Hi readers
Today I'm up early going through AAPL's numbers ..
To those who took our astrological trades on AAPL & NFLX with us $80 isn't as far as you now think.
While most took CFDs and options on the play, it's interesting to see how the market is slowly reacting to the news on both.
NFLX in my view should be prosecuted for fraudulently misrepresenting subscriber numbers.
Once again 30 days free trial isn't a paying subscription.
But im sure there is a bull shit clause somewhere which allows them to do the above.
That's how the bankers like it and that's how it's delievered.
In regards to AAPL launch date Of IPhone 6,6S was very wrong, and now it's a case of where to begin.
Safari has issues, not that I have noticed as I still have the best IPhone they made 4S.
No I haven't updated the software either, 3 updates I haven't and my phone works like a treat.
Never drops out or I think the word is crashes.
Don't have battery issue either.
Sure sales where down a little which the market want to believe.
If you read the details properly you'll see that sales are seriously down, more than is being reported but stock in hand can sometimes be accounted as sold yet no transaction has been executed.
Growth in China seriously...
You must be joking there are better phones in China than the AAPL brand that can do far more that the IPhone.
Cost a quarter of the prices, just look up on China's commerce website DHG and you will see for yourself.
The iTunes store is doing huge business and the royalties which Apple makes from app providers is huge.
IN my view I think Tim has cooked the books and moved funds from the iTunes store and booked them in as sales to keep the EU authorities at bay.
If iTunes is perceived to have a monopoly then you can be sure that a break up will have to occur in the EU.
The war chest is still operational but your not going to get bang for your buck right now so no point attacking the market, when sentiment is weak.
Once again congratulations to those who took the astrological trade...
True believers.
Today I'm up early going through AAPL's numbers ..
To those who took our astrological trades on AAPL & NFLX with us $80 isn't as far as you now think.
While most took CFDs and options on the play, it's interesting to see how the market is slowly reacting to the news on both.
NFLX in my view should be prosecuted for fraudulently misrepresenting subscriber numbers.
Once again 30 days free trial isn't a paying subscription.
But im sure there is a bull shit clause somewhere which allows them to do the above.
That's how the bankers like it and that's how it's delievered.
In regards to AAPL launch date Of IPhone 6,6S was very wrong, and now it's a case of where to begin.
Safari has issues, not that I have noticed as I still have the best IPhone they made 4S.
No I haven't updated the software either, 3 updates I haven't and my phone works like a treat.
Never drops out or I think the word is crashes.
Don't have battery issue either.
Sure sales where down a little which the market want to believe.
If you read the details properly you'll see that sales are seriously down, more than is being reported but stock in hand can sometimes be accounted as sold yet no transaction has been executed.
Growth in China seriously...
You must be joking there are better phones in China than the AAPL brand that can do far more that the IPhone.
Cost a quarter of the prices, just look up on China's commerce website DHG and you will see for yourself.
The iTunes store is doing huge business and the royalties which Apple makes from app providers is huge.
IN my view I think Tim has cooked the books and moved funds from the iTunes store and booked them in as sales to keep the EU authorities at bay.
If iTunes is perceived to have a monopoly then you can be sure that a break up will have to occur in the EU.
The war chest is still operational but your not going to get bang for your buck right now so no point attacking the market, when sentiment is weak.
Once again congratulations to those who took the astrological trade...
True believers.