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Friday, September 6, 2019

Venus Pluto trine has arrived.

Hi readers

Venus trines Pluto today, its the reason for the post today.
Many of you won't really understand it but planetary movement at the present time is speaking to us all.
While we are being swayed to read rubbish and watch trash on TV to distract our attention, governments around the world are pushing bills into law to in no uncertain terms control our movement and well being.
Hong Kong with the extradition bill, Australia with the cash bill, America with a kill switch on the internet.
These are all bills which are designed to control people's lives,wealth and freedom, all under the bullshit of terrorism.
Terrorism is a total make believe by the US agencies to put fear into people to pass through and invading people's lives.
The only way for it to be believed was to create an event and that's what occurred.
Similar with the Malaysia airlines plane that all of a sudden disappearance.
A total code of silence bullshit, which was pushed on world for these secret agencies to do there thing.
Why was it never reported that 6 technology developers who where on that plane, developed a invisible radar system which was non detectable by current radar systems.
Every country around the world is watching there sky's and waters for potential illegal activity or migrant shipwreck, yet we have no idea where this plane is with state of the art equipment.
Black boxes don't stop beeping for 90-120 days ask any pilot and they will tell you that.
It wasn't damaged on land in went into the water?
You be the judge of what you believe from mainstream media, there all singing from the one microphone.
Australia wants to limit people pay cash for services or product up to $10,000 cash.
For what money laundering issue?
Seriously when did any government had the right to tell you what to do with your money that you worked for.
While there is cash governments have no control of people's wealth.
Government has increased there big brother eyes with this tap and go by monitoring every transaction you do with computer programs.
You think it's not happening, ask yourself why the banks have to go through all your daily living expenses when your applying for a house loan or for a stupid car..
You decide.
In America people are educating themselves through the internet, and while google does its best to limit information people are going to overseas sites and understanding what's really going on.
Congress has a kill switch similar to china where it is design to limit the sites you can see, or research for that matter.
They obviously know that people will rise up and protest about there 5th amendment so who wants to put a face on this bill.
Exactly why they are looking to try and strategically orchestrate an event to pass this bill.

The Venus Pluto trine is bringing this forward and will awaken the masses of what's going on.
The louder he noise the quicker the back down.
Hong Kong is the example and good on the people for standing up to the government.
Governmental workers and there employees are only 20,000 as a posed to 2 million people.

A lot of wrongs are going to be exposed in the next 90 days which will bring change let's hope there for the better.
Let's not forget the work for us not for there own interests.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

We are at the controlled devaluation process

Hi readers

How interesting and strategic are the present markets at the moment.
When you look at the current astrological climate you can see very clearly how planetary movement is sway the present behaviour.
The US dollar is starting to devalued and this will just increase over time, it's for this reason we said in March to look at the crypto currencies for preservation of wealth.
To our Australian readers the writing was on the wall much earlier and the astrology showed it.
Yes to my mate Brad and bet still is alive that the Australian will see 60 cents before 75.
(Bet of a beer was made when the dollar was sitting at 73 to the US dollar).

Let's get a few things straight, yes we see a property disaster happening in Australia but not a crash as many believe.
A crash is 20-30% devaluation in a week.
A disaster is a 30-40% devaluation over a 2 year period.

A disaster is what's occurring whether you can witness it or not at the present time.
First credit squeeze occurs where it's become more difficult to obtain finance from lenders.
Stage two you see supply limited so prices can hold up.
Stage three you see a push on supply to test the markets ability to handle more supply.
Stage four is where the supply is just too much and clearance rates drop off.
Stage five is where agents lower price estimate onsellers and blame market conditions.
Stage six is where people liquidate other assets to hold the property investment/house.
Stage seven is where banks lower price valuations on property and call up more equity into property as expectation of price value turns negative growth for more than 24 months.

With a change in government, in Australia this would have already been exacerbated, but due to the new liberal government this has just been delayed.
This cleansing will play out so cash is king.
It's after this plays out property in Australia has a solid 10 year growth coming.

