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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Using the astrology to your advantage

Hi readers

As this is being written we see the market struggling to close above 2000 on the S&P.
Market across the board are either profit taking or topping out this current run.

I have to apologise because in the March dates on the solar eclipse line spell check changed the exact words I typed.
8th down  solar eclipse market should top but because in Pisces it does usually 
What is should of stated ... Market should top but because in Pisces it doesn't usually.

Thank you to the amateur financial astrologer Frank.

  Please note that as the market is coming to roll over you will see a huge distortion, it's therefore wise to cut back volume or simply not trade,it's for a couple of days so best to let be instead of getting caught up in rough seas with no life jacket.

Once again I put it out there , use the astrological dates as one part of your trading strategy.

A reader uses the following ..

5 minute chart with moving averages , once they cross to the direction of the astrology he takes the trade. 
He is a day trade and closes out when he sees the market not continuing the momentum or when the averages cross over.
On days where there is no astrology he plays golf...

PLEASE USE THIS AS AN EXAMPLE ,and use what suits you and your risk tolerance.
Please understand we do get it wrong sometimes with the financial astrology, as we can be early at times but we are more right than wrong.
That's what matter the most as it's important that the bank balance keeps rising .

Sunday, March 6, 2016

solar eclipse warning to use caution please

Hi readers

It's Sunday and once again I'm looking at the potential influence of the solar eclipse this week..
More and more it's heading towards a top, will energy could fall hard again.
Friday was an expected up move and even tho the NFP number where bad market still traded higher.
There should be some over run on Monday but after that the tide could be turning.
Watch and see how the market perform over the next coupl of days.
 Also not that roll over of positions in the futures arena will start on Wednesday.
Please don't get carried away with trading as the environment isn't there for it.

On the political front ..Hilary was always going to smoke Sanders.
But on the other side it's a very sad week, as the one hope to unite the country pulled out.. Carson I guess had no choice, with him also goes the Republican Party hope. (Astrologically).
Trump is far to wild to govern, and Cruz is a liar... Either way the Republican Party know they have lost.
In Australia .The economy is starting to contract and the Liberal party are worried about a voter backlash.
Malcom isn't the saviour first thought and the media are now starting to question his credentials.
Media in Australia is become very powerful of late.
They can hire and fire prime ministers ..
Use caution this week..