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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Clock is ticking

Hi readers

A while back before I went to Bahrain I stated that it was time to liquidate all stock and buy Apple..
As always free advice is never taken seriously by the majority but the minority who did follow are sitting pretty at the present time. There will be a time to liquidate apple to but not now this company has a lot more to run long term.

Now most of you probably use it on a daily basis.
I'm talking about both twitter and Facebook.
While they are great companies and they connect people together , there business models are fraud.
They don't make any money.. The only companies who are making something from there advertising  are dating sites and even that is limited. Yes great potential but full of hot air.
There is another 2-3 months before the love affair is over and reality will set in.. So plan for these stocks to half in the next 12 months .

Cheers for the emails guys . But that's life and we moved on.
I haven't done the astrology yet for the US markets or commodities totally ..

Wheat next year will rise so waiting for a pop down before buying.
To the Australian readers to shorted the A$ back above the par level. I woundnt bring funds back into Australia just yet. If the government becomes a lame duck then it's open season on the A$ and it will run down hard.
Or a attack on gold under 1100 will squeeze the life out the A$ and I don't think 80 will hold.
Just my humble opinion

Monday, December 1, 2014


Hi readers

First a macro view of what's going on . Not saying I know more than you but it's good to get an idea of what others see.
Last year I wrote a post about debt in  Australia and how the country would pay dearly for the stupidity in writing debt with a higher currency.. Well it's pay up time Australia!!
Debt is become a serious issue even tho the country and it's people don't know it yet.
Treasury knows full well that's it got huge problems.
With the falling dollar the debt in just continue to increase and the panic button hasn't been hit yet but where not far off it.
Tax receipts are down and the country's government are talking excuses.
Yet the truth is debt is out of control.
A budget which has never passed the senate . ( so what budget) !
The kicker will come when an excuse will be use to raise rates. ( and it will)
To help  pay debt and protect the dollar. I'm thinking at the 77-78 area but we will see.
Now the economy is in a tail spin and next year the astrology on the country is bad in fact  very bad.

Those who believe buying property or share in Australia is cheap , wake up and get out before you loose another 20% more.. As you have already lost 20% from currency devaluation.
Unless your a day trade I don't recommend doing anything in Australia.

Now the US is another thing .
The  US wrote up so much debt when it currency was lower that know its gain over 12% just on currency  valuation.
It's for this reason the US will continue to do well and be able to spend more money on improving the country's infrastructure.  This will be the best investment the government does for the next 5 decades.
But if it throws those gains into going back to war then it will be for nothing and the next 3 generations will suffer for it.

Europe is interesting because there is all of Europe which is broke and then there is GERMANY .
A lower euro will increase German manufacturing and exports will killing the rest of Europe with its high levels of debt. They have all dipped into the EU for help and Germany gave them the money. So paying back now is going to cost more.
Arab nations

We are going to see $40 oil wether you like it or not.
Commodities are still a good 30% over priced so they can come down more.
Yes I'm talking about metal, oil and, Precious metals.

In regards to grains the beauty there is people still have to eat, the problem on the other side is the bio fuels industry could be finished.(ethanol )
How much of that will flood the grains market don't know ..
As have no idea of what Amounts are used for ethanol.

All the best.

It is what it is ..

Hi there readers

I have come back, awhile actually.
But I'm unable to go back to my country of birth, because of one person... MR Bob Carr Foreign minister of the Gillard Government..
For his lack of representation for his citizen this individual put me in jail for 12 months.
Gutless Dog !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Carr as my father said everything get paid of in this life time not the next and you will have your day. That is a Promise..

For those who don't know I was jailed for 12 months for disrespecting a royal family member.
In Bahrain the royal family basically own everything, and yes The people I was working for was one of the royal family members.
I sold a heap of gold  which pushed the value down.
All was fine until the higher ranks where total what happen.
Then when ask for Australian government assistance I was told that I have money so you don't need help.
Yet it was never about the money it was about making a Foreign government representation.
So the short end of it was I got 12 months with no court to defend myself or actions.
The Bahrain investment Corporation also pocketed $300 million US..
I have a criminal record which now I can't enter Australia with government approval, also my wife filed for divorce and I am now living in Singapore.
So to put it bluntly I've been to hell and back.

On the brighter side that's life and as I once was told .... IT IS WHAT IT IS.
Things happen for reasons. you might not understand them at first but you will eventually