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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AAPL not unexpected

Hi readers

Today I'm up early going through AAPL's numbers ..
To those who took our astrological trades on AAPL & NFLX with us $80 isn't as far as you now think.
While most took CFDs and options on the play, it's interesting to see how the market is slowly reacting to the news on both.
NFLX in my view should be prosecuted for fraudulently misrepresenting subscriber numbers.
Once again 30 days free trial isn't a paying subscription.
But im sure there is a bull shit clause somewhere which allows them to do the above.
That's how the bankers like it and that's how it's delievered.

In regards to AAPL launch date  Of IPhone 6,6S was very wrong, and now it's a case of where to begin.
Safari has issues, not that I have noticed as I still have the best IPhone they made 4S.
No I haven't updated the software either, 3 updates I haven't and my phone works like a treat.
Never drops out or I think the word is crashes.
Don't have battery issue either.

Sure sales where down a little which the market want to believe.
If you read the details properly you'll see that sales are seriously down, more than is being reported but stock in hand can sometimes be accounted as sold yet no transaction has been executed.

Growth in China seriously...
You must be joking there are better phones in China than the AAPL brand that can do far more that the IPhone.
Cost a quarter of the prices, just look up on China's commerce website DHG and you will see for yourself.
The iTunes store is doing huge business and the royalties which Apple makes from app providers is huge.
IN my view I think Tim has cooked the books and moved funds from the iTunes store and booked them in as sales to keep the EU authorities at bay.
If iTunes is perceived to have a monopoly then you can be sure that a break up will have to occur in the EU.
The war chest is still operational but your not going to get bang for your buck right now so no point attacking the market, when sentiment is weak.

Once again congratulations to those who took the astrological trade...
True believers.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

No real conviction

Hi readers

How good is this market, all over the short with no real conviction.
Wants to break 1900 on the S&P then pulls back, very confusing..
I think it's best to just let the dust settle before entering into the market.
No point guessing if your not sure.

I personally have being going back over my last months astrological work trying to find out why I basically stuffed up...
We all make losses and its when we learn from them we become better traders.
If we brush it of then the human mind will once again put us in the same spot and repeat the dose.

I just want to make the point for all to know ISIS or Donald Trump don't move markets..
Sentiment moves markets, fear and greed of the unknown moves prices.

Astrology will never predict price or levels.
Astrology only foresees the emotional component of a market..
Yes the fear and greed !!!

On a lighter note
I see once again Australia freaking out over tax and how to raise more revenue.
Even in America tax will become an issue very soon also.

Get this
Apple makes $8 billion in sale in Australia and pays $85 million in Tax.
Apple makes $1.6 billion in sale in Singapore and pays $166 million in Tax.
Apple makes $168 billion in sale in U.S and pay $1.3 billion in Tax.

Is there something wrong here or what.
As long as these multinational companies can get away with not pay there fair share of tax then the people will always keep getting screwed for more.
These numbers came out of Bloomberg Asia.

This is how manipulated the system is.
Government hike taxes on the people! Not on these multinationals.
Then these companies stocks go up so people buy stock for the future, or trade.
Then the profits made when sold you pay capital gains tax on the money earned!
So who is getting screwed over and over again ..... Yep the little people.

Australia had a gun treasurer in Hocking going after these firms but unfortunately all stops got pulled out to get rid of him and the prime minister who told him to go after them.
Now in Australia there is a lame prime minister who is very well connected to financial institutions.
Yes the GST will go to 15% and then maybe even 20%.

Australia hasn't learnt from the German experience.
A quick note.
When Germany brought in the GST ... 148 billion marks in revenue at 10%
6 years later 126 billion marks in revenue at 15%
9 years later 125 billion euros in revenue at 20%
With population 50% more yet less revenue.
People are not dumb, politician are ....
Cash economy is Germany is thriving and nothing can be done to stop it.
Cash has always and will always be king...
Not gold or silver, these are just simple investment tools.

The only thing people need to do is put cash in a glass seal tight jar...
As rats might get to the cash under the bed or bed mattresses

Sunday, January 24, 2016

disrespecting Mercury cost me

Hi readers

If you want to ever see the market getting short squeezed you saw it on Thursday and Friday.
OPEC members have no intentions of give up any market share to anyone, that includes Iran.
Iran has intentions to sell a hell of a lot of oil while it still can before they once again get hit by sanctions.
2 small shale producers going seeking bankruptcy protection either doesn't mean that the slide is over in oil either.
If anything it's the lower oil prices keeping the world economy from going into recession.
So before anyway put the bull suit on we are in a Mercury retrograde which goes direct today, allow a good 48 hours and then view what's going on.

I too make errors!
I lost a lot of money thinking the market was overlooked yet not looking at the planetary movement which was occurring .
Getting sucked into the moment and straying away from rules has cost me over $100,000 in losses.
Mercury once again has taught me to show it respect as it can hurt you when you least expect it.

For the next week I'm just going to sit back and watch and observe how the market trades.
I don't believe in any recovery in any economy at the present time as they are all interconnected.
Certain sectors are doing well.
As for oil, we are in an election year and as some of you have pointed out to me oil tends to find a low this year, so where that price is I don't believe it's above $25 . So let's see how things play out.
With the snow storms in the US also I doubt that the inventory numbers will decrease as everyone will be indoors.

As for BHP well we are starting to see some numbers coming out from the company, 25 billion for the clean up add another 20% and you get the right number.
Then we have potential write downs also  should cost another 15-20 billion.. And you get a true value on the stock.
So by my numbers 13.45-13.95 is value for BHP stock.
Should they cut there dividend the stock might fall to 12.50 with pensioners and retail panic deserting the stock, of fear of lower prices.
This is my plan so your all aware.
Should the stock trade under $14 I'll be buying 400 shares every day the stock is under $14. Total 100K
No rush I have all year to buy it, this is a long term investment.
Same with RIO TINTO if that stock trades under $18 same play.
In 15 years time the dividens will have paid for the stock and the stock will be for free.
That's what type of investment this is, so think about it before considering it .
Don't rush it, time is on your side.

As for banking stocks not interested in owning as they are all extremely overvalued.
The loop hole they are using to hide bad loans will be exposed soon.
Bad loans are far greater than is being reported.
This is for both Australia and the U.S.