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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Circus is in town

Hi readers

Well the circus is in town..
Yes I'm talking about the political scene.
The republicans are calling each other lairs while Hilary is making fun of them calling for a dog to work them out...
I'm so glad Ben Carson hasn't gotten into this crap.
Trump can be excused for not knowing how the system works but the others pathetic.
People are supposed to vote for these guys!!!!!

In Australia you have an independent report say the east west link is needed for  Victoria's  infustructure moving forward.
Government just paid 1.2 billion Australian dollars not to build it....LOL
Now it's needed but the government won't build it ....
It's my experience that labor governments are not forward thinkers.
That's why Australia is so backward thinking,( governments)..
People are smart, stupid governments.
I'm also glad to see the federal government not raising the GST.
But I do believe that the negative gearing tax can be scraped all together.
It's bullshit always has been.
Yes I too have taken great advantage of it and why not..
If the government wants to give me a hand out why not.

In the markets

Markets act very choppy which is great..
Good for day traders bad for investors.
Oil market is trying to get traction for higher prices
While gold looks like it's the perfect short.
Not say to short it I don't trade it but will look at it.
I love grains at the present time even tho there doing nothing at the moment, there the one commodity that can seriously explode overnight.
If I was a farmer I'd store it year over year.
As the Australian farmers do and release it slowly..

LOL ... Why isn't that a cartel ....dumb asses ACCC.

Anyway I'm wrapped that so many of you are watching the Twitter posts ..
Yes most are watching through the web pages rather than becoming a follower which is fine.
I try to be informative when I'm on it.
I'll try and answer all the email as quick as possible also..
But please note this there are no dumb questions..

Many of you are making the most silly mistakes and I totally understand where your coming from.
Forget looking at the market and trading.
Read up on it on the net,no  need to do bullshit courses which are crap..
Read up and understand it, if you don't understand it read it again until it sinks in.

Trading is like making a cake..

You have to know what your doing first up. Money management.
Ingredients .... What to trade and how to trade.
Baking .... What to look for and for how long to trade.
Special ingredient ... You little edge over everyone else.

Again readers trading is a business don't ever forget that.
There is no could of would of here..
You mess up it cost you money, not to mention the emotional stress which has no price.
Wall Street is full of trader graves...
People loosing everything and then taking the own lives because they can't face up to there mistakes.
This is not a game .... REMEMBER THAT.