an interest in your investment decisions.
The internet is full of information, you just need to spend a little bit of time on it.

For those asking about teaching financial astrology the answer is no I'm not interested at the present time.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Starting point is dangerously low.

Hi readers

I don't want to say too much on it but it has to be said !
Is there that much hatred towards each other in the world?
To the Muslim extremists this is not the way to conquer the world.
Yes the western world has a lot to answer for and I don't blame you in wanting to revenge the west but killing innocent people is a weak act which is a sin for taking a soul.

There is no 49 virgins waiting for you a total bullshit belief.

As Gaddafi once said to anyone who listened ... Muslims can takeover the world without firing a single shot. Just populate.
In France there has been and continues to be 14.3 Muslim babies born for every 1 western baby.
Take a look for yourselves
It's happening around the world..

Google  resource.
14.3/1 France
6.2/1 Germany
6.5/1 Australia
7.9/1 UK
8.3/1 US
In 30 years time whether we can accept it or not Muslim governments will run the world.
While the west has looked at lifestyle choices, Muslim haven't changed.
So why attack innocent people to make a point? Stupid and cowardly acts.

To the markets as your all aware this is as good as it get for the November month.
Now we are heading into some serious head wind.
The issue is the starting point is low so we could go for a serious run down.
While the market will be up today as stated in the November dates, start looking for potential points to sell.
To those who we sent out our favourite stock for the next 18 months, the reason we said don't chase it was for what's ahead.
Market is ripe for a shake out heading into the festive seasons.
Amature traders  tend to jump in on stock without being patient and end pay up.
Yes the big picture is huge but there is still time so why rush.

To the broking house who sent the email! It's all good.
The stock will be much higher than you believe regardless of your efforts to reduce.
You have another 3 weeks to play your game then watch the astrology takeover.
Should you wish to do a cross you have my email happy to take what you through up.
But warn you, I won't release until I get my price, not the conservative price .

Thursday, November 12, 2015

BHP can trade under $15

Hi readers

I'm surprised how many of you are holding BHP shares and hoping for the stock to trade higher!
When the stock was at $33 I clearly stated that the stock would see $15 before $40.
That didn't go down well with a number of readers.
Six months on and now you can see how financial astrology works.
I understand when you don't pay for something you don't take it seriously.
But I ask you this ?
What's the broker who you paid for his advice telling you now, hold !! Buy more!!!
Maybe he has told you to average down and keep increasing the losses....You paid for it so blame yourself for your losses.
I can not move the stock with the comments I make either so please accept the fact that suckers a born daily and you are one.
Yes I don't get all my trades right nor do I claim to either.
Financial astrology can predict sentiment in a stock or Stockmarket.
BHP had a number of negatives and continues too.
It's when those negatives wane somewhat that a buy for a trade appears.
Currently this is not the case and yes stock can trade Under $15, if panic sets in as its starting to show.
Yes all super has BHP stock so don't expect positive returns either.
There are times readers where you have to trust good people who offer something to you for free.

To the readers who have asked me the company which I'm buying!
I'm unable to publicly post it, as the stock is under a dollar at the present time.
But over the next 18-24 months the stock should triple if not more.
It has a wonderful Jupiter trine Venus which will support it greatly.

But it's important that you do your own due diligence on it and make up your own decision.
It has a great name brand in all supermarkets in Australia.
I have been buying the stock slowly daily.
Email me and I'll send it to you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dole endorsement what for ?

Hi readers

It's interesting to see how the race for the GOP nomination is playing out.
We seem to have losers endorsing potential losers.
As is the case with Bob Dole on Jed Bush.
It's surprising how people believe this can and will help secure the nomination.
It's sad also to see that Donald Trump is playing the race card consistently.
Whether  it's right or wrong is not up to me to judge, but I don't believe it's wise.

It was only a matter of time before the GOP authority acted on Mr Carson.
Whether they are trying to test him out to see if he can handle himself, all parties need to becareful of the language used.
As stated previously Carson can win the election against Hilary , but geez it will be very close.
Donald is a dark horse, out of control, power will get to him, his URN/JUP semi sextile is very hard to read.
One minute he'll speak well with logical reason, next minute he'll put his foot in it and wastes energy trying to clarify what he says..
Against Carson his no match, but against Hilary his a smokey chance.

With the democrats I believe the other candidates are just trying to make it look like a race.
Hilary is there candidate, just needs to be smart and continue using the words ( us and we not I).
It's her presidency to loose.

