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Thursday, November 12, 2015

BHP can trade under $15

Hi readers

I'm surprised how many of you are holding BHP shares and hoping for the stock to trade higher!
When the stock was at $33 I clearly stated that the stock would see $15 before $40.
That didn't go down well with a number of readers.
Six months on and now you can see how financial astrology works.
I understand when you don't pay for something you don't take it seriously.
But I ask you this ?
What's the broker who you paid for his advice telling you now, hold !! Buy more!!!
Maybe he has told you to average down and keep increasing the losses....You paid for it so blame yourself for your losses.
I can not move the stock with the comments I make either so please accept the fact that suckers a born daily and you are one.
Yes I don't get all my trades right nor do I claim to either.
Financial astrology can predict sentiment in a stock or Stockmarket.
BHP had a number of negatives and continues too.
It's when those negatives wane somewhat that a buy for a trade appears.
Currently this is not the case and yes stock can trade Under $15, if panic sets in as its starting to show.
Yes all super has BHP stock so don't expect positive returns either.
There are times readers where you have to trust good people who offer something to you for free.

To the readers who have asked me the company which I'm buying!
I'm unable to publicly post it, as the stock is under a dollar at the present time.
But over the next 18-24 months the stock should triple if not more.
It has a wonderful Jupiter trine Venus which will support it greatly.

But it's important that you do your own due diligence on it and make up your own decision.
It has a great name brand in all supermarkets in Australia.
I have been buying the stock slowly daily.
Email me and I'll send it to you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dole endorsement what for ?

Hi readers

It's interesting to see how the race for the GOP nomination is playing out.
We seem to have losers endorsing potential losers.
As is the case with Bob Dole on Jed Bush.
It's surprising how people believe this can and will help secure the nomination.
It's sad also to see that Donald Trump is playing the race card consistently.
Whether  it's right or wrong is not up to me to judge, but I don't believe it's wise.

It was only a matter of time before the GOP authority acted on Mr Carson.
Whether they are trying to test him out to see if he can handle himself, all parties need to becareful of the language used.
As stated previously Carson can win the election against Hilary , but geez it will be very close.
Donald is a dark horse, out of control, power will get to him, his URN/JUP semi sextile is very hard to read.
One minute he'll speak well with logical reason, next minute he'll put his foot in it and wastes energy trying to clarify what he says..
Against Carson his no match, but against Hilary his a smokey chance.

With the democrats I believe the other candidates are just trying to make it look like a race.
Hilary is there candidate, just needs to be smart and continue using the words ( us and we not I).
It's her presidency to loose.

As was the case previously when we wrote about her chances.
She is the alpha, only question I have is if and its a big if the republicans can get behind Carson he can defeat her.
Let's see if the party can grow up.(GOP)
To win an election you need democrats to vote for you not just GOP voters, something the GOP candidates don't realise, with the comments they make.

To the markets

I said this previously look for companies which produce products.
Staple not technology.
The technology products at the present time are just being pulled out of the closet.
There is nothing out there which is a must have.

Previously 14 months ago I email a number of you who had asked for a stock to look at Capilano Honey producer (CZZ) on the ASX. Stock was around $5-6 , got to our target of $20.
Stock had an amazing astrological chart which was easy money.

With the potential slowdown coming 2016 isn't going to be a year to sit on blue chip stocks.
It's the next level stocks who will have the best growth going forward.
That's why I urge you all to look into companies that produce products for human consumption.
Whether it's in Australia, Russia or the USA we all can move money around with a click of a mouse.

At the present time I see the best opportunities again in Australia only because australian investors are fearful of loss and don't understand business long term investment.
To the Russian and American readers , in Australia if  an investor buys a stock and the stock isn't in profit after 30 days for some reason panic sets it and they just sell.
I don't no if it's uneducated or what but it's amazing how people trade around the world.
Australia has the beautiful system where superfunds can't invest in stocks unless they meet certain criterias.
As a result investors can buy good stocks cheap and then once business florish then superfunds buy the stocks further up, therefore enhancing profits.

New Moon truths

Hi readers

Markets are trading as anticipated another tick for financial astrology.
Today I saw far less gap trading in both the ASX200 and the ES during globex period.
That doesn't mean it's over, its the carm  before the storm, so please use caution in your trading.

I said look for scandals on the new moon, we are witnessing them.
BHP with the Brazilian disaster, politically in Melbourne with the governments deceit to win office, and there should be one more coming in the US tonight.

I just wanted to also say thank you for the emails I've received, I'm very humble at the fact many of you have been able to turn your trading around with the astrological input.
Bottom line is you deserve it as you spend 5 minutes a day reading what I post.
I hope you all make millions and screw the hedge funds out there, who basically steal from small traders.
The whole financial system is designed to protect the institutions and to screw the small traders.
As those who lost everything from MF GLOBAL, will tell you the thieves never went to jail, yet stole $800 million segregated funds.
Yep the regulators are in on the party too so don't expect any sympathy.
They will chase down anyone small player they can push around but when it comes to the elephants, there the untouchables.
Perfect example was Renee Rivikin.

