This blog is based on astrological aspects and interpreted in a market format for people to understand how astrology can foresee much further than man made computers. Advice given for free is not taken seriously as you didn't pay for it. Had you paid for this advice and not acted then your a hypocrite Make what you will of it, be entertainment or informative. PLEASE SEEK FINANCIAL ADVISE FROM YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR ..Thank you
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Saturday, October 31, 2020
Bitcoin Accumulation
Hi Readers
It's great to see how many of you have started to look at crypto coins.
I'd be a buyer of them before buying investment property or metals in a heart beat.
With no middle men to take a slice of your money either, when purchasing or selling.
Its appears that this time around large Institutions are the buyers of Bitcoin no retail investors as was the case 2017.
2017 was a case of all the cowboys and retail playing in a casino.
This is not the case now where your seeing professional money buy and hold the coins as apposed to trading.
Professional money has been quietly buying daily Bitcoins and taking them off the exchanges as no to fluster the market.
We never hear about it as they dont want anyone to know whats really going on.
We are distracted by world events yet one particular wallet hold close to $60 billion worth of bitcoin.
Now lets get one thing straight.
You dont accumulate this amount of bitcoin for a trade as you could never sell it out to someone else.
Your only buying this amount of bitcoin for a 5-10 or even 15 year investment.
Yet your being told that Bitcoin is a fraud.
Has reality awaken you up yet.
Forget about Paypal or Microstrategies investment in the space they gave it media attention.
Lets start naming some of these corporations in the space.
Then we have some of grayscales clients who some of you might be aware of.
Yes the Rothschild investments and a number of Quietly run Funds have been investing in bitcoin without anyones knowledge.
So dont think for a minute that these guys dont sit at a barbeque chit chat about how they can continue to corner the market.
Lets not forget people 21 million Bitcoin thats it.
These are just the US funds moving into the space.
You dont think for a minute that the Europeans are just going to sit and watch there American counterparts get the advantage on them.
Boutique banks are obtaining Custodian Licenses in Europe, yet keeping quiet about it.
While I would love to post some of these companies also legally Im unable to due to copywrite.
So as you can see its not hard to be able to play with huge money in the crypto markets, you just need to be smart.
To our Australian readers Whats going to happen when the superannuation funds are going to get burnt from the property correction.
You dont think they will want to look at investing to recoup losses or to actually grow your promised unfunded super.
Just putting it out there so you're all aware as in the next 2-5 years should Trump not win the election I anticipate huge increases in this space.
The above is based on Astrology.
I am not a financial advisor and you should seek professional advice.
As always use the above as an indicator to you own work .
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Alternative investment Crypto coins
Hi readers
Yesterday's update hit a raw nerve with a few readers so lets just entertain the idea as some would say.
The last research that I did shows 92% of the world criminal activity is transacted in the US dollars.
So if Bitcoin is used big deal, its not like its the end of the world.
The US currency has and always will be the biggest money laundering currency in the world and that will never change.
The reason why it is, is that the US government is the biggest criminal organisation,and that will never change.
Everyone world wide will accept US$.
SO you just need to settle on the idea that organised crime will steal your bitcoin.
It cant and wont as they have tried (Google) and failed.
People can only steal your coins if you send them out or if you keep them in a hot wallet, on an exchange.
But with the security that most exchanges have its difficult now to hack at will.
Below are companies that have already begun to store wealth in Bitcoin thats why your not seeing the volatility there was back in 2017.
While many traders are hoping for those days to return they will never happen again.
There is professional money in the game and cowboys cant dictate movements as was the case previously.
Crypto coins need to be active in development if they want to see appreciation of there coins.
Where as in the DEFI space at the present time is cowboy country.
You could double your money or loose the lot, theres a number of puppets programmers sucking out peoples money.
Id be very cautions about getting involved in that space.
Looking at the astrology it seems as tho 2021-2022 could be tough years for the crypto markets, but after that they might just explode.
These are the times that you look to accumulate good coins back by solid projects not fluff and hype.
Please do your own homework before you consider these and if they are suitable for you.
Im sure there is some good projects out there which I dont know about but These are the ones I hold and if I could change any it would be Litecoin.
While it has got the astrology to become, and we saw with PayPal announcing it's one of 4 coins it will only accept going forward, the good programmers have moved on.
The other 3 are Bitcoin,Ethereum and Bitcoin cash.
While my intel years ago wasnt as good as it is now in the space I'm now well informed of developments.
All of the other coins I own are investments for years to come, not short term.
If your looking to invest short term then forget the crypto markets.
These are investments where you buy and forget you own them and check back in a year.
Thats how you make serious money not chump change.
Last year Bitcoin was at $9500 now $13K
Last year Chainlink was at $2.93 now $11.60
We can go through them all but the point is its long term, and liquid.