As was the case previously when we wrote about her chances.
She is the alpha, only question I have is if and its a big if the republicans can get behind Carson he can defeat her.
Let's see if the party can grow up.(GOP)
To win an election you need democrats to vote for you not just GOP voters, something the GOP candidates don't realise, with the comments they make.

To the markets

I said this previously look for companies which produce products.
Staple not technology.
The technology products at the present time are just being pulled out of the closet.
There is nothing out there which is a must have.

Previously 14 months ago I email a number of you who had asked for a stock to look at Capilano Honey producer (CZZ) on the ASX. Stock was around $5-6 , got to our target of $20.
Stock had an amazing astrological chart which was easy money.

With the potential slowdown coming 2016 isn't going to be a year to sit on blue chip stocks.
It's the next level stocks who will have the best growth going forward.
That's why I urge you all to look into companies that produce products for human consumption.
Whether it's in Australia, Russia or the USA we all can move money around with a click of a mouse.

At the present time I see the best opportunities again in Australia only because australian investors are fearful of loss and don't understand business long term investment.
To the Russian and American readers , in Australia if  an investor buys a stock and the stock isn't in profit after 30 days for some reason panic sets it and they just sell.
I don't no if it's uneducated or what but it's amazing how people trade around the world.
Australia has the beautiful system where superfunds can't invest in stocks unless they meet certain criterias.
As a result investors can buy good stocks cheap and then once business florish then superfunds buy the stocks further up, therefore enhancing profits.

New Moon truths

Hi readers

Markets are trading as anticipated another tick for financial astrology.
Today I saw far less gap trading in both the ASX200 and the ES during globex period.
That doesn't mean it's over, its the carm  before the storm, so please use caution in your trading.

I said look for scandals on the new moon, we are witnessing them.
BHP with the Brazilian disaster, politically in Melbourne with the governments deceit to win office, and there should be one more coming in the US tonight.

I just wanted to also say thank you for the emails I've received, I'm very humble at the fact many of you have been able to turn your trading around with the astrological input.
Bottom line is you deserve it as you spend 5 minutes a day reading what I post.
I hope you all make millions and screw the hedge funds out there, who basically steal from small traders.
The whole financial system is designed to protect the institutions and to screw the small traders.
As those who lost everything from MF GLOBAL, will tell you the thieves never went to jail, yet stole $800 million segregated funds.
Yep the regulators are in on the party too so don't expect any sympathy.
They will chase down anyone small player they can push around but when it comes to the elephants, there the untouchables.
Perfect example was Renee Rivikin.

Had to post this email. ( got permission to)

Ok I get that there is something to what you put out but seriously!
This is become ridiculous.
At first I thought that you where like Mahendra Sharma, always calling one way and eventually you'll be right, but I give credit where credit is due.
Someone post on Hot Copper , a link and since then have been a avid reader.
I trade mainly options and futures in, BHP , SPI, ES or Gold.
You have assisted me in making serious windfalls of late and would like to show my appreciation by sending you something .
As I believe nobody does something for nothing these days.
I have as you asked donated, by dropping $500 at a musician outside Flinder Street station, and another $1500 to the Kids under cover shelter in Footscray.
I felt so good about doing it, something I would never have done previously.
The wife wants to meet you, to say thank you as I bought here a new Audi.
So should you ever come to Melbourne you are invited over for dinner at my house.
Below is my number don't hesitate to call.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Australia raising taxes????? Not smart

Hi readers

Markets are playing catch up at the present time..
Many have been burnt trading on technicals alone and I'm starting to see thin gap trading.
While this is early before the XMAS holiday season, its a cautious period we are heading into.

The astrology hasn't changed at all for the month, but the volatility could freak out many.
Today on the ASX200 we saw the market open run 20 points up then drop 50 points.
Only to gain 20 again then drop another 20, then run 50 till the close.
The issue with this is that the volatility was aggressive even for the ASX200.
So while the astrology stands the moves in percentage terms might be more.

Is BHP a buy at the present time?
The answer to that is NO..
Sit tight and wait, same with the banks in Australia, all are still way overpriced.
Current P/E ratios are on past performances.
If you think banks will make same or more profits next year then buy them.
But the astrology is against you.
In fact the astrology is very negative for Australia for a while.

For the astrologers out there Pluto moves to 7 degrees from the birth chart of the GST in Australia we see the political infighting going to the next level regarding raising the rate.
Whether people can accept it or not Australia lives beyond its means.
It spends far to much capital per head of population.
Can't keep living on the borrowed money.