Had to post this email. ( got permission to)

Ok I get that there is something to what you put out but seriously!
This is become ridiculous.
At first I thought that you where like Mahendra Sharma, always calling one way and eventually you'll be right, but I give credit where credit is due.
Someone post on Hot Copper , a link and since then have been a avid reader.
I trade mainly options and futures in, BHP , SPI, ES or Gold.
You have assisted me in making serious windfalls of late and would like to show my appreciation by sending you something .
As I believe nobody does something for nothing these days.
I have as you asked donated, by dropping $500 at a musician outside Flinder Street station, and another $1500 to the Kids under cover shelter in Footscray.
I felt so good about doing it, something I would never have done previously.
The wife wants to meet you, to say thank you as I bought here a new Audi.
So should you ever come to Melbourne you are invited over for dinner at my house.
Below is my number don't hesitate to call.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Australia raising taxes????? Not smart

Hi readers

Markets are playing catch up at the present time..
Many have been burnt trading on technicals alone and I'm starting to see thin gap trading.
While this is early before the XMAS holiday season, its a cautious period we are heading into.

The astrology hasn't changed at all for the month, but the volatility could freak out many.
Today on the ASX200 we saw the market open run 20 points up then drop 50 points.
Only to gain 20 again then drop another 20, then run 50 till the close.
The issue with this is that the volatility was aggressive even for the ASX200.
So while the astrology stands the moves in percentage terms might be more.

Is BHP a buy at the present time?
The answer to that is NO..
Sit tight and wait, same with the banks in Australia, all are still way overpriced.
Current P/E ratios are on past performances.
If you think banks will make same or more profits next year then buy them.
But the astrology is against you.
In fact the astrology is very negative for Australia for a while.

For the astrologers out there Pluto moves to 7 degrees from the birth chart of the GST in Australia we see the political infighting going to the next level regarding raising the rate.
Whether people can accept it or not Australia lives beyond its means.
It spends far to much capital per head of population.
Can't keep living on the borrowed money.

But one warning raising the GST won't solve the issues Australia has.
Germany started at 10% too and now is at 19%

A raising of the rate will nose dive the economy, regardless of the bull shit the government reckons about compensating the low income earners.
In case you don't realise they are the economy, rich people are tight asses.
I know this as I am one.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Australian Property starting to tip over

Hi readers
Market is playing out as expected nothing else really to report.
Housing bubble has popped as expected and getting worse, media just hasn't picked up on it yet.
Real estate agents around Melbourne and Sydney know it but refuse to admit it! (Trying to play it down as a correction before panic really sets in).
When you look at the numbers it the median areas which are struggling to sell . ( working class)
Had Australia burst the bubble back in 2008 this would then be a correction.
But government back then handed out money and increase first home buyer schemes which just inflated prices more.
Anyway stay in cash and just wait..

I got this email from a reader.

I picked up your blog from a Twitter account.
I'm sure you know her Kate.
For some reason she called you her orical.
I now understand why.
Been a keen reader of your blog for a while.
I'm assuming James Bond isn't your real name either not that I really care.
The reason I was asking in September for you to expose your trades was to show to some of my clients what your about.
Some had there doubts but went along with the proposal I put to them.
Yes by now you realise I am a broker, at one of the larger investment firms in Melbourne.
In October after we closed out of the BHP shares and index positions a decision was made by all of my serious clients to seriously trade your calls with my technicals as a filter.
Last week we did so, and while the market was trading higher due to Wall Streets closing positive, we  attacked the market.
While our Sydney office had orders from overseas to buy we kept hitting the bid as quick as it was coming.
By lunchtime Melbourne time all our positions had been filled and it was a sit and wait attitude.
What was evident I could not believe.
Afternoon market started to slide.
The next day it continued as you had stated, we found ourselves sitting on 100+ point  profit per contract within 24 hours, which is remarkable considering the markets where not volatile.
I started closing positions out in the ASX200 as that's serious money with the volume we had.
5155-5165 we had covered all positions and the next day started buying the market around the same area.
We ended up closing out on Friday near the end of the day at the 5210-5215 area.

To make so much in the space of such a short time is remarkable.
I've been in this industry for 17 years and have seen a hell of a lot of pie in the sky schemes.
My clients have asked me to speak with you about doing some sort of an advisory should you decide to give up posting, as they would be more than willing to compensate you for your time.
Management here have also asked to make contact with you.
After writing up 110K in business in  3 days you know why.

We now have the Sydney office cautions when we enter the market...👀👀

As for giving something back as you ask, 4 of my clients I know for a fact donated $25K to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.
Please consider my offer and get back to me.
Should you not be able to travel to Australia for whatever reason, we would be happy to see you in Singapore.

Melbourne office