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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Bub quarterly result comment

Hi readers

We have seen the quarterly numbers out of BUB Australia[ the stock we hold , ]and once again it's a major tick for those of you who believe in financial astrology.
As we mentioned at the time from the 24th of April the stock wasn't coming back..
Back then it traded around 16 cents which was dirty cheap considering the astrology the stock had.
While many people only look at technical analysis and charts, what the company was doing wasn't being considered only price of the stock was.
As a result the smart money was buying while initial investors and certain stock brokerages where selling the company on behalf of clients.
The opportunity was there for all to jump on board at the cheap level, and for those who took it congratulations those who didn't, it's fine just watch it.

Some of you might be thinking that sure I believe in astrology but I'm up 100% time to take your money off the table.
Yes that it entirely up to you to decide what's best for you and your finances.
But this is at least a 2 year marriage from 24th of April 2017 so until then I am holding my stock.

After going through the quarterly numbers and doing all the necessary investigations into it potential sales and projections going forward my personal stock and that of my friends who also own it is no longer up for sale at $3.00
Any buyer who wishes to own this company for a takeover bid is going to have to pay $5.65 for 53% of the company stock.
How did we come to that number many of you will be asking !

No Chinese sales numbers where in the quarterly report in fact only 3 weeks of sales where put in which at the time no agreements had been in place ..
While Bub Products are the most expensive in the market place the demand for there product has exploded beyond what the company had anticipated.
Now we are being told there is a waiting time on products which is amazing, while this is happening in China they still haven't made any moves to explore selling products to Singapore, Malaysia or Hong Kong where the incomes are far greater.
So let's no kid ourselves people the stock will explode soon beyond what anyone can imagine.
The register is starting to tighten up and the company doesn't need money to expand as for now it can lease facilities around the country that Murray Goulburn  vacate.

Perfect storm.
Stock is still very cheap but you all hold the decision making process, so do what's best for you.

I'm still anticipating a correction in the stock market and that might dip the stock, but in the last 2 weeks the market has done nothing while the stock has gained 70%.

I want to be crystal clear in the event that the stock price does hit $5.65 I will begin to sell out as the company will be worth $1.3 billion  not a bad investment for a company which is currently worth $95 million.