But one warning raising the GST won't solve the issues Australia has.
Germany started at 10% too and now is at 19%

A raising of the rate will nose dive the economy, regardless of the bull shit the government reckons about compensating the low income earners.
In case you don't realise they are the economy, rich people are tight asses.
I know this as I am one.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Australian Property starting to tip over

Hi readers
Market is playing out as expected nothing else really to report.
Housing bubble has popped as expected and getting worse, media just hasn't picked up on it yet.
Real estate agents around Melbourne and Sydney know it but refuse to admit it! (Trying to play it down as a correction before panic really sets in).
When you look at the numbers it the median areas which are struggling to sell . ( working class)
Had Australia burst the bubble back in 2008 this would then be a correction.
But government back then handed out money and increase first home buyer schemes which just inflated prices more.
Anyway stay in cash and just wait..

I got this email from a reader.

I picked up your blog from a Twitter account.
I'm sure you know her Kate.
For some reason she called you her orical.
I now understand why.
Been a keen reader of your blog for a while.
I'm assuming James Bond isn't your real name either not that I really care.
The reason I was asking in September for you to expose your trades was to show to some of my clients what your about.
Some had there doubts but went along with the proposal I put to them.
Yes by now you realise I am a broker, at one of the larger investment firms in Melbourne.
In October after we closed out of the BHP shares and index positions a decision was made by all of my serious clients to seriously trade your calls with my technicals as a filter.
Last week we did so, and while the market was trading higher due to Wall Streets closing positive, we  attacked the market.
While our Sydney office had orders from overseas to buy we kept hitting the bid as quick as it was coming.
By lunchtime Melbourne time all our positions had been filled and it was a sit and wait attitude.
What was evident I could not believe.
Afternoon market started to slide.
The next day it continued as you had stated, we found ourselves sitting on 100+ point  profit per contract within 24 hours, which is remarkable considering the markets where not volatile.
I started closing positions out in the ASX200 as that's serious money with the volume we had.
5155-5165 we had covered all positions and the next day started buying the market around the same area.
We ended up closing out on Friday near the end of the day at the 5210-5215 area.

To make so much in the space of such a short time is remarkable.
I've been in this industry for 17 years and have seen a hell of a lot of pie in the sky schemes.
My clients have asked me to speak with you about doing some sort of an advisory should you decide to give up posting, as they would be more than willing to compensate you for your time.
Management here have also asked to make contact with you.
After writing up 110K in business in  3 days you know why.

We now have the Sydney office cautions when we enter the market...👀👀

As for giving something back as you ask, 4 of my clients I know for a fact donated $25K to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.
Please consider my offer and get back to me.
Should you not be able to travel to Australia for whatever reason, we would be happy to see you in Singapore.

Melbourne office

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November's dates ..

Hi readers ..
Market looks like it want to run and so it should but for how long..
Melbourne Cup was on and I hate to say it but my horse came second.. Max Dynamite.
There is always next year I guess.

RBA didn't move on rate, as expected.
Anyone who understands the banking system in Australia  would realise that the banks raised rates with the blessing of the RBA.
How stupid would it look if the banks moved on rates and then the RBA cut the cash rate 2 weeks later!
I noticed the smart money is bailing out of BHP, which isn't unexpected.
There is a buy coming soon!

The astrological dates for November ...

5th down
6th up
10th up
11th up new moon in Scorpio ..a number of scandals coming. Watch oil, and grains
12th up
13th up in the morning.
17th up
19th down
20th down
22nd,23rd very choppy best to stay away
25th big down day
30th up

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Up = positive astrology
Down= negative astrology.

The above is for the S&P and the ASX200..
Hang SENG won't have the positives as much as the other two markets.
Europe will follow but percentage terms far less.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

One for the true believers of financial astrology

Hi readers

Friday's trading was one for the true believers of financial astrology.
Market was against us during globex and most of the morning until it was unable to stay up and fell away.
While some got concerned about the move down in the end astrology came through.
It's was however disappointing that the market didn't fall to the 2050 level which I had anticipated.
That to me is a warning sign..
Market could be ready to explode to the upside soon..
But then when you look at the ASX200 or Hong Kong there dragging there feet.
Anyway all in all once again a great month of trading and great profits.

Will post later on today the astrology for the November month ahead.

In stocks
AAPL pushed up which once again, looks like everyone will be recieving a new IPhone for Xmas.
As for NFLX going up on hope.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

We got our 2% move down and BHP UNDER $23

Hi readers

The Asx200 has performed as expected sliding over 2% which is wonderful.
Another tick for financial astrology.
BHP also is under $23 as expected.
The S&P at the present time is going to make us sweat it out till the close it looks like.
I'm still holding my shorts at 2080 there, and confident with the astrology I have that it will closed down hard tonight.

