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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November's dates ..

Hi readers ..
Market looks like it want to run and so it should but for how long..
Melbourne Cup was on and I hate to say it but my horse came second.. Max Dynamite.
There is always next year I guess.

RBA didn't move on rate, as expected.
Anyone who understands the banking system in Australia  would realise that the banks raised rates with the blessing of the RBA.
How stupid would it look if the banks moved on rates and then the RBA cut the cash rate 2 weeks later!
I noticed the smart money is bailing out of BHP, which isn't unexpected.
There is a buy coming soon!

The astrological dates for November ...

5th down
6th up
10th up
11th up new moon in Scorpio ..a number of scandals coming. Watch oil, and grains
12th up
13th up in the morning.
17th up
19th down
20th down
22nd,23rd very choppy best to stay away
25th big down day
30th up

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Up = positive astrology
Down= negative astrology.

The above is for the S&P and the ASX200..
Hang SENG won't have the positives as much as the other two markets.
Europe will follow but percentage terms far less.