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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Account holders Protected

 Hi readers 

Market have settled down after the FIDC said it was going to make all account holders whole regardless of there size of there account. Now the documents state $250,000 so everyone is going to get there money, so we are nationalizing the banking sector. So if crooked executives make bad decision or take foolish risks they all now know that the government will bail them out . What happened to falling on your own sword. It's shit like this that makes the public frustrated at the banking institutions that have now become parasites to society.

So lets really look at this, if you look at the financials of the FDIC they have around $125 billion in reserves. Now in the US currently if they where to insure just what they have in there documentation not cover everyone whole, they need $9.9 trillion. So do the Maths on that and you will work out that just 1.2cents in the dollar is really covered.

Yesterday I had a mate read that in Australia that all banking funds are secure. Which is wonderful and I'm happy that it brings him comfort. Regardless of what he read on the article that he sent me it isn't true.

A couple of years ago banks went about change all terms and condition on account, where by money in your bank account isn't really your money. It's in the bank and you agree that should the bank have a bank run that money would be used as capital for the bank which means it's the banks money. So while there is this illusion that in Australia $250,000 is covered its not. APRA who is the Australia regulator has basically zero funds to protect account holders. But lets do the same as above lets assume that the regulator will make account holders $250,000. It will need just under $942 billion to insure all account. Now the Australian Government has $1.06 trillion in Debt. So the government will have to double the debt to cover accounts. Can you see these really happening .

Its all an illusion to give you comfort that your money is secure but its not. Its the same with the superannuation funds in Australia, All funds have a 40-50% investment in property, yet for the last 3 years office building and apartments in all capitals are at record occupancy lows, yet you never see funds writing there investments down because they are able to hide there property values from the investors due to new money continuously coming in. They do disclose the bonds and share values as they are publicly recorded. 

We are not going to be trading gold and silver to buy bread and milk . investing in these metals is a storage of wealth nothing more. We are now in a full blow deflationary cycle, and yes metals will be moving higher a lot higher over the next couple of months.

As always the above is based on Financial Astrology .

Talk to your financial advisor on the above.


Saturn in Pisces

 Hi readers 

Well what have we seen since Saturn went into Pisces.

For the amateur astrologers and the students pay attention for everyone else read and learn.

Saturn the planet of restriction and the tightening/restrictions, reassessment of past actions, just to name a few of its traits.

Pisces has to do with banking, Finance , other peoples money , accountability, scams, internal connection to finance and middle level authority.

So we see that the banking industry has started to expose some of the mold that's been brewing for so long. While the industry has been able to hide during cheap money period those days are over. While many believe that its a pivot by the Federal Reserve its not. More debt is being written up by the bigger banks to buy out the regional banks, in turn the larger banks are mopping up clients by displaying security to account holders and businesses. how long is this going to continue some might ask ! 2 years .

Every time you see outer planets square this aspect you will get another round of exposure of the above, whether its banking fraud, authorities pulling the wool over people or scams on the rise.

The Media is the mouth piece of banks and the government and regardless of where you reside when they come out and say that they are safe and there is nothing to worry about, worry like hell and act. The Media for some reason have a habit of reporting after the fact but not before because there are no longer journalist reports. There call opinion reports and they report what they are told to, so please be skeptical.

We see the Covid scam being exposed for what it really was, nothing more than the media conning the public into believing the bug was a human killer. I have friends who said I was full of shit who got double jabbed fighting for the lives in hospital, and I've lost friends in the Mid 40's yet it was only a few years ago these people had no breathing issues or heart issues. Yet we hear nothing from the media outlets about it nor do we hear anything about getting booster shots any more. Yet tax payer money was handed over to these companies and they knew all along what was going on.

So what does that say about the majority of the world who fell for the scam.

Total FRAUD and SCAM.

Its issues like these that will come to light yet people won't really care as there so worried about trying to play there debts that have accumulated.

Another massive Fraud which is going on is the war in Ukraine, The US and UN want the resources of Ukraine this is why NATO which Ukraine is not a member is Filtering arms and money to fight against the Russia. Under NATO's own rules of engagement they are not allow to support non NATO members and here we are. This is how you know that its all a fraudulent default American war. The US knows every well that the people won't support a war with Russia. So there draining tax payers money to support 5 congress members children's investments.

Another Fraud which has been in the works and has started to generate urgency is gun control in America. A country which is armed hold the government accountable, an unarmed country is full of government corruption and population is distracted with sports and emotional issues while government put laws in place for future plans.

Another fraud which is starting to take shape is arresting Trump. Authorities are biting off more than they think is possible. Obviously that thought people would believe the media propaganda and yet its backfired in a massive way. With Pluto opposing USA birth chart civil war is very real. 

April things will die down in the market but come the second week of May and all of June we could see some serious banking issues and markets will have some serious pressure to deal with.

The above is based on Financial astrology.