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Thursday, October 14, 2021

General comments

 Hi Readers

Markets are hoping along the yellow brick road without a worry in the world.

While the Chinese property market is collapsing in front of our eyes the western world doesn't give to shit about it. Last I check China was the engine room of the world and if the Chinese aren't going well neither is the world.

But I guess everyone still is of the belief that the FED will keep buying everything, but now the market is finally realizing that the FED purchases are causing inflation, nothing new just a realization to economics. For those who want to know yes this will increase the US Dollar also which will be bad for precious metals, and will catch crypto currencies along the way. But timing is everything and when you have the FED buying like a drunken sailors, events are delayed.

Astrology shows the way and the event that has to play out, but the timing for the last 2 years has been blown apart by the magnitude of purchases the FED makes, that's how distorted the financial markets really are at the present time.

When astrological aspect isn't allowed to play out then it just continue to build up like a pressure tank. Once the pressure is too much it doesn't just explode, the bolts shoot off and then the tank pierces the weak points and then you have the explosion.

Evergrande isn't going to pay the overseas bond holders I'm sure of it nor are the other property developers, Blackrock and Vanguard are going to wear significant losses which will freeze the lines of credit up. Now when does this take place is the key question I cant answer it as the FED has the own road of self destruction at the present time.

Yes deflation will come but not until end of 2022 early 2023 then you have to look at gold not before.

In Melbourne today what can you say!!!

It's so sad what is happening at the present time, the people are being forced to be vaccinated or risk loosing there employment. Little do people realize that they are the ones with the power to dictate terms. If you want proof of it have a look at what is going on the the US, Pilots, police, truck drivers nurses and the list goes on are walking off the job, refusing to get jabbed. 

If Australians for that matter had the same attitude then the country would simply stop until the demands of the people are met not the demands of politicians and there communist friends. Australian people aren't violent and yes the population is unarmed but that doesn't mean they are powerless. Americans are armed yet no bullets have been shot, people have simply refused to work under the conditions of no jab no job.

Yes I heard the stories of I have a mortgage blah blah but the truth is banks need the people more than the people need them, unfortunately the education system has taught everyone to obey and do as your told, its no wonder that the majority of millionaires/billionaires never finished year 10 high school. They think outside the box, not what they are told nor do they have blinkers. Think about it readers. There comes a point where you have to say what the hell is going on and to make a stand. 

Personally I've come to the conclusion that both countries I have residency are stuffed and I'm considering Northern Europe. All we need is a laptop and an internet connection and we are all good.I'm not prepared to live in a communist country called Australia, so sad of what its become.

For the traders out there the 15th of October could be a nasty day for the markets and in particularly the crypto markets, use caution and if it backs your own work use your judgement. 



As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

The above is based of Financial astrology only and is not financial advise.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above


Monday, October 11, 2021

General comments

 Hi readers 

How good are these markets at the present time.

In China the property developers can't find anyone to lend them money even offering 18% on a 5 year bond, and no Blackrock or Vanguard taking it up, oh that's right they haven't been paid yet, there the 2 suckers who lost there interest payments. Obviously they thought that China is the US and the too big to fail policy is universal. 

Inflation well now we know or should I say we accept that its not transitory.

The FED is full of shit and they knew it all along but the financial media puppets kept on spinning the  transitory crap and that annoyed me so much, the fact they don't do there own research nor do the question aggressively FED Chairman Powell. This is all there doing, its out of control and there not doing anything about it. 

We have become a society of gamblers wanting immediate returns, my worry is that 2% of traders really understand inflation and markets are in for the shock of there life, the longer this keeps going with no action to kill it.(inflation)

Yes we see deflation in 2023 and beyond but until then how high does inflation go will be the killer of economies. People are actually loosing there wealth right now and they don't even know it, what happens when people realize it, all hell will break.

To my gold bug friends, geez I love you guys, you think every reason is a reason to buy gold.

Once again yes broken record time, gold goes up on a deflationary environment not inflationary, therefore yes gold will trade sideways to lower, yes in can go to $1000 or lower but I'm not interested until I buy it then I'll tell you what the astrology is showing for it. 

Have you seen the prices of energy, softs and grains keep climbing, they are the commodity needs of people to survive.

Lumber has slumped in prices and that's because mills that had been shut reopened and people refused to build and waited for prices to fall. Can people wait to eat or keep warm on a cold winter which is coming? 

For the Bitcoin traders careful on the 15th could be a nasty down day. That's what the astrology is showing so if that lines up with your own research then watch it play out.

Remember the more indicators that are showing you the same thing the more probability the trade will be right.

I'm hanging to rip into the Reserve Bank of Australia, but I'll save it for another time, the generation error which is occurring is criminal.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

I am a Financial Astrologer and the above is purely based of Astrological aspect only.