Hi readers.
How wonderful is this photo or is it how dangerous?
The solar eclipse has past and markets are still here..
As we stated on the last past it's after the 23rd that the dangerous events which will move the market will occur.
It's funny how many media commentators expected to see the market collapse on the day yet it never happened.
It's these sort of people who have no idea of how astrology works, yet mainstream tends to believe everything that is on television.
Once again astrology will never make things happen.
Astrology gives you an understanding of the psychology of the mass.
Example......week ago the world anticipated war with North Korea, after Trumps comments, yet what the astrology was showing some sort of war ship attack or disaster.
The other day we had an oil tanker ramp a US warship.
This is just an example of how astrology works that's all..
For those looking to take short positions I feel pretty confident that Wednesday US time afternoon on will be time to look at shorting opportunities.
If not just watch how it plays out.
Stocks we hold
To the Bub.ax holders I've spoken to many of you in Brisbane and Melbourne, I appreciate the congratulations and thank you but I had nothing to do with it.
It's you who should be congratulated for being prepared to be open minded to financial astrology.
I simply posted out what the astrology was showing and it's you the reader who was prepared to take it on and click the buy button.
So well done to you all who took the trade.
I saw last night that someone is circulating rumours about a takeover.
This isn't true and if true I would post it as the price that would have to be paid is far greater than 90c or a $1.
I can full understanding should you choose to take profit at this stage, some of you are sitting on 300 and 400% profits.
The question I get ask a lot is, it's run too hard to fast, and I say to that no it hasn't.
As I said previously stock should have listed at 50cents, not 10cents..
So those who bought under 50 cents got the bargain of the decade.
My only concern is the stock might come off with a market correction looming, or it will just trade its merry way.
That's why if your looking to take profit I think today might be a good day for it.
I'm not 100% sure so the choice has to be yours should you so choose to.
For the amateur astrologers
The Neptune/Uranus clips Bub at 28 degrees it's Venus starting today , which could be seen as the profit numbers are average but the outlook looks bright.
Ask yourself the question what does the stock do?
Run harder after the results come out or pull back, then reload in October for the Jupiter/Venus combination.
Either way difficult positions to be in if small, that's why I took a large chunk when I did, my choice is limited...lol
To the FRM.ax holders I'm seriously questioning the ability of Bruce Delacy to run a public company.
The company is holding far to much cash in hand and is still doing so.
Money which isn't theirs and his using it as a buffer for what?
Farm Pride isn't Appl that needs a war chest!
But as long as his got the backing of the biggest shareholder there isn't much that can be done which is very very annoying. Should the stock push up past $2 next year I could be tempted to sell out of it and move on ..