For those of you who keep asking about the Housing mortgagee sales they are on the website and the domain also.
This week there is 411 in both Sydney and Melbourne markets.

For those who are thinking of holding on to the ASX200 positions, choice is your but I like closing out positions as to the rule. Cash is KING in my world.

You sleep in the bed you spread

Hi readers

I don't usually post in the afternoons but this is unbelievable what's on the news here in Singapore.
Privately educated students bragging that they are the elites of the state.

How's this for a quote " just remember that your parents work for mine so don't complain to them or you never know what might happen".

I've never seen or heard of such stuck up people of this world.
I don't blame the students posting on social media the above but the parents of the students,( Xavier College in Melbourne).
Well done Australia for creating a two tier society.
Your catching up to the Americans.
Asian are elite but very humble, and appreciate those who don't.

Another thing too which I laughed my ass off,
How can police in Melbourne issue 1000 speeding fines a day to people travelling 2 Kilometres over the speed limit yet can't catch 2 bush wakes who have been on the run for 8 years.
Something is so terribly wrong with policing in Melbourne/Australia.

 In the market today

I managed to set myself up for the fall tomorrow.
It looks as tho many other also did to which is annoying as the move has already been created in the ASX200.
In the S&P I manged to picked up 2081, which I'm comfortable with .
Won't surprise me if we see 2050 or lower tonight, which will then kill the move somewhat on Friday.
Then we will have to reassess.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fed has no credibility .

Morning readers

Finally we get some news to talk about.
The fed now has a December agenda to raise rates!
The market rallies on it ..... You have to laugh seriously..
The economy is fragile as it is and the fed is going to raise rates just before Xmas...
If you believe that then your a fool.
That's why the market rallied today the hot money doesn't believe a word of the fed and neither should you.
All the banks around the world are behind the game.
If they are going to continue using primitive economics then that's where economic policy will stay, in the stone age.

On the political front I'm so happy today that Carson is ahead in the polls for the republican nomination.
His got Donald spinning about not being ahead in the polls.
As for the other candidates there wasting there time and money.
Jed Bush has no chance, thanks to George W.
People don't forget what life was like.

What's heartening for the republicans is that Carson can sway the swing voters and that's what needs to be done, not just pick up the republican votes.
I don't see anyone else in the Republican nominees doing that.
It's my view that I think his the only person to take the fight right up to Hilary and maybe win.

In trading
Today will start looking for shorting opportunities for Friday's move.
Wall Street blew past levels which long term shorts where and had to cover traders.
No need to rush any short positions, watch your work and if it comes take it if not wait.

By the way to the Australian readers, don't anticipate a rate cut before Xmas.
If for some reason the RBA does move 63 is the next point on the $A.
Only a fool would act just after the banks moved rates up because of recommendations by the RBA.
See how the market is fooling many small traders.
Authorities around the world have worked out how to play its people with the media.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Let be realistic....

Hi readers

Not much has happened since last post.
Oil has dropped away , stocks are going up and down.
So far today we went short the open on the ASX200  and covered for a nice profit.
 Just waiting on the S&P to pop up a little more to the 67-68 area and will also short for a trade.
Notice how BHP is back under $24 and as stated previously should close under $23 by month end.

A number of you are asking questions which I've answered before, but for those who are first time reader will answer again.

First use the planning dates as a guide.
Use it as a filter to your own work.
 If it agrees then the trade could be a true move.

Set profits targets and to be honest some are ridiculous.
Look at a 25-40 point moves on the ASX200, that's over .50-.75% return for the day.
On days that I expect a serious move I look for 1-2%.
Get the idea of a full blooded bull or bear market out of your head.
Trade what's in front of you not what might be.
With other market use same principle, work on a .50-.75% return.
If you achieve this in a month then a 5-10% return not out of the question.

Don't be one of those desperate traders looking to trade daily, a few points in the end you will get caught and get burnt badly.

Personally I only trade the astrological days that I post for all to see.
Days of no astrological significance walk away from the computer, the market will still be there tomorrow.

All other days are subject to the manipulators moving the market from side to side for there own interests.( option premium/ expiry)

The China troubles haven't finished yet by a long way, government has just flooded the market with money at the present time.
Yet still only 38% of the market is being traded.

