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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Liberals will win the next election

Hi readers
A lot has happened since our last post .
The liberal party won the Australian election, which is no surprise to any astrologer.
The Scorpion moon on Friday was always going to benefit the liberals and once again the polls and bookies got it wrong.
To the labor voters, he was a fake from the beginning and he was a fake till the end.
The next labor leader who will win the election isnt who is being presented as potential leaders.
Penny Wong , Pluto Jupiter 9 degrees.. political sniper
Tanya Plibersek, Saturn Mercury 14 degrees.. she's the only smart person in the room. Foot in mouth disease
Chris Bowen Mercury Moon 4 degrees.. believes very word he says is the gospel.
Anthony Albenessy.. while he does have a Mercury Sun 13 degrees, he also is plagued by Mars Venus 3 degrees.
While he means well and is genuinely listening to people, he will still do his own thing, and push to far in his attacking style.
Will make a number of errors.
The fact that some of these politicians called people dump for not voting for labor will haunt them for the rest of there political careers.

These people can't win for labor..
Regardless of what the economic climate is the liberals will win the next election also.
The accomplishments that the government will achieve will ensure that.

Farm Pride I have been an active buyer mopping the stock up .
If farm Pride is liquidated tomorrow and assets sold the stock would be worth 58 cents.
The fact that it's in the 20-30 area says it all.
No need to be a brain surgeon to work out what's a bargain, and they are profitable.

With OCC as you can see volumes have come dramatically down and the stock is sliding  slowly lower.
I'd like to see how it performs in the 35-40 area and then see how the astrology starts to work on it.
At the present time the negative aspects are more dominant than the positives so be patient.

With Bub it's simply in range as stated, there is accounts accumulating the stock at the present time, hence the low volume.

I'm looking into a few other stocks with huge astrology potentials but as always do your own research on them.
Please remember people this is NOT a recommendation on stocks it's simply an astrological outlook of a stock.
The choice is always yours if you want to invest in them.
You can simply watch if you so choose and see how astrology works.

As always ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
The above is an astrological outlook.