Evening all
Just doing some analysis of the past week and looking at what could become an issue come monday morning.
So much for China slowing day hey..
Most commodities have bounced back and those that have will do so this coming week.
Its interesting so hear some of the comments that where made after the news that the Chinese where going to slow down.
I started hearing recession and the depression... did make me laugh.
Anyway there is no slowdown and dont expect commodities to come back just yet...
The astrology is strong for most and those its not are waning and will start to move higher with weather disasters which are coming.
Once again for Bears I have Tuesday and Friday as down days.
Even tho they are down days make sure you take your profits.
Ben talking Monday so after the last time he opened his mouth gold fell $80. So wait to see what his going to say even tho it will be withdrawn or erased at a later time.
Might be time to let out some bad numbers to kill off the spec money around.
Becareful Monday as the market could be volatile...
Enjoy your weekend.
Watch copper, coffee, wheat and Silver next week.
Just doing some analysis of the past week and looking at what could become an issue come monday morning.
So much for China slowing day hey..
Most commodities have bounced back and those that have will do so this coming week.
Its interesting so hear some of the comments that where made after the news that the Chinese where going to slow down.
I started hearing recession and the depression... did make me laugh.
Anyway there is no slowdown and dont expect commodities to come back just yet...
The astrology is strong for most and those its not are waning and will start to move higher with weather disasters which are coming.
Once again for Bears I have Tuesday and Friday as down days.
Even tho they are down days make sure you take your profits.
Ben talking Monday so after the last time he opened his mouth gold fell $80. So wait to see what his going to say even tho it will be withdrawn or erased at a later time.
Might be time to let out some bad numbers to kill off the spec money around.
Becareful Monday as the market could be volatile...
Enjoy your weekend.
Watch copper, coffee, wheat and Silver next week.