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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Take it easy with the emails.

Hi readers

Just want to apologise if I hit a raw nerve this morning with the post but it is what it is.
A number of you are obviously Turnball supporters and good luck to you.
I am only interested in the astrology of the event.
On the day and time which this took place was very wrong.
Malcolm's astrology for the next 4 years is also filled with deceit...
I don't care who runs the country.

If same sex marriage, a republic or shit talk is important to you then he's the ideal leader.
Who gives a stuff about tax reform, jobs or opening export markets.
Behind the scene which the media doesn't give a stuff about this is what Mr Abbott was doing.
Media's only interest is to sell papers..
That's why your economy is still growing and not in recession like Canada.
But you don't realise it until it's too late ... A typical human trait.
Refusing to accept what's ahead until it's too late.

If he was a good thing market would be positive today, even a point...

For the Australian readers Malcolm is not trusted by Asia.
That's why the selling today came hard, in response ..
But hey same sex marriage is more important than economic prosperity.

The bottom line is that Malcolm should be a political reporter not a politician.
As he knows everything about anything... This is seriously going to be a circus.
Let's see when Malcolm Pluto/ Mercury squares up in February.
He won't know what the hell his saying, just like Julie Bishop. Young but stupid at times, great future but needs to learn more.

So please before you email your anger towards me, I'm only state what the astrology is showing.
As I said it's not good going forward.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The illusion compared to reality.

Hello readers

So for the dooms day believers market didn't collapse as many uneducated astrologers predicted.
As I said before the blood moon is nothing special, the eclipse this time around is very illusionary and we  have seen how it's started to affect many.
From political parties changing leader in Australia to the Chinese now want to punish manipulators/short sellers.
In the U.S. everyone is on edge about a potential rate move ,which I can not understand for the life of me.
Money has been for free there for the last 7 years and now that the fed wants to raise rates everyone is panicking that the dollar rise and kill exports.
In the grain market wheat had a good day and others followed.
For those who play the option market seriously look at call options for next year.
If wheat isn't around the $650-700 level next year March or earlier I'll be disappointed.

First I seriously want to make the point to all international investors .
If any of you have investments in Australia to sellout now, take your money and either wait or look elsewhere.
Australia will now slide into recession within 12 months starting from this date.
It won't be a case of weather the storm recession either.
There will be serious trouble and with a party who loves to be a media favourite, it's no one now that the country will fall quite hard on tough times.
As for the rats who have distablized the party with internal fighting, your political ambitions are over as you have branded yourselves. ( how dumb)

The eclipse has seriously hit the party where the illusion of  being on top in the polls will be evident yet you will loose the elections.

Readers STUPIDITY IS A DISEASE , once it starts it just keeps spreading.

When we say an illusionary eclipse it affects everything which has an emotional attachment.
It could be sport, markets , ideas you might have .

Example : in sport with the NRL the favourite lost roosters/storm game..
Or the AFL hawthorn/west coast  or my beloved Richmond lost against North Melbourne.
Which I knew was to be the case and put a packet on North.
This energy will stay with us for at least 3 months so please don't be surprised by outcomes you experience.

In stocks nothing has changed as far as I am concerned, NFLX is a dog stock , and AAPL is now producing irrelevant technology.

Readers I can tell you all we have signed a contact to give advice on innovation ideas to Samsung.
So for this reason I won't be giving any further ideas out on how to innovate moving forward.

David from New York, demand your people to innovate not release recycled technology.