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Thursday, November 22, 2012

22nd European midday

Hello all

Well as expect the market went up and we took our positions off the table.
As I stated yesterday doom and Gloom was ripe in the media with CNBC running on the Chinese Vote reform member news.
We saw the market come off only to come right back.
Its important to understand that with Financial astrology we only want to trade when we see something happening.
There is no point being in the market hoping for something to happen.
You end up wasting your time behind a computer screen watching paint dry and loosing money.

Sure in this case we see the market going higher but with the holiday and the half day Friday the risk is to the downside.
Should the market face an ambush we are keen buyers but no point risking profits for an extra point or two.

There is more to life than sitting in front of a screen watching a market trade.
The idea is to act only when the ducks line up for a period of time and then walk away and enjoy your profits.

To the metal readers sure there trying to push gold higher but really where will they go, the astrology isn't positive yet for a move higher in fact its void to negative so please wait.
With options set to expire next week I don't see Gold going anywhere but 1700 or lower.
I say this because of 2 things first you have the writers prepared to expire the options worthless, and second of all you have no positive astrology to support an up move.

Sure I am a buy under 1700 not before.

In Europe well its hard to see any resolution, so I am prepared to just do nothing and enjoy the long weekend like many US traders.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

20th Evening

Many traders are scratching there head trying to make sense of the market.
All I can say it was just a matter of time before mercury retrograde really kicked in..LOL

Every time this occurs 3 things happen, traders become lost technically as every indicator becomes choppy.
Higher highs and lower lows tend to occur and
Last but not least the bullshit is thrown around!

Today we had Ben have his moment, and yes as well all know he told basically congress to get the act together and resolver there issues.
To be very frank about it if the Republicans ever want to get back in to the white house they need to let go and then use it to there advantage next time around.
Don't wait around play politics as it will come back to bit.
If I have offended any Republican people my apology but that's the reality of it.

Get this line from Ben I cracked up laughing when I heard the QA ..
His ready to raise rates if inflation pops it head up..
Is he serious, his the one creating inflation at the moment..
Anyway its all good
His speech today was a waste of time his not going to do anything.
Same with the Israeli's talk of a cease fire a load of crap.
Then as you all saw after the close Palestine youths dragging spies across the streets.

The market went up and down as expected with not to much vigor.
I picked up longs in the ES at the 1380 level and holding
In the oil it was a nasty day for us we lost our profit on the options which was disappointing.
But the good news for the trade is that I am prepared to hold for next week.
I was expecting this kind of talk to occur over the thanks giving holiday but as its happened before I am prepared to hold over the weekend.

Looking forward

On the index options we will no matter what close out tomorrow as there is some negative days upon us.
Yes and its bad news that will come from the middle east.
I am anticipating an ambush on the market Thursday, with the negative astrology on Friday could swing the market back down.

Please take note that everything that is occurring in the market place at the present time is controlled algorithm trading.
Its for this reason that your not seeing the VIX pop up at all.
There is no fear up or down as the computer programmers have worked out how to hide trading movements.
This is occurring right around the world now, even at the ass end of the world Australia there is program trading which has killed the volatility of the market.
The only time you have volatility in this market now is when a manager calls from overseas and asks for a fill with 20 minutes of a $200-300million order.
We must not forget Australia is a small market with about $800-900 Million worth of trades going through in a day.
Wall street has I believe $1 billion worth of stock traded in the first 13 minutes.

For those who have asked.

ES 1390 calls DEC long from 10.
CL 93 calls FEB long from 1.85

To the Financial Astrology Students

While we have great uncertainty with the slow outer planets the main aspects which will show there force over the next 30-60 days at least are both the Sun in Sag, the Venus in Scor.
The combination of the two expecially when in a positive degrees will be very powerful.
Thats not to say we wont get down days when they are in void.
Take note for the next 60 days.
Until Monday or even next Wednesday media will put the Doom in Gloom the market place.
As was the case last week and we got a 40 point rally.
Trust your work dont allow the media to sway your judgement as it is likely too.

Please note:
Due to new readers post are a little longer than usual.
If this blog saves you once from a bad trade it has served its purpose.
Education is priceless when one has the will to learn so please be patient.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.


How we use astrology.


I've received a number of emails asking about how we use Astrology in trading. (Obviously new readers, which is wonderful).

Astrology is not man made law, its universal law.
By that what I mean is no smart computer algorithm or high-powered program is going to change what it is.
It’s the Astrologers interpretation of the aspect that is different.
By that I mean the more experienced you are the more you will know of what to expect.

Astrology is used to ascertain the psychology of the market.(index,commodities or currencies)
It’s important to understand this, as many believe markets turn on astrology.
This couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Astrology doesn’t understand support/resistance, it can’t give you levels on which to buy or sell either.
These are technical’s that is part of trading that one must look at to determine opportunity to trade. 
Most Financial Astrologers use aspects in determining there forecasts.
I found degree's more accurate but it is for the experienced astrologers.

I’m not in the business of passing judgement on other astrologers as all have their strengths and their weakness.

I’ve learnt from experience that you will never believe something until you see it ahead of time, and its plays out as expected.

Is astrology 100% accurate in trading NO?
But what it will do is reduce your losses substantially.
If Astrology filters out your bad trades and increases your profitability it’s achieved its goal.
For this to happen you must be open minded to accept it as it is and not think it’s the Holy Grail.
I dont force nothing upon anyone, whether you believe it or not is for you to decide.
But the fact you are here and open minded to read this blog then thats great as its a first step.

Why dont I charge for the information I put here?
I trade my own money exactly the same as I do with the Managed Account.
The MAccounts  are at the present time closed as fully taken up.(hopefully end of Jan might be able to increase MA's but depends on Platform).
I do trade my own calls where as many other dont and charge subscriptions.
While its there own preference to do so I believe in Karma and so don"t.
Should I one day decide to teach then I will charge as this will benefit those who will be taught.

How I use astrology in my trading?

80% Astrology      - the move
15% Fundamentals- action in the market
5 % Technical        - levels

I have always encouraged readers to use the astrology to enforce what they are looking at technically.

Example 1. If the astrology is negative and the technicals are positive then you would either wait until the both turned in the same direction or just trade small.

Example 2. If both the astrology was positive and technicals where positive then the chances are high of a profitable trade.
Also please note no matter who or what you always and I mean always must have a strict risk management framework.
In case your wrong then you accept and move on.

Yes you can use Astrology on any market around the world.
All you need is the first traded date and time and you’re off.

I hope this has answered all your questions.
I thank you for your emails .

Monday, November 19, 2012

19th November close

Hello all

Well what a wonderful market we have at the present time.
All our trades are rock and rolling as anticipated.

To our bear brothers out there don't get upset I did warn you with the pending astrology.

The A$/C$ spread also as expected has widen to around the 360 mark now.
Lets just wait a little longer before we re-enter that trade.

For the students of Financial Astrology

We have enjoyed the most of the Sun Mercury aspect Which has popped the market higher.
Now you need to start pay attention to the VC which is Squaring tomorrow.

As the Sun is powered up at the present time all aspect with the sun are magnified by 3.
Tomorrow could be an up and down day, could end being a dead day.

Please note as Wednesday Sun and Venus change house be sure to be long the close or if you can't buy just stay out. ( On Tuesday.)

We will be exiting our option trades on Wednesday as Thursday and Friday might have some Global shocks

To our MA's once again I just want to make the point that these markets are extremely volatile at the present time and its for that reason our performance is exceptional.
This is not the norm but the exception.

To all readers of the blog please note we do put some traders on here for all to see.
Demonstrating how Financial astrology can assist your trading performance.

 As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.