Unlike property investments where every year you pay the rates, maintanence,and just to sit down and sign you have to pay stamp duty.
So be mindful of your options and dont just invest for the hell of it.
Look into projects see if they become something, dont just listen to dumb asses on youtube telling you to buy property.
Just let you know 10 years ago Bitcoin was worth 81 cents ..
As always the above is based on Financial Astrology.
I am not a financial advisor.
Please seek professional advice before investing.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Deflation we are in
Hi readers
So the central banks are going to create inflation for us all so they can stabilize the monetary system.
This isnt possible with the actions they have all taken.
The numbers being printed up on screens and being hoped that banks would lend it out isnt working.
Banks are continuing to hoard the moeny and accept .025% is better than nothing.
So the next move by the central banks will be to go net negative on rates.
Thats hoped that banks will lend this out.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.
Fact is the banks know exactly were there at with their customer loans and they are not prepared to loan out when they know full well they wont get there money back.
Right now you might not be able to see it but banks around the world are being nationalised.
Governments are taking over as banks dont have a choice.
They need to take this money on offer as not doing so exposes there books to bad loans and rotten past mistakes.
Central banks cant now come out and say for the last 30 years we have cut all inflationary items from the inflation numbers.
That would be like prep economics.
So there only way is by creating a digital currency and measuring it on digital purchases.
Problem they dont realise is that the blockchain is audited and is accounted for so there is not bullshitting around.
Its for this reason at the moment there all looking at it but trying to find a way to play with the numbers/measures to suit themselves.
Imagine they start this then 5 years down the road there is 10% inflation,wholesale lending rates will explode to 8%.
The repo rate pushed 1% higher late last year and if the fed didnt step in the credit market would have collasped.
So to the crypto traders out there the central banks are looking for keys to be able to manipulate the numbers.
But as we all know the Blockchain runs on ledger and can't be hacked, believe me they have tried and failed.
To the gold believers there might be one more push up but I think this is as good as it gets price wise.
I just can't see how gold can trade higher in a deflationary enviroment.
Silver will go higher in time due to solar/battery but gold I don't see it.
Above comments are based on Financial astrological views.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Hi readers
So we have come to the time when the planets are starting to shift around.
Markets are near their highs in both stock markets and crypto markets.
The real world is starting to see the benefits of investing and inter grading with the digital world.
The real world is starting to see that they have lost control of the monetary system and have no idea how to stop it.
By putting even more restriction on mainstream they are able to dictate how the future will look.
A number of you wont understand where I'm coming from but some of you will.
While this Covid shit is nothing more than the common flu the IMF and WHO has been able to Orcastrate governments to follow their own agendas without long term detriments.
By this I mean they have conviced people that you can obtain the covid by touching cash money which is rubbish.
Businesses have be swayed into implementing touch and go transactions.
In case you are not aware touch and go transactions can be tracked but people are too stupid to realize it.
For those who think covid is real.
38 volunteers from 4 different countries had snot from active case people injected into them..
3 days later all came up negative cases, 6 days later still negative.
So while governments are playing this bullshit game there is a hidden agenda.
We are all being told that there is an injection which will protect you which is rubbish.
The injection there talking about but will never tell you is to stop the reproductive system working.
Depopulating is the end game.
No conspiracy theory here people just facts, I have nothing to gain by telling you this.
The problem these establishments have is Trump, thats it.
I dont care who you vote in the US elections but his the thorn in this game being played out to perfection.
Here is Melbourne we have the most laughable government.
A fortnight ago small business Hairdresser open here doors and didn't care if she was going to be fined.
Yes the police turn up to fine her, and she tore the fine up in front of them.
She told them "if I dont open I will lose everything, if you find me I will end up broke, so I dont care".
A day later the government allows hairdressers to open up but everyone else remains shut.
What does that say about the stupidity of Government.
We are currently in the mercury retrograde so anticipate more delays Melbournian's.
Mercury goes direct on the 3rd November, yes on the US election day, a lot more crap will come out about Trump, the media must obey to their masters.
But Trump does hold some aces and with the direct on the day expect the media polls to once again get it wrong again.
The one issue is Fraud which is already ripe and happening as we speak.
The astrology does look nasty going forward, but depending on who wins, can mean a parachute jump or not.
Because come March next year if people dont wake up from the current zombie state that there in and call out governments they will lose everything and yes I mean everything.
No superannuation, no 401K nothing.
Example 50 million people live in NEW YORK. NEW YORK has 36,000 police they dont stand a chance.
Example 5 million people live in Victoria. Victoria has 21,400 police again they dont stand a chance against people power.
The above is a astrologial reading and is in no way financial advice
Ask your financial advisor as I am not, on more on the above
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