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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lunar Eclipse tomorrow

 Hi readers 

Yes the Crypto market recovered and everyone who bought at $32k is a genius.

So take your money before you loose it ?

Oh you can't because you believe its going to $100k, so when/if drops to 25K or 20K don't get upset and start panicking, that your going to loose your capital.

These are the type of emotion crypto traders are going through and for those of you who didn't see 2017 I'm told that this is just a more deeper scale with the high valuations.

So before you enter into this investment called crypto please have a strategy and stick to it.

Last time I checked you never go broke taking profits.

Yes tomorrow is the Lunar Eclipse and for many of you will be a series of  serious deep secret coming to the surface.

Even the country (Australia) a number of deep secrets will reach the surface and people will see what they have been told is a lie.

To make matter worse yes it is a blood moon so anticipate things to play out for a lot longer than one hoped for.

A number of deceptions will expose people in prominent positions, anticipate a scandal or two.

Information which has been fed to people to make them feel good will be exposed as fraud.

For some people it will be a wonderful time as a clear mindset will propel to bigger opportunities.

Monday, May 24, 2021

The time to buy Crypto will come but not yet.

 Hi readers

Yesterdays post upset a few readers which I really don't care.

I reality check is a wonderful thing for people when making investment decisions.

I don't gain or loose from telling you what the astrology is showing, so use it as an indicator to your own work.

There is an opportunity coming for a trade and a trade is just that a trade, its not an investment so it will need to be monitored daily.

But its after the Eclipse not before so you can wait, its ok to have money in your hands and ready for an opportunity.

In regards to the stock market its very overpriced and i can see huge falls coming.

While many believe the FED will back stop the fall I disagree as commodities aren't falling and in fact they are continuing to rise which is a sure sign of inflation.

Transitory inflation what a load of shit, its either inflation or not, I love it how central bankers don't want to admit they have screwed up and come up with these wonderful words to hide the truth.

It's the same as "I have no recollection" you do something then say this crap and you can get away with murder.

Anyway inflation is ripe and we are in an inflationary environment, now for how long before the shit hits the fan could be 3,6,12 months before deflation kicks in.

If I had to bet I'd say October is where we start to see it and accelerate in December.

Pressure on the US dollar has started and will accelerate, someone has to pay the piper and free money does come at a cost which the tax payer has to pay.

Its amazing that 77% of Americans believe they will never pay back the debt there country has accumulated.

In 2024 when interest rates explode higher we will see about that, as country wont accept the US dollar as secure commerce.more on that later tho.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Bitcoin can't loose 50% value and still be in a bull market.

 Hi Readers

So we see the Stock Market now becoming extremely dangerous.

I say that for a few reason.

The SP500 stock yield is now lower that the 10 year US bonds.

The last time this happen was the 2000 tech boom where within 2 months after the Nasdaq market collapsed 50% and industrial stocks come off  30%.

After the SEC positional filings release we see professional money continuing to liquidate shares while those same people have been in the media telling retail to buy.

We also see the FED's minutes say that they are considering taping off, which should this be the case i worry for what will play out.

Sure some will say we know this is coming and that the above is old news, but if its one thing i have learnt is that fear runs far quicker that greed.

To the Crypto traders we have seen the market take a serious beating, and before you all start believing the bullshit that so many spin on youtube and twitter, let me just say this.

No Bull market looses 50% of its value and is in a bull market.

Yes you will have your 5-10% correction on a bull run, but its not possible to loose 50% of the value of an asset and still be in a bull run.

In Crypto as is the case it does tend to hyper extend to 25-30% but not 50%.

Bitcoin or Eth and for that matter any other Alt coin has lost over 50% value and its for this reason there is no Bull market..

It's the musical chair game where you need to find a seat before the music stops or your toast.

People playing the move as a correction phase are talking crap, as we have said it before until the house of fools stops your the one who holds the coins is the fool.

94% of coins make no money, the are hoping that people will believe there story and pay up for there coins, therefore your buy hopes and dreams.

Yes even Bitcoin makes no money, it is a storage of wealth i am told ?? really well every time the stock market get a smack in the mouth so does bitcoin, yes and gold,so the idea that its a storage of wealth is false.

It has value because of the scarcity 21 million and that there is fools happy to pay $30,$40 or $60k for it.

Once again we are in the fourth year of the cycle and no one said it ends in December, it could have already ended.

There will be a time to buy and hold it but not now, yes there is trading opportunities in it but you need to be watching the screen 24/7 as changes are happening hourly.

The fact that 40% of bitcoin storage coins came on to the market wasn't reported until after the fact, yet Glassnode and other muppets come out and are quick to give any reason for what occurs for a bullish case.

Companies and individuals have there own agenda so its best to do your own research before listening or reading peoples views.

after the fact everyone is right,and the world does know that everyone trading crypto has made serious money.

Ideal for scams and estate agents to fleece.

Before the email get shot at me let me make it clear apart from my bitcoin ,ETH and UBT, all other crypto's I sold are now lower than what I sold them at back in Dec-Jan.

Its ok to stay in cash and be ready for bargains when they come. 


I only hold 100,000 STMX at 4.5-5 cents Australian.