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Thursday, August 1, 2019

China holds the aces, but is playing a weak hand in poker

Hi readers

So Trump is threatening to increase tariffs again on the Chinese.
Yes the Chinese government has in courageous businesses to buy from other sources other than American since this trade dispute started.
What we are seeing is that farm products from others sources are as good or better than the American products.
So with the strong farming lobby in the US kicking up a stink you can see why Trumps is making noises.
It's all bullshit so don't worry about it, the issue the US has is it has to devalue the dollar to squeeze the Chinese government, but the dollar bulls in the administration won't have a bar of it.
Hence why the crypto currencies at the present time is the asset which will take huge advantage of this.
This is what the astrology is showing.
Same with the Australian dollar, government and reserve bank wants to devalue the A$ to increase exports and increase employment so companies can fight for labor in the market place.
Again why cryptos will protect your dollar value.
Gold and others assets are good trading vehicles but there not open to public, unless your trading the futures market.
Sure buying gold companies has a degree of security but there is also the crap you need to put up with management and there excuses.

In regards to Bubs results they are unaudited, that's very important, as no manager or fund will buy the stock on unaudited results. Once the company's numbers are audited then fund investors will look to buy.
Buy into a company with unaudited numbers, the managers exposes himself to lawsuits should the investment go sour.
Lawyers love easy cases too so why risk it .

In regards to CLI.AX
This company has some wonderful astrology for the next year and a half.
Venus Jupiter is trines the 3 house and semisextile Chiron in the 5 house, the benefits This company will bring to people's health is huge.
The issue it has that it's Saturn Pluto square at 4 degrees at the end of 2020, indicates that there will be some sort of misappropriation of funds or deliberate theft by management.
But as long as we are out before November 2020 who care.

In regards to the marijuana medicinal usage, many do realise that the pharmaceutical industry can't just sit down and let this just explode.
Without a defence of there industry they will loose everything they have developed.
They must at all cost ridicule everything that comes out as it will cost there bottom line.
The quicker people understand that there is another way to health and treatment the better society will be.
The system we live in is a slave mentality, accept it or not that's the truth of it.
Banks keep increase debt on people with funding what people can have if there in debt.
Pharmaceutical with ads, do you have these issues, you need these tablets.
Government !with you can't do this without a permit, or that without an approval.

The western world has become such a nanny weak race that other cultures are gathering strength from the western worlds incompetence.

Meditated yesterday and the world is seriously going to shit because we are so preoccupied by crap on TV rather than talking to one another.
We do need to smarten up and do good for our fellow man, rather than thinking that it's a dog eat dog world.

As always the above issues are astrological outlooks
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Financial astrology is not financial advice.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sold 2 million for exposure in more crypto's

Hi readers

Bubs today cone out with its activity statement, as expected business is moving forward productively and for the first time it's cash positive for the last quarter.
The numbers are all good but the fact it's cash positive is huge..
I did sell today 2 million shares as stated, I need to diversify a little as opportunities are coming which I want to take full advantage of.
I still have millions more so there is no abandoning ship.

For the active astrologers you can start to see signs of the Pluto Capricorn starting to show the signs of trouble.
It's for this reason I have looked at the crypto currencies in a big way and will continue to expand my exposure.
With the funds I will be looking to increase my exposure to the disclosure coin and one or two others that I am looking at the astrology.
Some of you are worried about the couple of dollars that they have gone down but, you need to look at the bigger picture readers.
The coins will be in the thousands in the next 18 months and you will look at them and say if only.
I do believe it was similar case with BUBs at 15 cents and burning money.
Huge turn around, cash positive last quarter but 1000% more expensive.
That's what's coming in the crypto currencies.

My current Holdings and average prices
Bitcoin 296        $10578
Ethereum 1100.  $823
Litecoin 3100.    $94.05
Monero 1400.    $ 89.16
BNB. 3000.       $ 28.43

These are my current positions on Binance
I am in the process of opening an account at BTC markets to obtain Australia dollar exposure.

The above is astrological advice and it's behaviour.
As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
This is not financial advice and you should not take it as financial advice.
Seek professional advice before investing in the above stocks