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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Can NBC please tell us what time Russia will attack. CNN got it wrong!!

 Hi readers 

We are starting to see how the powers at be have no real clue what the hell there doing.

The Fed minutes came out from there Monday meeting saying there are going to get "SERIOUS" about tapering now, yet as of Friday last week the Fed has kept pace with it usual MBS buying and bond purchases.

I'm waiting to see the numbers for this week on Friday close in the hope we can see once again how the Fed is pulling everyone's chain tapering.

Last week we had the bullshit come out of the white house saying that there was an eminent strike on Wednesday which just passed by Russia. Markets went into a tailspin thinking that this was going to happen.Wednesday came and passed and we got jack. What we got from the Russian foreign Minister which made me laugh, was and I quote " in future we should ask for all the dates and times that Russia is going to strike from the American media".

That shit which the American media spin doesn't work in Russia, as I said previously Russia doesn't need approval from anyone to attack. It's simply entirely up to NATO. If any American, British or NATO forces step foot on Ukraine then expect a bloodbath of human life. Sanctions mean jack shit to Russia, there just a slap on the wrist, you think Russia cares.

So lets assume the UN put sanctions on Russia, which country is going to stop a cargo ship of Russian goods leaving Russia, China has Russia's back, good luck with that.

This is why you see the American looking to make a deal with Iran at the present time because Russia can hold the world to ransom with oil and gas.

But little does America realize that Iranian people never forget there enemies. So expect energy inflation to double within the next 6-12 months, yes $150-180 a barrel.

This is deliberately done by the American's I say this not because of any hatred at all its because there banks have paralyzed the energy sector by not funding them and this is why we are in this shit where people are struggling to pay for energy.

BlackRock  and State Street have huge share holdings in banks and also energy companies, Force the banks to defund energy sector and of course prices will rise and there's the profits. You get the odd bullshit of Global warming and that's the reason for it.

You can already see the next play they are setting up for both Black Rock and State Street, they have been buying homes and apartment complexes with the cheap money from the Fed, pushing prices up by limiting supply, Forcing people to pay up.Now they hold serious banking stakes all around the world, as rates go up people won't be able to afford to make the repayments on there massive mortgages, and guess who is going to buy these properties off the banks at 50 cents to the dollar, banks don't loose out as they have all the loans insured but its the home owner who will wear the losses and file for bankruptcy, while Black Rock and State Street will buy it all.

In America rents have gone up 14% and who are the owners , yes these two parasites. 

The guy with 1 or 2 properties struggles to even get a 5% increase in rent while these guys shot straight from the bat, and there is no cash payment either you pay your rent on the day your paid as you give them access to your bank account, part of the terms and conditions.

In Canada we have seen the gutless little bitch prime minister invoke emergency power now. Support and you loose you assets. If this doesn't start a bank run of the Canadian banks then nothing will. No just that but this action has awaken many to realize that there money isn't safe. Just so you are all aware and this is all around the world, the money in the bank you have is not yours, when you put it in the bank you are basically releasing it to them, with consent. Yes its in your account with your name on it but its a credit to you, not yours.

Scotiabank 39 ATM's out of money

RBC 3080  out of money

BMO 57  out of money

TD Canada Trust 32 out of money 

When money leaves in a rush banks flick the switch and the out of order sign comes on ..This is the case going on in Canada.

Trucker's have warned people that this would happen and people have been pulling there money out. Now you will see money from Canadian Flood into the crypto market and into hard wallets not be left on exchanges.

This is a warning sign to everyone that using your phone or cards to pay for things is just asking to be taken to the cleaners. Make sure you have cash in your hands and are in control of what to do should something like this happens to you. 

We are starting to see governments take note of whats going on in Canada and are getting in front of this by ending mask wearing, QR codes and not mandating the 3rd jab. 

Even the putts here in Melbourne  D.Andrews is moving quickly to get rid of the restrictions.

If people finally wake up to themselves and realize what governments have done to them no police or army will save the politicians.

But reader we have elections coming in Melbourne and in Australia this year, so the suck up has started.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work/analysis.

The above is purely based of Financial astrology, and I am not a Financial Advisor.

Ask your professional advisor on more on the above.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Volatility has arrived

 Hi readers 

How good is this present market. 

We had the first 10 days of Feb with some lovely astrological support for the bulls, and now begins the volatility.

We saw some of whats to come on Friday and for the rest of the month this will be the norm so if you can stomach it great if not then step aside.

Market should see some favorable aspects in the last days of Feb to early March which should give the market a boost before the next wave of volatility commences.

To the crypto traders similar aspects are also on the horizon for the next 44 days cryptos will follow stocks.

Metals don't have any astrological support so I don't see these pops holding.

CPI numbers came out and they are still very grossly understated and why is that?

Simply put the government would have to increase food stamps and assistance to programs which are CPI indexed.

So the BIS comes out with there understated numbers and hope things cool down as not to shock there employers (uncle Sam).

In the US inflation is well above 13.9% and I say this because once something begins to increase more than an acceptable rate its taken out of the equation.

So if we work on how the level of inflation was counted back in the 1990 then we get the true rate I believe.

Australia's rate of inflation at the present time is 7.48% while I think its way higher this is the level I go by due to the way its measured not this bullshit we are told by the Bureau of statistics 3.5%. If the truth came out interest rates in Australia would be at 10% and every mortgage holder in the last 15 years would be broke. But as I'm learning quickly there are more people with mortgages than people looking to buy homes, therefore is politically right to protect them for as long as you can. But the time bomb is ticking and when it goes off dam its going to be huge. I'm planning on buy a street of homes.

 On a separate note for those caught in trades, I don't see the Russian attacking Ukraine. I do believe that its a media beat up which the US love to do.

 My ancestors grew up in Russia so I know if Russia wanted to attack it would have already executed it. It doesn't need media approval ratings to attack. There is more to this than meets the eye and the US is trying to drum up an arms race so they can export what they produce. Lets face it America only produces Military hardware, so without a war or an arms race the US is stuffed. 

Yes they did move all the medical production facilities also to China, and have turned there economy into a debt based economy not a production economy.

Come to think of it so to has Australia, we are digging up our land and exporting it to China.

 As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

The above is based on Astrological aspects.

I'm not a financial advisor , I am a financial astrologer