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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Commodities stagnant

Hi readers

When we look at the commodity market, apart from grains no much interests me.
But with lower oil prices and the outbreak of bird flu across certain parts of Europe and America, the grain market is also stagnant.
Cotton will have a bumper year and prices won't hold, but if the quality isn't there then you might see premiums rise on good quality grade.
Gold is a dead market still I don't see any rise astrological, to take advantage of, if anything I still hold the same view, (850-900).
Regardless of what companies find and start producing, running cost will begin to rise and profit forecasts will drop.
Gold prices can thank Trump for holding up.

Coffee prices are in the same boat stagnant.
Don't know if anyone trades OJ but crop damages are on the way with poor quality, so prices will spike.

On the energy front there is a number factors which people need to start understanding instead of believing media bull shit.

It needs to be said as a reader has found out that yes I did advise the Japanese authorities on purchasing gas from Australia.
At the time there was no market for the gas and price was ideal for a long term deal, to benefit both sides.
Short term it was beneficial to Australia and BHP but long term it would benefit Japan.
Yes it true Japan can take delivery of gas and send it back and still make money.
The biggest error in Australian politics is that terms are far to short and long term planning is never taken seriously, to the detriment of the country and its people.
How a government can't take control and allow the most richest part of the country to be explored for more gas is beyond me.
The amount of gas in Victoria can supply export and local markets easily.
Right there is your problem far too much government.
This summer in Australia it will be hot and blackouts will be daily across the country due to the above.

On shale oil production,it just keeps pushing higher and higher numbers, those that's are listed on the exchanges are exposing there numbers to the marketplace,while those owned privately are keeping numbers close to there chest and increasing.
The Saudi government knows this and will continue to keep pushing production regardless what it releases to the market.
Then once the market realise what's going on prices act accordingly.

In commodities we are in a absorbing phase, before a lower demand and a cut in production cycle.

June dates

Hi readers

We see the S&P basically floating around a 60 point range for the last 5 weeks.
With Jupiter in retrograde it doesn't surprise me to see the market flat.
As Jupiter goes direct on the 9th on the full moon we should start to see movements of substance.

June astrological dates as follows

5th down a little
7th down
9th down morning
13th both down then up .
19th up
20th up
21st up slightly
27th down
29th up

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Above is for the S&P market.

On the 21st I will be looking to purchase option on the ES December puts for those who want to know.
My astrology is showing a top in the first half of the year followed by a low in the second half.
What triggers it, wether it's impeachment, or conflict with North Korea I don't know, but one thing for sure trouble is brewing astrological.
For those asking regarding Deutsche bank as an investment the short answer to it is no.
While they are Trumps bankers no favours are been given, and it's for that reason that we refuse to invest.
Remember people astrology exposes any negatives foreseen.

Currently my only 2 investments I hold is FRM.AX, and BUB.AX.
I will discuss these 2 stocks in more detail later as, in one I am part of a consortium that holds over 48% of the stock.
What I post could be seen as market sensitive therefore I need to get approval on it..

As they say just making sure the i's and T's are dotted and crossed.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Australia clock is ticking

Hi readers

The Australian government released its budget with taxes on the banks.
While the banks are trying to deal with it and obtain media support (it's not fair campaign) for it they are fighting a loosing battle.
So the best way for the bank to retaliate is to hike up rates and used the excuse of lending/ borrowing cost have increased.
Also while doing this they are fully aware that 72% of borrowers are paying interest only so what better way to squeeze the economy.
The Australian property market has been on this collateral binge to the point where those who have bought property in the last 5 years wether it be investment or to live in will never pay it off..
You can try all you like but the bottom line is with rising household costs, no wage rises and rising interest rates, you are a bank slave, and you have yourself to blame, for believing media bull shit.
The government to has a lot to answer for, state governments make a killing on stamp tax, and the gravy game continues with the public the suckers.
It's for this reasons state governments drag the heels on opening land for development, but this will change and it will be very nasty..
I'm actually looking forward to it as I intend to buy a hole court in templestowe and have change.
Investors have also binged on the collateral game and this is where the threat of recession is.
Previously investors used the stock market for excess money , not property.
That's why around the world stock markets are at record highs except Australia, in fact the ASX is over 20% off it's all time high, tells you something about how overvalued the housing market is.
Another curve ball which will hit Australia is the Chinese banking issues.
With so much debt and with a deteriorating economy it will be interesting to see how they make there calls on loans.
Personally it doesn't worry me one bit I have no property except the place we live in so as always chance comes to the prepared mind.

US government is a joke

Hi readers

Sorry for the lack of posts, had personal issues had to deal with.
Let's look at what's occurred over the last 2 months ..
Market has gone up then down then up again.
Which is wonderful for all who are intermediate traders taking profit after 5% moves.
Questions will now be asked of the markets as to what next.
The S&P is at record high and the questions are do stocks deserve the current price valuations.
The next issue is what is trump all about, he loves lightning spot fires around the world, just to get the media's attention.
The credibility of a US president is not worth the paper it's written on as far as I'm concerned
I can't understand how the Republican Party is allowing Trump to destroy fabric of the US.
Send out Mc Cain and Pennes to clean up messes, doesn't look good.
Trumps personal issues also are starting to take shape with his wife exposing the rifts between them.
Will he be impeached ! The answer to that is not yet , but the wagons and the processes are underway for it behind the scenes.
The trigger for it will be environmental issues, so he needs to be very careful.
On the economic front his all smoke and mirrors..
Full of shit, his tax proposals will increase the debt to the nation and businesses will just continue making profits without expansion as there is so much unused capacity available.

Note this
When people make mistakes it's ok as long as you learn from them.
When you make the same mistakes over and over that's a disease, called stupidity.
If you want to believe that the US will power along economically your welcome to.
But there is a Stupid running the show, so good luck.
The astrology for the US isn't showing any power moves up in the Economy
Trumps tax cut is inflationary and delusional.