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Monday, April 23, 2018

Only invest in coins if you want to lock money away

 Hi readers

How good is WANCHAIN at the present time.
The coin has doubled in price in the last 4 weeks, to be at its opening price when it first listed.
Yes the coin has great growth but I struggle to see how it will continue with difficult aspects coming.
The whole sector will struggle and unless your watching it daily I'm happy to hold the position I have in other coins not WANCHAIN.
If it wasn't for Arab money buying WANCHAIN I doubt prices would be at the current levels with both bitcoin and ethereum where they currently are price wise.

For those trading coins there will be a good patch coming in May, June and July for the sector.
Then Aug, Sep and October will be choppy..
Its November December and January which bothers me a great deal, where we could see a real bloody bath in the sector.

There is light at the end of the tunnel  tho with the mother of all Bulls coming in March of 2019 and will stay true for 19-25 months.
It will make the 2017 bull year look like a myth.

I currently hold bitcoin ..$7750/7850 ice storage
I currently hold ethereum.$790-820 ice storage

I am looking at both litecoin and WANCHAIN going forward for potential buys.
Please note that the coin market isn't like the stock market.
Your investing money for the future at no cost to yourself so unless you want to lock money away don't invest in coins.
It's far to dangerous to leave your holdings on exchanges, thinking exchanges are safe there not.
The reason I say this is that exchanges are getting hacked and if you don't cold storage your holdings you can loose them with no trace of who stole them.
It's the best white collar crime out there with no trace that's why the smartest computer minds are doing it.
It's for this reason some who are liquid in cash are locking up money in coins and then either going to jail,bankruptcy or going through divorce and are getting away with it.
Authorities are try stop it but are simply powerless.

It's a free ride people so don't be fooled by it ... be smart and think outside the box

Questions on baby formula sales in Australia

Hi readers

Markets are continuing to flog around traders up and down basically, churning the wheels as they say.
Where the action has been is in certain stock sectors where you can see the speculative money just float around.
We mentioned a couple of weeks ago, a simple issue that was regarding sales of baby infant formula.
Which I guess fell on deaf ears at the time but it's now starting to show up with managers asking the questions that should have been asked a good fortnight ago.
So where is the problem you might ask!
I know that bubs has the sales for a fact, the local (Australian)new born baby population hasn't  grown above the average (2012 levels ) so how can WHA,BAL and A2M all be recording double digit growth locally.
When you break down the sales it appears that all four have local growth of 50-100% per year.
I can't seem to find the evidence to back those sales up.
That's why I have been selling shorting both A2M and BAL for trades.
It's my view that the  numbers don't stack up.
I could be completely wrong but going by what I'm seeing in the sales number breakdown I doubt it.
Is a 12-15%correct a normal thing, you can be the judge of that ..

We are still in Melbourne at the present time and haven't been able to get to your emails yet as I was hoping to last week.
The wife has stamped her authority so please be patient, also looking at some good opportunities which will list later in the year .
 One is a medical research firm and the other is a manufacturer.

Looking to close out of short positions today Tuesday 24th

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work .
In no way is the above financial advice and is purely based on financial astrology
Seek professional advice on the above as I am not a professional advisor.