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Friday, November 4, 2022

Central banks know what they are doing

 Hi Readers

The RBA came out with there inflation projections moving forward and within a month they have increased because of last quarters numbers.

What does that say about there projections? Exactly unreliable and wrong.

With the FED moving again .75% why would you even consider buying Australian bonds or the Currency when you can buy the reserve currency and bonds and get a better rate.

So lets cut the crap and really understand why the RBA is holding back on wanting to kill demand with interest rates. Its called Debt. Home loan debt, Personal debt, Credit card debt.

Australia is far worse that the US by a multiple of 3.2, so yes while the media is focused of the US the Australian Economy is doomed for a deep recession regardless of what anyone says.

While the RBA is holding back because of the state of the property debt, if they don't move more aggressively soon the Australian dollar will come under pressure and the bond market will force the RBA's hand. As was the case early in the year, after the RBA said they won't move on rates until 2024.

Take note readers All central banks around the world have a very clear idea of what people have in there bank accounts what they debt capacity is to service debt and there threshold.

This information has to be given to the central banks by the commercial banks.

So they are fully aware of what is going on and what they are doing moving forward.

Please don't be fooled by whats the media or commentators say all central banks are fully aware and planning whats going on, governments are just puppets.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Stocks moving forward

 Hi readers 

With next year becoming a real struggle for stocks one needs to understand in what they are investing in.

Please don't be fooled by charts and prices, look at the fundamentals of the companies that your buying.

Don't speculate on moments as the rug will be pulled from you.

Perfect example is stocks are announcing huge developments stocks run up then within an hour they capital raise and then they are pending announcements. Many are being caught out by these action. So please use caution.

My personal investments haven't changed from the last time I put out my holdings.

I love my main investment at the present time

The company has huge fundamentals going forward and in a difficult market will do well in the field which its in.

I still haven't made any significant investments in the metals as yet but am still looking.

I thought with the strong dollar the metals would get shaken out but this hasn't happened. So it shows you how strong the metals really are.

With until Kristy is removed the stock isn't going anywhere in a hurry. So disappointing at the present time with the mismanagement at the company. The word Pathetic sums it up.

For those who are asking if 5EA is worth a trade the answer is I don't know.

I have zero knowledge of whats going on with the company, I am not making an investment into the company until I see a reason to. I don't need online conference calls to be told that we are moving forward either, I like to see actions being executed. When you have management and board members leaving that's tells you something. All isn't as it seems.

Just remember people it's ok to have cash sitting, you can't buy something cheap with cash.

If you have to sell something else to buy then your putting yourselves under pressure.


The above should be used for educational purposes.

The above is based on Astrological aspects.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above

Silver and Platinum

 Hi readers 

As your all aware I am not a precious metals believer.

But when the chance comes to make money then that it money is money.

I have been watching the Comex reserves on both platinum and Silver.

Silver is currently down to 36 million ounces and Platinum is down to 142,000 ounces.

With the current silver contracts in the market place silver will be down to 16 million and platinum down to 30,000ounces by the of the year.

Russia is the largest producer of both silver and platinum in the world. With the current bullshit sanctions on Russia next year the Comex will run out of these metals,bank dealers won't be able to open contracts on these commodities if the Comex doesn't have them.

What that will do to price is another thing. Could we have a LME  issue at the Comex absolutely!

So how do we play this moving forward?

Maybe a look into buying some bars of the metal and also stocks that produce this metal is the best way to play it.

 I'd be very cautious about purchasing ETF's as if the EFT's have Russian stocks in them then you wont get the best moves moving forward.


how to fix inflation

 Hi readers 

So the Fed has moved rates almost 2% and inflation in the US has fallen some .3 of a percent.

Ok I'll be honest rate rises don't work in an inflationary environment anyone who has an economics degree will tell you that rates don't do squat to inflation.

The only way to tackle inflation and the reason I'm saying this is because I do know that there are government accounts reading the blog, bank reserves.

The moment you increase bank reserves is the moment you will start to tackle inflation.

Currently bank reserves are at 2% if that was to increase to 10% or even 15%  you would see inflation fall dramatically. Credit is what is pumping inflation and not what people believe. (central banks)

If central banks demand that banks hold 15% capital reserves all credit would stop.

I say this because for every dollar given out as credit banks hold 2% reserve yes thats right 2 cents.

I hope that sinks in.

I found out from the RBA website that $26.6 billion in cash is floating around in the economy.

For those who don't know in Australia you cant take more that $10k in cash out of the bank at the one time. For this amount of cash to be floating around it tells me that people have been slowly storing cash away, and I congratulate them.

Banks are trying to have people move away from cash and use there system of money.

Yet when there technology goes down there is no compensation for loss or damages, just believe in the banking system.

For what its worth I don't believe in banks or the banking system.


RBA has just increased inflation again

 Hi readers 

I've keep to myself to see how the market plays out.We have seen a number of conflicting issue and yet inflation is still rising.

We have seen the Fed raise rates and export inflation around the world.

It shouldn't be a surprise to all of you as I did warn you that it would come.

Markets are bouncing around couple of hundred points side to side trying to suck retail into the game.

Retail is being lured into the belief that the market has bottom but has it really! 

I don't believe it has and I see further falls moving forward.

As this is being typed the reserve bank of Australia has just increased interest rates by .25% yet they just saw inflation slap 7.3% in Australia..

What is the real reason the RBA isn't increasing rates by .50% or more to combat inflation?

The property market is likely to collapse, the same with Canada, both central banks are unable to increase rates as there actions will result in property falling apart.

If property falls apart in valuations as is expected then everyone who has bought for the last 15years will be mortgage slaves, thats when your in negative equity and that your valuation of your property is less that your current mortgage.

This move by the RBA will only increase inflation so all is good for a higher rate in the future.

On a side note in the area I reside the largest shopping center Doncaster Westfield  has been busy as over the last 3 weeks. What I tend to do is just go out and walk around and see if people are shopping or just window shopping. I can  tell you people are shopping regardless of whats happening to them financially. live the moment and we can deal with the ramifications later type attitude. I can tell you that 2023 will be the nightmare year for the world.

With record debt in Australia I fear what will play out but lets see how things involve.

The governments budget what's much of a budget if anything it was smoke and mirrors.

There is no way the government will build 1 million properties in 3 years.

The budget numbers don't add up and with the lower tax receipts due to a stagnant economy and stockmarket there is no way that there numbers will come true

The budget was nothing but a publicity stunt to notify the public that the electricity bills will increase by 50%. 

The question is why when we have coal, oh that right climate change shit. Did I tell you all that the east coast of Australia is being flooded by rain. So mush for climate change its nothing but a massive hoax readers.

As an example and please check this for yourselves, in 1974 the western suburbs of Melbourne was blocked off for 6 days due to rain and flooding.

Its all cycles and Climate change is just that cycles. but people are so foolish to believe that , they forget about the basis of whats really playing out.

So now the worlds energy is increasing in price not because it costs more but only because of climate change shit.

Governments around the world are NOT governing for there people.
