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Thursday, December 13, 2012

13th Dec 5.12pm NYT

Hello all

With all the red in the market today one would wonder why we are buyers.
Facts are as stated yesterday this is rolling time and with that longer term trades are some times closed off for the Christmas break also or managers start closing up books.

We posted earlier on to cut the metals trade and it just so happened that we got some very nice fills.
Yes the energy is still down so it will be interesting to see how the metals respond..
Obviously the 1690 gold level is critical so should gold crack that level then I'm sure technical stops are under it and commercial stops would be around the 1678-1680.

Today's move in the market should be ignored, sure the market was down but it was a very controlled move down.
In any case we will see how it trades tomorrow.

We took some long position in both indexes as the astrology is point us.
For those who want to know.

ES March 1412
NQ March 2647

Please note to all MA's that as of the close tomorrow our volume will lighten up, except for 2 days until end of the year.
We are holding once again nice double digit profits and don't need to risk them.

To the Coffee Lovers I am not about to tell you when coffee will start trading higher as it will just tease you.
Yes it will double in price next year but from what point.
Giving false hope to people isn't my thing.
When the Astrology warrants it I will post it, till then use your own work and judgement.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.           

13th Dec 9.17am NYT

Hello all

The metals have taken a nice hit over the last 12 hours which once again is another tick for the astrology.
While there is more downside still we once again find ourselves looking to book profits, and reassess the market.
Please remember you dont go broke taking profits.
The market could be somewhat boring today as rolls and positioning takes over.

Now tomorrow I have the market trading higher but we are likely to see some selling in the afternoon today so one might want to wait for that before positioning for the next move.

To the Astrological students.
with Uran going direct today and a conj to the new moon in Sag tomorrows ven trine uran will be powerful.


Thank you very much to all who have made enquiries about a Managed Account.
The idea is to show how financial astrology can improve trading, and I am very humble in the response by you all.

I'll be sending out the Documents today.
We cant fit 26 into 9. so we have a waiting list should someone decide not to participate.
I thank you all once again for your responses and comments.

I was asked to do a newsletter, I have to say I am not keen on it.
I'd rather post here and in the process from time to time throw out a few trades, for you all to view.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

8.50pm 12th Dec NYT

Hello all

Well the fed came and went with nothing special.
But he did say the economy is growing.

As the MA's are aware we are aggressively short both gold and platinum.
Astrologically they are negatively aspected for the next 48 hours and the last gasp of gas they have is being deflated by the fed..
Basically there is no reason anymore to hold gold long term.
Yer QE4 or 5 maybe 6 is a load of crap.
Self interests are pushing this through the media.
As long as there is growth forget QE.

To the astrology students there is a potential bottom and top in some markets with moon moving into sag.. Friday could be an awesome day for the indexes.

Please note as of the close tomorrow in currencies and index the front month will be march.


Coffee will do well next year not this year.
There are a number of storms which will affect the growing regions and as a result coffee will run but until then one needs to wait.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

11th Dec 8.25pmNYT

Hello all

Today's VC was conj Venus at 8am as a result we saw what happen

Today's trading was interesting.
Market ran up to the 1430 level on hopes but then came back.
Metals are a mixed bag.
Bonds came down on very quiet trading.

So where to from here?
Fundamentally there are many unknowns that's why its dangerous at the present time.
Should the FED chairmen say one words about the fiscal cliff this market will tank to 1400.
Republicans are playing media spotlight which is such a huge mistakes.
Sure they want to be seen as the Xmas hero and are dragging it out.

Democrats don't need to do anything there holding all the aces.
If it comes to the cliff Democrats will just blame the republicans and there rich mates.
They could go into the political wildness if there not careful.


We see both up potentials and down potentials.
With the New Moon in Sag on Thursday a top is out of the question.
It will depend where the market is tomorrow, this time to be confident for Thursday.
With the astrology at the present time a little weak its best to just watch and observe.
As the fundamentals are very extreme at present.


There are times where we do take profits early instead of waiting for another couple of hours or days.
I was taught to always sell in a buyers market and always buy in a sellers market.
The last metals trade yes we closed out our positions upon what the astrology was showing.
Remember and many seem to struggle to understand Astrology doesn't not understand numbers or price levels.
Its all about the energy which that contract has.
I use the astrological energy like a clock. Picture a clock

Where I am a buyer between the numbers of 5-7 and a seller between 11-1.

Yes there are times where contracts can go high as was the case with the Platinum.
We closed out at 1620 and it ran to 1640.
But when you look at the bigger picture copper we closed out at 370.75 and gold at 1714.90.
The one thing many amatures don't realise is that banked profits can't be lost as apposed to open positions.
I get paid on the profits I make!!! not on the predictions I make.

As of Thursday we will have our new DDE up and running which will be able to interface with far more broker platforms out in the market place.
We are going to double the MA from 20 to 40 and that's will be it.
There are 11 on the waiting list, which means there are 9 spots available.
This will commence on the 4th January.
Those who already are MA's to the max are not permitted to open another account.
The idea here is to give people an opportunity to see how astrology can be used in financial markets.

Please note this blog will continue regardless of what we will be doing in the future.
A great number use it for educational purposes, and better there astrological knowledge.


Monday, December 10, 2012

5am NYT 10th Dec

Hello all

Well metals are doing what the astrology had anticipated which is wonderful.
If you read back in past post mid last week we did post on today performing as expected.
Now while the astrology is going to start to wane I do urge those who are holding copper, platinum or gold to book your profits before you loose them.
I will be booking profits after this post.

Please remember the rules of the game people.
You never go broke booking profits.
Now with fed 2 day meeting market could become very choppy yes including metals.
So take your profits .

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday evening 9th Dec

Hello all

Friday was a very interesting day.
We saw an employment number which was good but that wasn't the most interesting point of the report.
What is was the confirmation of the November report.
It wasn't an election number.
So there is growth in employment!
In the metals we saw how copper held up well.

As the MA's are aware we had a wonderful day.
We bought all our metals on our list.
Gold, Platinum and Copper.

Once again another tick for the astrology.

There are question with a number of issue in the market place.

1. Market never closed above 1418.
2. APPL was once again down by over 2%
3. New money looks to be headed to equities and commodities.
4. Fiscal cliff game is still play out.
5. $250K threshold is no longer the case now its $305K.
So the republicans publicity campaign is shot to pieces.
As I have said before Obama is a very smart poker player..

To the astrological students once again you must look at the Void of Coarse.
Its does give clues as to how the market might behave.
So when you looking at the aspect of a chart the VC can assist or trigger an aspect..
Be aware of it.

This weeks FOMC I believe will be a just PR exercise The 12th looks as the most interesting.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.