In regards to the financial markets the astrology doesn't support any crash  this calendar year.
Yes we will see drops and the like but no crash.
Next year is where markets will become dangerous and your investments in stock will need to be strategic as to what areas to invest in.
Example stocks in need will hold value where as service stocks will suffer.
These after pay stock will all go broke with 75-95% of there clients defaulting on any purchases.
The time to short this crap sector will come but not yet.
Saturn Pluto square is coming to one of these stocks and I can see major disasters for the companies and there backers.

In the crypto currencies I've continued to put my money into them and have also put my kids funds to some.
I've only invested into Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium, and Ripple.
BNB I sold at $30 and just holding these four coins.
Adoption is coming and no US government or organization can stop it even tho its double standards.
In New Zealand you can now have a portion of your wages paid in crypto currencies.
While governments and there secret organizations keep playing the fake news game people are becoming more aware of currency manipulation and devaluation.
It's why more and more people are taking up crypto currencies.
Be aware there will be a time to exit but not yet.
Crypto currencies will be the way the New world Order becomes, not the US dollar.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Above is an astrological outlook on events that will occur.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above as it's not financial advice.

Monday, September 2, 2019

September has arrived

Hello readers
Markets  are showing signs of strain while, certain stocks are powering ahead.
We have entered into September and it's the month of adjustment and power forward movements.

For the amateur astrologers as I've stated before hades is the aspects of the crypto currencies, everytime that is challenged you will see the crypto markets challenged.
Wether it's bitcoin or litecoin there all under the hades planet.
Now the degrees in which the planets are triggered is another thing and this is what many of you will want to know.
I'm not teaching you so do your own research it is hard to work out .
September is the month that shows what crypto currencies are all about many of the leaders will run and the shit coins will follow but for how long is the question.
I don't see a future for 90% of the crypto currencies while the remaining 10% will soak up the investment dollar.
Stick to the top 10-20 coins and forget the rest.
The astrology is showing the crypto currencies up by as much as 30-40% this month.

On the stock front where do we start !
 ABR is one for the true believers of financial astrology.
It's got $1.20 written all over this stock and it's the reason why I have so many shares in it.
There is more announcements come that will propel the stock much high than its ever been .
Hold and watch astrology do its work

On BUB what can you say ?
I have never seen a more unprofessional run company at the present time.
It makes my blood boil that I have so much of my wealth in this company.
The company announced its full year results 5 minutes before the close on the Friday.
What the hell,is going on !
Then today again 5 minute before the close it announced its chemist warehouse payment scheme.
Seriously are you kidding me or what.
It's says a hell of a lot about Kristy and her management style in taking the company forward.
To me it looks like boarder line kindergarten.
Are we not aware that BUBs runs on shareholders money.
The lack of disrespect of shareholders should be taken serious note of, come the next AGM meeting.
Any bonuses asked for by the CEO should be rejected by shareholders for the lack of respect by the CEO to shareholders.
You want evidence look what occurred Friday 30th August, and again today 2nd September.
5 minutes before the close we announce news?

I make no apologies or regrets but I am not a fan of Kristy Carr as CEO of the company.
Her lack of expertise as a CEO is clearly demonstrated the last two days of trading.
She simply doesn't have the ability to move forward the company in a constructive manner, and shareholder have to put up with this shit.
The board too need to smarten up, as it's seems to me they are puppets of Kristy's.
To the board members who reader this post be aware you are up for re-election, at the present time you have 137 million Share against you.. smarten up or piss off

For those who are holding CLI.AX with us all is good with the company there seem to be parasites amongst the company but I don't really care as I know where the stock is headed in prices once it hits the target we will liquidate.

Quick note this current Virgo moon is very interesting and pay close attention to it as the same will occur again in June 2020.
Many of you will find issues you currently have you will band aid them now and they will come back to you in June.