Readers if the above is beyond you then it might be time to let others trade for you and you pay them.
Trading should not be stressful.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

financial astrology keeps on loading the pockets

 Hi readers

I thought it would be ideal to just let the market trade with the astrology already posted for the day's moves.
As you can all see now, astrology does work whether you can accept it or not that's another issue.
Smart traders use it as a tool while foolish traders will always criticise it.
I've found those who always put it down are those who have major flaws in there trading, as a result they are the 85% who donate to the 15% .

As for news around the world.
In Australia it's a serious mess which it's getting cleaned up.
The economy is running on the credit card and that has to end.
Westpac raises rates .25% and all of a sudden the property market is in trouble.
For those of you who have been following our wisdom in keeping out of the property market, just sit back and wait for the bargain to fall in your lap.
On the 10th of October banks sold 88 in Melbourne , on the 17th of October banks sold 197 properties in Melbourne.
It's reported that this weekend 24th October 394 properties will go to auction due to defaulting/repossession.
Yep the property market is just fine don't panic...LOL... Someone forgot to tell melbournians the truth.
As for Sydney well that's another bomb which is about explode.

NFLX...sure it's growing but what the public doesn't realise is that , a free 60 days trail is not a subscription.
As a result professional money has been selling the stock while the uneducated keep talking up the stock, as a buy.
APPL is another which requires caution.
Sure the crazy must have's will always buy anything new that comes out but after that what next.
We have already been told that IPhone 7&8 are on the way next year.
This company has got to where it is because of its innovation not production line profits.
If not careful this company could become another Microsoft.

On the political front, the democrats look like a rubble at the moment.
Wanting to show that Hilary isn't a sure thing is smart and stupid.
Burning Joe Biden isn't smart.
As for the republicans the spats between candidates isn't the way to win elections.

In trading
There is a nice sell off next week coming which we are getting prepared for.
This Friday's move is I guess for a small trade or a clean out.

To those who traded BHP with us now you can see what we are talking about.
We took the 12-15% move, got out others bought the stock above $25 thinking the stock would go to  $30 and now the stock is going back under 23 by the end of the month.

Anyway those who are short at the present time heading into next week use caution, as market don't trade one way..


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Taking profits today .

Hi readers

So the market is performing as expected.
When we look at the moves we see that a number of stocks have come a long way while others have struggled.
That's why we see such huge differences in the indexes, due to the weighting of certain stocks.

Example in Australia BHP was a big weighting in the ASX200, hence that index has moved up almost 8% in a week.
On the flip side APPL weighting has dragged the S&P and NAS, 6%..
Please note that it's not set in stone that market must recap all of the % move the opposite side. It's a guide.
So these are just examples nothing more.

So today markets will be positive, and I will be closing out of all long positions.
As stated previously next week a reality check will set in and we could loose a fair amount of the gain the market has achieved this week.
Remember readers we are traders not Bulls or Bears.

Yes we might have got out of BHP early but we I did make over 10% in 5 trading days, so I'm happy with that.

To the German readers,  liquidate Volkswagen stock also as it can drop Again.

In regards to the U.S. indexes carrying long position over the weekend is at your own risk.
Be smart take the money and reassess next week .
As my Japanese trading mentor once said to me many moons ago " it's ok to leave a little bit on the table, your not going to find suckers if you don't."

To my NFL friends.. Steeler I believe will win this week , so to the Packer.
Yes I am a huge fan of GB and PITTS...
Not a NE fan just want to see them get to the Super Bowl and loose to either the GB or PITTS.
It's just my view but Tom Brady knew all along that the ball was flat last year.
But the NFL just want it to go away.

Enjoy your weekend guy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Liquidated BHP as forecasted Monday .. When stock was at $23

Hi readers

As I've said before how go is this
Liquidated all BHP shares at a nice profit.
Please remember we are under the Mercury illusion so don't be lovers of the stock or indexes..
Sure market will trade higher but use caution.

Murphy's rule ....

 What goes up must come down.
Next week it will be interesting to see how much the market corrects...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Apple isn't what is it seems.

Hi readers

To my NFL Friends , great effort by the 49ers to only loose by 14.
The 49ers QB to me is shattered and needs to be replaces by a rookie.
Also it might be time to throw J.Haynes into the deep end..
The kid has great side step and has pace, so time to see what his made of.
They do make them tough in Australia so he can hold his own.
If he doesn't play this week coach should go, as hope is for God not a NFL ground.
Andrew luck is another that need to lift...

To the markets.
I'm still holding all my positions as posted and yes as you can see all are doing fine.
As for the darling stock APPL we saw what they posted.
While many small traders would be happy and thinking of big profit numbers, when you look at the real figure the profitability of those sales is what the professional money is looking at.
That is what the problem is.
Anyone can sell 13 million units but what is the profitability ? ( disappointing).

