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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Simple answer to questions

 Hi readers 

Yesterday's post sparked some good and nasty emails which is all good but lets explore some of the issues I poked at

So the mum and dad bank is putting up on average close to $ 100,000 for the kids to buy there first home. 

The average marriage lasts for 5.7 years, with the first 3 years 66% divorce.

So lets assume the marriage dissolves and property prices drop just 10%mind you during a divorce no one pays the mortgage as there is so much hatred on both sides, who holds the can ??? yep Mum and DAD in there 65+age group with no income to service the mortgage so they end up selling the property.

So they sell on market and what do you get , Mum and Dad wearing the losses.

For the parents children they accept it but make sure its never forgotten, other siblings create arguments about helping one but not the other and you have  what we call a chaotic environment. 

This my dear readers is whats coming with the lunar eclipse and the mercury retrograde end of the month and next month.

I'm only telling you what the planetary moves are showing.

On the crypto side yes everything is going up on momentum, and yes while shit is going up I ask a very simple question to all who trade it.

Does the fact that Dogecoin now being the fourth most valuable coin proves that crypto markets are nothing but a gamble.

Or does it prove that you Crypto currencies are a joke and cant be taken seriously as an investment.

When your able to answer these questions honestly then you'll understand where the market is at .

Should you buy crypto now .. your choice, but I'm not 

If you believe in cycles and what have you then you should be aware that we are in the 4 year cycle now and last time I checked no one said that the 4 year cycle ended in December so be aware of it when making this decision.

Yes I have put together a list of both stocks and crypto coins going forward which in 4 years from now will be huge earners, far better than property or money in the bank.

At the present time they are expensive but once the market shakes up they will be cheap.

They are a 4 year investment not a day trade or hour trade, and are purely based on Astrological aspects.

Will look at releasing on the Eclipse not before.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Hi readers 

Months ago I put the acid on management and what it means to a company.

I compared BUB.AX and ABR.AX.

At the time BUB was around 89 cents while ABR was around the 79 cents and I clearly stated the ABR's management was far more connected and stronger than the BUB's management.

So lets look at where we are at the present time.

BUB.AX shares are at 40 cents while ABR.AX is at $2.38.

What does that tell you in regards to managements ability to adapt to a changing environment.

As a shareholder of both companies it tells me what I already knew, bubs management in incompetent.

From the CEO to the board there all in the same pot the word useless does ring a bell.

As a shareholder everything the company has done has failed and I don't blame anyone except the shareholders for allowing the Board to pass through the gifts they did to management who have become lazy and incompetent.

Shareholders deserve this share price  as they chose to accept mediocrity performance.

Bubs management should be on $200 million sales targets not $30 million.

So don't be upset at the current share price as the blame falls squarely on your previous share holder meeting approval.

I don't complain unless i see an issue which I did at the last board vote but hey it is what it is, lets see what management does to fix the current issue they are facing

Reality check

 Hi readers

How good is this stock market, property market or crypto market.

You can make money no matter what while who gives a shit who will end up paying for it.

In fact nothing can go down!!! really since when was there a free ride in life.

Markets regardless of which is being training to believe things only go one way.

Just put your money down and all is sweet.

Rates are at levels we haven't seen in 80 years so why not!

Well I'd love to believe in fairies too but the reality is someone has to pay the piper for playing the tune.

Is the Covid game over, astrology has always shown that it has to keep playing out until 2022/23.

So lets pick an economy and run with the facts no media bullshit.

Australia, has spent just under  trillion Aussie dollars and what has it got for it ?

A booming housing market which the 10th biggest lenders to date is the mum and dad banks.

Small companies who have staff of less than 50 people are filing for liquidation and are under serious financial strain.

A booming Stock market with valuations higher that 3 years of anticipated revenue.

While the superannuation fund who hold property in there portfolios and loosing money hand over fist as there is no one in there to pay the rents. While they cant value there property holding to market conditions as they will face a 45% draw down.

So yep 1 trillion has done well for who ?

The states and Federal government. 

Property stamp duty is at record levels,for the states while the booming stock market will insure the federal governments capital gains tax is at record highs.

So yep Australia you are moving in the right direction.

Then we have our American counterparts.

They have just printed and pumped up 40% more money (11 trillion dollars) into the economy and what have they got for it.

An economy growing less that before the pandemic, banks loaning money only for speculation and a booming property/stock Market.

So the US economy is growing we are told great where and what?

On people buying in shops stuff like women shoes, Nike clothes, and MJ runners.

Small business is filing for bankruptcy protection and companies are laying off staff, so yep 11 trillion has done wonders for the US economy.

Notice the pattern readers, what has government done is swayed people to becoming gamblers.

If its not the stock market its the property market, if its not property then it's crypto.

How can you possibly go wrong in crypto  you buy a coin and the next day it go's up 50% like Dogecoin. Makes nothing represents nothing and is what, Luring in individuals of there savings.

Mum and Dad's will never get into crypto's, its got to be property, so property prices are exploding on FOMO yet earning are negative returns. There is 1.55 million properties vacant in Australia which are producing no rental income nothing and yet we ear the bullshit in Australia that there isn't enough property out there.

In America it's a similar picture there is 7.9 million properties vacant in the US, not producing rent or income, no one is living in them and there talking about no enough homes being built..really.

Now lets talk about real cost, to build a house in the US now cost 28% more just from Lumber costs going up.

Other costs like furniture and kitchens are a different story but for now lets just stick to the basics.

In Australia to build a new house prices have gone up by 26%.

From Fitting increases to telecommunication connection everything has gone up by double digit and yet inflation is just 1.8%.... really 

The world is being fooled into a false sense of security while those who have educated themselves have looked at alternative investments

Oil/fuel alone has gone up by over  20% in the last 4 months so how is it possible to have only 2 % inflation.

Finally a 90 year old man let the cat out of the bag which i suspect not many realized, Warren Buffet who would be the first to know if there is inflation or not said it at his Berkshire shareholder meeting.

Inflation is out of control but the media is spinning the tune of there masters, do the same groceries you did 2 months ago and tell me there is only 2% inflation.. 

Tell me there is a 4 month wait on furniture or a 12 month wait on Bull Bars and prices haven't risen.

Toyota wont sell 4 wheel drive vehicles with a bull bar as there is a 12 month wait .

yep we have a strong economy people .

Believe what you will but the fact is governments are looking after themselves not the people they represent.