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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Monthly reading

Hi readers
For those who want to know where we are at with the bear market call..

S&P ...2081


Close of January
S&P ..1995

Please note this is just to demonstrate how astrology works.
While many at the end of this exercise won't accept it, it's good to just see for yourselves our you can use it.
While there will be times where the market will trade higher than these levels, the point it to just show you want you can do with astrology.
 Similar to an egg, most people like to boil others like to fry, potch or scramble.
At the end of the day we are all different and we use it differently.

Over the last 2 days I've been looking at the bond market and doing the astrology on the bond market.
It looks as tho the fed is very determine to raise rates even tho the market believes that the economy will slow down.
News is people that the fed will talk tough and the bond market will seriously correct itself.
Now the money question is when?
Going by my work the second half of the year is where we will see rates move.
But it doesn't look to me like its the cash rate, it more the lending rate..
In other words it's the rates that banks borrow from the fed to lend to other banks.
At the present time that almost free! 0.10% that could move to 0.35%
That would sting for a short while banks who lend out to risky projects.
Banks will use that as an excuse to raise rates to offset from potential defaults.

For those to are asking regarding daily trades on the futures, you'll have to wait I'm afraid until after the merc direct...
Do IPO stocks that list during a retrograde do well in the longer term?
Yes and no, stock that do list tend to have many manipulative factors associated with them.
You tend to see that there sales or the projections are grossly over opptimistic, and much of the accounts tend to show start accounting rather than true sales growth.
Which results in stocks doubling on there first day of trading.
I would be very careful of stocks listing during a retrograde period.

I remember a stock which is a money manager in Australia.
This stock listed and went to $42 dollars on the first day of trading.
I couldn't resist and sold it in the $30+ area, as I had been allocated stock.
Closed the day at $28.65.
In the last 9 years it has never traded above $8 ..
The Australian readers would be aware of which stock I'm talking about.
(Can't name for legal reasons) .

Friday, January 30, 2015

Gold isn't as safe as you believe!!!

Hi Readers

Many are confused regarding support and resistance levels?
In a Mercury retrograde period there is no such thing so please don't work from those.
Yes the A$ was attacked yesterday and there is more on the way.
The Astrology of the A$ isn't good for the next 6-12 months so please be careful.

In regards to gold as most trade it.
It's extremely overvalued at these current prices going with what the astrology is showing.
I make the point for those that use technicals.

For the U.S. dollar at its current rate gold price should be $977
At the current oil price of $45 gold price should be $ 956.

As I said before at some point gold will catch up and come back to it usual ratio's.

Astrologically for the next few month gold is very negative.

The next cab of the rank is the US bond market, very overpriced but the issue there is that there isn't a lot of negative astrology hitting bonds until September on. So not a smart idea shorting there.

I hope the above assists

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hi readers
Need to get this out as many are asking same questions.

With the current profit results what is your valuation of the market?

Looking at the numbers which have come through at the present time, I feel as tho the market is at least 16% overvalued.
There are many companies that are grossly overvalued and some undervalued.
You need to be patient and wait for a bargin, same as when huge discounts are on sale at department stores.

How far does the A$ fall before its fair value?

As I've stated before this is a deadly game the RBA has got itself into and with the green light given to funds to sell the dollar there is no reason why it can't fall below 75 or even 70 to the dollar.
If you have US dollars and want to convert I would wait.
When the dollar was 1.05 a couple of years ago and I stated that it would never see this level again for a good 10-15 years only very few took it on board.
I'm glad some did and are just waiting.. You have made 27% on your money risk free, never get that in a term deposit.

If Greece leaves the euro what will that mean for the country?

I did the astrology on this and while there is short term pain, there is major gain for the country in 5 years time.
It's the creditors who are going to face huge losses and this could mean Germany will have to either defend the euro or prop up banks.

After APPL profit results are you still confident of $80, not $150?

Yes well it looks great but this is why the stock was $100+ area. Looking forward if you think the stock will keep appreciating then buy it.
I'll let the astrology do the work, and then say I told you so..
Betting against astrology is only 15-20% of the time right.
While I refuse to short the stock because of the war chest Cook has at his disposal.
I'm happy to wait for my price to buy it again.
Good luck ...... You might just need it .....LOL

On the road to disaster if we are not careful

Hi readers
I've just had another look at the NFLX chart and it looks as tho this stock could do another serious run down. Mid year it will gather serious momentum.. So tomorrow ill look at the options.

It wonderful to see that finally the market now realises what the Saudi's game plan was..
To run the shale businesses out of business.
Ha ha  let's enjoy cheap oil...
By the way we will not see $100 oil in the next 5 years, going by what the astrology is showing.

While the world as we know it is changing, we need to understand and respect tolerants.
The best think to do is not to get involved, but I doubt the west will be able to.
What's happening in Russia needs to be left alone as caos is very real.
Russia needs to work out this on its own or else squeezing an orange which has no juice is pointless.
The more important issue is if caos does happen then nuclear materials will be sold to people who require it to cause harm.
I'm not bluffing either this is very real.

In the currency markets..
Australia your dollar is being attacked by overseas and there is no let up, so let's see how far the RBA is prepared to let it go.
At it broke the 83 level it's hasn't looked backs it been a consistent clipping.
Great for exporters, bad for consumers.
Hopefully there are farmers still on the land that can teach skills for the next generation to prosper.

To the U.S.
As I have stated before housing isn't recovering like it's supposed to.
Hedge funds have bought properties from the banks and holding them hoping to cash in.
Problem is it's not happening, the Fed knows it too that's why the are at bay.
But the media is beating up the wrong beat regarding the fed's view of the economy.

To Singapore
We are in serious trouble. We have loaded up on Euros as a reserve currency. This has been great while the euro was trading higher.
But now this isn't good as with the euro about to collapse, it could seriously put a massive debit into the countries coffers.
Stay tuned as Singapore could seriously could become a tailspin economy.
Be careful property investors.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Don't be fooled by illusions

Hi readers

Well so much to look and and where to start first.

First of all NFLX.
Such a cocky CEO and to think that price rises won't affect the company.... Think again sport!
Pluto is on her way and your company is in the firing line..
Yes people I couldn't resist I did short the stock at $450.10. For a trade.

Second APPL
The devil is in the detail people.
 The latest product isn't taking off as was expected.
iPad air and the mini is way below what they thought.
Yes sales of iPhones did well but, when you take out the China sales they where a flop.
Anyway I see it as justification for the current price but what's next.
Watches really?
I went out to the shops on the weekend and sat and counted how many people had watches.
If Mr Cook is pinning his hopes on watches his in for a rude awakening.
Retail got excited of the profit result and bought at any cost, which is great for them.
The one thing Apple has is that dam war chest, anyone shorting the stock is stupid.
You can't afford to when a company has that much fat sitting wait to be put to use.

Third FB
Wonderful result a 49% lift in profits.
Are you serious, this is a company with a so called 1.7 billion uses and it only increased it sales by double digit..
Good chance I might have to lower my target.

In regards to the market take note who is reporting good numbers and thinks the world is there oyster.
There the ones that are going to receive the reality check.
This Mercury retrograde will be unforgiving soon.

Question is with the results that are in so far do they justify a 2000 S&P.

Also please don't chase trades out there wait for them to come to you.
Gold over 1300 was a nice little trade.
The euro with the ECB announcement was another.
Please be patient and let them come to you.

One more thing the ECB stimulars is a complete failure.
It has no substance on what it tends to do and if the Greeks leave the euro then watch Italy and Spain to follow suit.