For those who want to know
I will be closing out of my trading position on Fridays positive day.
As for my stock (BHP) anything above $25 and I will liquidate, should it come before Friday.

Please read past post to understand the formula of a Mercury retrograde.
That will give you an idea of where the market might go.
I do believe that the SP was at the 1960, and the ASX200 was around 5100.( don't hold me to it).
Do your own research on it.

As for praises for the planning dates no need for it.
I hope it helps you make money.
Remember please to give something back to those in need.
KARMA has a wonderful way of rewarding those who give.
Even if it's a tip to a waiter or a musician playing his tune in the city.

I have a soft spot for Autism.
Good luck and please use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Planning dates

Hi readers

For the planners

5th up 
6th up but becoming weak late in the day 
9th up .liquidate longs
12th big down day 
14th mildly up 
16th down
19th up a little
20th down
23rd up in the morning down in the afternoon
28th down 
30th down aggressively

Means to the above..
Up......positive astrology
Down ....negative astrology.

The above astrological dates are for the following markets- Asx200, NAS,S&P and Hang SENG.

Note that Mercury goes direct on the 9th so the current illusion of the markets trading up will wear off and reality will come back.

Date that are not above have little astrological influence , and therefore I don't trade them regardless of news or earning.

Friday, October 2, 2015

How awesome is this market

Hi readers

Well what a week it's been.
Volatility is the word at the present time.
Markets dip at the start of the week only to make it all back up by the close of the week.
For those who are asking yes I am holding all my position and intend to for a while.

Lunar eclipse has brought out a lot of rubbish into the public eye which isn't of any use to anyone or the market.
It's just a simple case of professional money pulling orders off and with no buyers around weak hands had to sell at any price.
As we saw with BHP under $22...
While I am a bear and am bearish on BHP, a good trader has to realise a great bargin when he sees it.
Yes if BHP trades above $25 I will liquidate the stock.
I expect this end of the month.
For those of you who are curious to understand my reasons for it , quiet simply the astrology is positive till the end of the month.
For the researchers look at what the market was at the start of the Mercury retrograde?
We have seen the bottom I believe!
Work out what the percentage move ?
Now put that to the original number of what the market was before the retrograde to get an ideal of where the market will head to .
This is what I am trading...

On the political fronts

It is just my view only of course but it looks as tho Hilary help out a friend who was short biotech return for donations...
Her comments are totally unwarranted .... Errors like that are a big no no's or else they will bite her back.
To the Republicans readers
 Mr Carson is gain strength while Mr Trump wants endorsement from Tom Brady.
Seriously what has a footballer got to do with politics.

In Australia it hasn't even started yet and the liberal parties dog act on its leaders is gaining momentum.
Member leaving the party in droves, refusing to renewal membership.
All because of the media's polling which spooked the weak members of the party.
You don't see them now trying to talk to member to stay with the party.
Australian politics has because so metro that if they stay with Mr Turnball, the polls will have him winning yet they will loose the election and by a serious amount.
Tony Abbott knows this and that's why his keeping quiet..
( also I believe there is a reader who is extremely close to him).
He doesn't need to hang up dirty laundry.
The membership is doing it for him.
I read in the Australian that 18000 members of the 63000 refuse to renewal memberships.
If this continues the party will struggle.
We still haven't seen Mr Turnball be tested yet... February is only 5 months away.
Labour won't test him it's the polls and the media that will.

To the planners
I will do the astrology for the month and post it by Monday.

To the NFL friends Micheal Vick is no Ben , so we have to accept it, but he did play well...
As NE has the bye, I cant see the 49s getting within 20 of Green Bay..
Even at home for the 49s QB past performances are just that past.
Packers blockers are to good, and Rodgers will murder them.
If the 49s get with 20 of the packers that will be a great result.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Look for bargins

Hi readers

Anyone who has basic knowledge of astrology will tell you that anything said or done during a Mercury retrograde period is wrong.
Which brings me to my point of the fed....
I seriously can't believe that board members and running around talking up a rate rise.
There chance to do so was in June and July and they missed that opportunity.

Yesterday an over reaction to bullshit spooked many small investors.
Institutional traders just pulled orders off and the markets fell hard.
In Australian in particular where overseas dominates trade, market really took a beating.

Many have asked to see my trades and I don't mind posting.
Don't know what purpose it will serve but most want to know.

