Hi readers
Market volatility is ripe at the present time and it's nothing more than tax selling and rebalancing of portfolios.
You would be fooled to read more into it.
Yes there is a little bit of the trade tariffs in there too but you can see how Trump back tracks quickly when his called out on his bluff.
Basically his full of shit, there are no other words to describe it.
This has Larry kudlow all over it and you can now see why it was one of his better appointments.
In regards to the Facebook leak and exposure that not a secret who understands quantum programming.
Its why you tend to see had on web pages that you read or search on the web which have ads that interest your hobbies or previous searches.
In regards to Wanchain let's get one thing straight I didn't kill the value of the coin in the last post, I simple posted the facts regarding it and that the value of the coin could not be maintained at those levels.
Due to the listing launch of the coin.
Timing is very important when listing on exchanges I know while many who don't believe in it, it's why so many fail to make it or struggle.
In order to use a Mercury retrograde properly during this time you should be research, negotiating, review current issue/position , it's not a time to commence or start new ventures.
Example ....if your thinking of selling your house you want to be selling it during the Mercury retrograde period, it's where you will obtain the best price for your property.
You don't want to be the buyer as after Mercury goes direct you will then realise that the house you just bought isn't what you want or you paid to much for it.
On another note there seem to be some cracks starting to appear with what I mentioned some posts ago regarding which company is loosing sales, if BUB sales are increasing.
More to come.
For those asking regarding disclosure laws in Singapore.
17c financial disclosure laws.
Any registered series7 fund manager who posts via electronic media needs to disclose any trades over $50,000 USD, as not to collude readers/ followers into trading the assets he/she is either buying or selling.
Disclosure I have executed the following trades.
A2M sold short at $13.06
Market volatility is ripe at the present time and it's nothing more than tax selling and rebalancing of portfolios.
You would be fooled to read more into it.
Yes there is a little bit of the trade tariffs in there too but you can see how Trump back tracks quickly when his called out on his bluff.
Basically his full of shit, there are no other words to describe it.
This has Larry kudlow all over it and you can now see why it was one of his better appointments.
In regards to the Facebook leak and exposure that not a secret who understands quantum programming.
Its why you tend to see had on web pages that you read or search on the web which have ads that interest your hobbies or previous searches.
In regards to Wanchain let's get one thing straight I didn't kill the value of the coin in the last post, I simple posted the facts regarding it and that the value of the coin could not be maintained at those levels.
Due to the listing launch of the coin.
Timing is very important when listing on exchanges I know while many who don't believe in it, it's why so many fail to make it or struggle.
In order to use a Mercury retrograde properly during this time you should be research, negotiating, review current issue/position , it's not a time to commence or start new ventures.
Example ....if your thinking of selling your house you want to be selling it during the Mercury retrograde period, it's where you will obtain the best price for your property.
You don't want to be the buyer as after Mercury goes direct you will then realise that the house you just bought isn't what you want or you paid to much for it.
On another note there seem to be some cracks starting to appear with what I mentioned some posts ago regarding which company is loosing sales, if BUB sales are increasing.
More to come.
For those asking regarding disclosure laws in Singapore.
17c financial disclosure laws.
Any registered series7 fund manager who posts via electronic media needs to disclose any trades over $50,000 USD, as not to collude readers/ followers into trading the assets he/she is either buying or selling.
Disclosure I have executed the following trades.
A2M sold short at $13.06