This blog is based on astrological aspects and interpreted in a market format for people to understand how astrology can foresee much further than man made computers. Advice given for free is not taken seriously as you didn't pay for it. Had you paid for this advice and not acted then your a hypocrite Make what you will of it, be entertainment or informative. PLEASE SEEK FINANCIAL ADVISE FROM YOUR FINANCIAL ADVISOR ..Thank you
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Sunday, October 25, 2020
Hi readers
So we have come to the time when the planets are starting to shift around.
Markets are near their highs in both stock markets and crypto markets.
The real world is starting to see the benefits of investing and inter grading with the digital world.
The real world is starting to see that they have lost control of the monetary system and have no idea how to stop it.
By putting even more restriction on mainstream they are able to dictate how the future will look.
A number of you wont understand where I'm coming from but some of you will.
While this Covid shit is nothing more than the common flu the IMF and WHO has been able to Orcastrate governments to follow their own agendas without long term detriments.
By this I mean they have conviced people that you can obtain the covid by touching cash money which is rubbish.
Businesses have be swayed into implementing touch and go transactions.
In case you are not aware touch and go transactions can be tracked but people are too stupid to realize it.
For those who think covid is real.
38 volunteers from 4 different countries had snot from active case people injected into them..
3 days later all came up negative cases, 6 days later still negative.
So while governments are playing this bullshit game there is a hidden agenda.
We are all being told that there is an injection which will protect you which is rubbish.
The injection there talking about but will never tell you is to stop the reproductive system working.
Depopulating is the end game.
No conspiracy theory here people just facts, I have nothing to gain by telling you this.
The problem these establishments have is Trump, thats it.
I dont care who you vote in the US elections but his the thorn in this game being played out to perfection.
Here is Melbourne we have the most laughable government.
A fortnight ago small business Hairdresser open here doors and didn't care if she was going to be fined.
Yes the police turn up to fine her, and she tore the fine up in front of them.
She told them "if I dont open I will lose everything, if you find me I will end up broke, so I dont care".
A day later the government allows hairdressers to open up but everyone else remains shut.
What does that say about the stupidity of Government.
We are currently in the mercury retrograde so anticipate more delays Melbournian's.
Mercury goes direct on the 3rd November, yes on the US election day, a lot more crap will come out about Trump, the media must obey to their masters.
But Trump does hold some aces and with the direct on the day expect the media polls to once again get it wrong again.
The one issue is Fraud which is already ripe and happening as we speak.
The astrology does look nasty going forward, but depending on who wins, can mean a parachute jump or not.
Because come March next year if people dont wake up from the current zombie state that there in and call out governments they will lose everything and yes I mean everything.
No superannuation, no 401K nothing.
Example 50 million people live in NEW YORK. NEW YORK has 36,000 police they dont stand a chance.
Example 5 million people live in Victoria. Victoria has 21,400 police again they dont stand a chance against people power.
The above is a astrologial reading and is in no way financial advice
Ask your financial advisor as I am not, on more on the above
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