I took a small clip on the ASX200...all other trades holding.

Open position
NFLX 11000@114.24 short long term
AAPL 12000@ 116.13 short long term
NFLX 5000@110.86 short long term.
BHP.... 15000@$22.51
ES....25@ 1907.75
NQ ....10@4192
NQ....20@ 4125
NQ ...20@4061

Closed positions
ASX200 40....5005 closed 5100
ASX200 60....5005 closed 4953

As you can all see I have a number of open loosing positions including stocks.

Today I will re establish long position in the ASX200 and buy more BHP..(6500 )

These are my trade at the present time.
I don't understand what purpose it will give other than a guide to how I trade, or the way I trade.

The astrology hasn't changed people so the media might be talking about disasters and billions whipped off the value of stocks, to me it's buy something at a discounted price.

I talk to so many people and we know how to look for bargains at department stores, like the 30% of store wide sales yet when it come to the stock market we just freeze up.
The psychology of a human.

An amazing thing it is.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

buy this morning

Hi readers.

For those who want to know, bought the ASX200 hard this morning, also took positions in Dec ES, NAS.
In stocks bought BHP At $22.50

To the NFL lovers, once again the steelers came through, with Green Bay

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Time to get ready

Hi readers

The lunar eclipse is upon us on the weekend..
While many are predicting trouble and potential collapse of the market.
I don't see this happening.
Yes while Monday will be a down day I will be a heavy buyer, as last 2 days of the month are very positive powerful days.
Yes 2 to 3% is not out of the question.

Please also note that it's a pay day month which means most fund managers will be holding of selling to make books look rosy to sway new capital.
I know many of you don't believe or understand it but it's very true.
As performance bonuses are what managers chase.

Those who also trade option might be a good opportunity to trade for a short term.

In news well Yellen is full of shit ..
If the Fed thinks they can raise rates they all need to be drug tested.
The FED is paralysed.

In stocks look at index stocks, and VW is a steal...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Time to just sit and wait, until the right time.

Hi readers

By now many of your who are regular readers will have fully understood how astrology works in the markets.
It's always ahead of the pack so smart trading and decision making is important.
To those who have taken advantage of the dates I put out congratulations on your trading.
If astrology assist you in your trading performance then it's served its purpose.
The fact that you spend 5 minutes reading this blog you deserve every cent you make.

To those who wish to donate funds please do so to something worth while.
I personally have donated hundreds of thousands to Autism.

I'm so thrilled at the present time to read so many doing well with the planning dates.
It's very satisfying.
Even a junior trader who started work at a hedge fund has worked himself up to full associate with his performance over the last 2 months.
Fund is up over 19% overall with his trading up 66% for the quarter.

To the Australian readers who trade the SPI, also cleaned up big time.
Those of you who trade the CFDs congrats seriously.
I say this readers because many have emailed me a copy of there trading statement.

Time has now come to just wait.
Yes do nothing, the astrology isn't strong in any direction so we just wait for the next move.
Please don't sit in trades and hope or watch for something to happen, you will get caught out and loose your money.
Smart traders wait for the right moment to strike, fools go in regardless and just donate to the bankers.
The next move is for a push up but we are some days away from it so do something else, please don't chase the market as it will burn you.
We are in retrograde....

In political events what do you say?
Trump getting stuck into FOX news.
Jed Bush has the guts to open his mouth about Hilary...😩

Then in Australia the conspiracy about Tony Abbotts assistant working for Malcom Turnball.
The rat being Scott Morrison...

As I have said before any international investor should be out of Australian assets.
This country will be in recession within 12 months...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

People become evil when race is used to obtain popularity

Hi readers

What a week it was!
From a fed with no bite, using every excuse not to raise rates, to a potential candidate becoming a racial stir.
What many have to stop and think about has Mr trump has the ability to bring people together for the common good of all.
I say this because whether you like it or not Muslim people are conquering the world by populating it.
The western world is to involved in the bullshit of worrying about the smallest of things and keeping up with the Jone's of the world instead of opting for the simple things in life.

At the present time the ratio of Muslim children being born in Europe is 8to1..
That's the facts people ...
What's more interesting is that there are no controls as in China the one child policy either.
So in the next 30 years what will this world look like. That's why it's stupid and foolish for Mr trump to racially take cheap shots at these people as in the future you will have to work with them.
Muslim people are not bought with money either so take that out of the equation, it's all about the belief, so don't try to change them.

This is Mr Trumps gutter tactics and he his branding the Republican party.
That's why he isn't the right guy to lead for nomination.
This is why if he is up against Hilary, she will win by a country mile .
People are disillusioned with Mr Trump. But paid supporters will support.

