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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Some financial astrology

 Hi readers 

Some financial astrology for the students, who want to learn about it.

We have a 8 day period where the is a lot of planets moving into new signs.

Venus is moving into Taurus on the 28th 

Mars is moving into its sign of Aries 25th

Jupiter has moved into Aries on the 11th May.

Mercury has gone back into Taurus 24th.

Sun has moved into Gemini 22nd .

As you can see this doesn't happen often where you have a number of planets moving around in a cluster.

So lets go through them all and for the students who are learning will know but for those who don't can take notes .

Venus rules- grains in particular Wheat,Rice,Cattle,Barley and Silver. In Taurus appreciation in price is on the cards for all these commodities, and euphoria is not out of the question especially once it move into 2 degree.Venus is the wealth planet.

Mars  rules- copper, steel, iron ore,bonds, volatility in markets. We are witnessing volatility in financial but it's not showing huge moves to the upside with the Eclipse not allowing this aspect to release its energy.

Mercury rules- communication, multimedia , soybeans, soy products, Lumber, and orange products(juice etc). While mercury is still in retrograde these commodities aren't going anywhere its after mercury goes direct we will see these commodities increase in price not much tho.

Jupiter rules- a number of fruit and vegetables, palladium and platinum. It also feeds gambling and speculation. This planet tends to show its energy a week before it moves into a house. i had anticipated that the market would be much higher than where it is currently but the Jupiter in Aries isn't showing its usual energy if anythings its the total opposite which is somewhat worrisome.Jupiter is full of optimism yet we are seeing the market getting sold on the rips, there isn't any follow through momentum when the market bounces up.

Sun rules- life, Gold, Corn, Crude oil , gasoline, gas, and mining. In Gemini its a double edge sword, what will go up will go up because of errors previously not exposed. Usually its government who are manipulating prices who will be caught out and prices will explode.

Now lets look at both Mars and Jupiter in Aries, Aries is the god of war never backs down and with both planets in there we should be seeing an aggressive optimistic moves in Markets. Not today it was meant to happen yesterday Aries doesn't wait to think about it, it acts first ask questions later. we will see far more violence in Ukraine, with the Russian's loosing patients with the softly softly approach. You will see people seriously getting hurt if the Nato members  in Particular (US) continuing to supply military hardware.

So while everything looks as tho the market should be around the 4300-4500 S&P the eclipses we had doesn't seem to allow this energy to flourish.

With Pluto still in Capricorn inflation isn't going to stop and its only going to keep increasing and if the above aspects run true , then it won't surprise me if inflation Doubles from here.

Node rules- debt and while many seem to be struggling with it rates will go higher and people will load up even more debt to show off who they are. Instead of tightening up the spending people will be giving the credit cards a work out.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Bitcoin Will NOT see $60k in 2022

 Hi readers 

I've received a number of emails about the crypto market and when to buy it, and to be honest instead of emailing 36 people its better to just put it out there for all to read.

Its true bitcoin has never seen a bear market in stock to see if it does have any safe heaven status. 

All we have heard is bull shit which twitter warriors, or YouTube posters put up to convince people to keep buy it up.

The astrology moving forward for the crypto markets is side ways to up some what until early July then its going down and not coming back up for a while, this is what my astrology is showing.

Yes the market will dive 20% and then bounce back 10% but thats trading not investing.

A lot of the alt coins will go under and those that are making money and have a good business model will survive. The bull shit coins which are all promise of the potential will fall away.

I totally understand that you have been sold on the idea the bitcoin will be worth $100k plus by year end but I'm prepared to take any bet against this belief. If bitcoin is over $30K by 30th of DEC 2022 it will be extremely lucky.

I'm extremely confident that bitcoin will see $20K and in April 2023 under $11K is very possible.

This is what my work is showing and while many will dispute and call me crazy, its your money to decide what to do.

I also want to make the point the a digital central bank currency is on the way and regulation towards crypto's is going to increase with the amount of people who will end up loosing money. You already having people who got sucked into to buying NFT's which are full of shit, get Fleeced.

The one thing which disturbs me moving forward is that for the last 35 years we the public have been trained to know that cash is trash, and that debt is the only way to mass wealth.

This era of cash is trash is over, you MUST have cash to take advantage of the opportunities which will present themselves. The drop which is coming over the next 16 months will be decade lows. In everything Stocks, Crypto and in Property, but without cash you have no chance of taking the opportunity.

A client gave me permission to put this on the blog .

Sold his investment property 3 month ago and got settlement on Thursday sitting on $2.4 million his put that money into a fixed income bond for 9 months and is looking to invest those funds next year.

Yes your loosing 8% on inflation,gaining 2%interest, netting a negative 6%, but if the markets drop 30% and you have funds to buy, your up 24% straight off the bat.  

As always the above is based on Financial astrology.

Use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Seek your own financial advice on the above.