Yellen in particular is loosing a lot of here brownie points by not standing up and raising rates.
The fact that the fed hasn't moved has opened the door to the market, this fed chairwoman has no bite.
Another US crisis has been born as of Wednesday last week...
We will see it in the next 9-15 months time.
For now it will just grow legs and expand slowly and it's all because of Wednesday decision.

On the stock front ...
Notice how during the Mercury retrograde we are reading news of APPLE killing it in China.
Complete illusionary crap..
They are practically giving the phones away, at zero profitability, also the I.O.S 9 operations system got launched for download during the Mercury retrograde, expect disasters with the software..
I wouldn't download it as you might find the software freezes up your phones or IPads.

To the amateur astrologers who asked regarding  NFL teams.

Yes if your able to find the birth chart inception of a team and the coach you can predict the event.
The QB has no relevance.
It does take a lot of work to be accurate, but is possible.

Note this that during a Mercury retrograde upsets tend to be more often.
As was the case with Patriots, but you need to do the astrology.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Take it easy with the emails.

Hi readers

Just want to apologise if I hit a raw nerve this morning with the post but it is what it is.
A number of you are obviously Turnball supporters and good luck to you.
I am only interested in the astrology of the event.
On the day and time which this took place was very wrong.
Malcolm's astrology for the next 4 years is also filled with deceit...
I don't care who runs the country.

If same sex marriage, a republic or shit talk is important to you then he's the ideal leader.
Who gives a stuff about tax reform, jobs or opening export markets.
Behind the scene which the media doesn't give a stuff about this is what Mr Abbott was doing.
Media's only interest is to sell papers..
That's why your economy is still growing and not in recession like Canada.
But you don't realise it until it's too late ... A typical human trait.
Refusing to accept what's ahead until it's too late.

If he was a good thing market would be positive today, even a point...

For the Australian readers Malcolm is not trusted by Asia.
That's why the selling today came hard, in response ..
But hey same sex marriage is more important than economic prosperity.

The bottom line is that Malcolm should be a political reporter not a politician.
As he knows everything about anything... This is seriously going to be a circus.
Let's see when Malcolm Pluto/ Mercury squares up in February.
He won't know what the hell his saying, just like Julie Bishop. Young but stupid at times, great future but needs to learn more.

So please before you email your anger towards me, I'm only state what the astrology is showing.
As I said it's not good going forward.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The illusion compared to reality.

Hello readers

So for the dooms day believers market didn't collapse as many uneducated astrologers predicted.
As I said before the blood moon is nothing special, the eclipse this time around is very illusionary and we  have seen how it's started to affect many.
From political parties changing leader in Australia to the Chinese now want to punish manipulators/short sellers.
In the U.S. everyone is on edge about a potential rate move ,which I can not understand for the life of me.
Money has been for free there for the last 7 years and now that the fed wants to raise rates everyone is panicking that the dollar rise and kill exports.
In the grain market wheat had a good day and others followed.
For those who play the option market seriously look at call options for next year.
If wheat isn't around the $650-700 level next year March or earlier I'll be disappointed.

First I seriously want to make the point to all international investors .
If any of you have investments in Australia to sellout now, take your money and either wait or look elsewhere.
Australia will now slide into recession within 12 months starting from this date.
It won't be a case of weather the storm recession either.
There will be serious trouble and with a party who loves to be a media favourite, it's no one now that the country will fall quite hard on tough times.
As for the rats who have distablized the party with internal fighting, your political ambitions are over as you have branded yourselves. ( how dumb)

The eclipse has seriously hit the party where the illusion of  being on top in the polls will be evident yet you will loose the elections.

Readers STUPIDITY IS A DISEASE , once it starts it just keeps spreading.

When we say an illusionary eclipse it affects everything which has an emotional attachment.
It could be sport, markets , ideas you might have .

Example : in sport with the NRL the favourite lost roosters/storm game..
Or the AFL hawthorn/west coast  or my beloved Richmond lost against North Melbourne.
Which I knew was to be the case and put a packet on North.
This energy will stay with us for at least 3 months so please don't be surprised by outcomes you experience.

In stocks nothing has changed as far as I am concerned, NFLX is a dog stock , and AAPL is now producing irrelevant technology.

Readers I can tell you all we have signed a contact to give advice on innovation ideas to Samsung.
So for this reason I won't be giving any further ideas out on how to innovate moving forward.

David from New York, demand your people to innovate not release recycled technology.