Hi readers
Holidays are over and we are down to business.
There is a simple rebalancing act going on at the present time.. Closing positions on both sides of the markets.
Trade what's in front of you and don't look for levels as th y either won't hold or will fall short.
Not only that but when you start looking for levels you fall into the trap of illusionary trading, play the hope than trading the moment.
On the political front we see the Australian government still worrying about being popular instead of looking to doing the right thing for the country, by that I mean working for the country to make it more productive. Australia seriously need to be growing at 5-6% annually not the primitive level of 2-3%.
It's for that reason so many migrants turn up at the doorstep of the country wanting to make a fresh start.
So much opportunity that the locals don't see.
On the American front Hilary is really making a lot of mistakes.
Instead of making policy and selling it to the voters, she's now playing Donald's game of being personal.
She's the politician and it looks really bad on her while, Donald has nothing to loose and it's starting to work for him, by unsettling her campaign.... Very smart
As we said a year ago he is the dark horse when everyone was joking around about him.
First stock we looked at was MXC.AX .
Company has moved from a mining company to a pharmaceutical company.
It's got into the medicinal and cosmetic use of marijuana.
Which is a great thing looking forward.
But when we looking at the astrology or the management of this company where really is it !
While there are some great opportunities later on right now the company is all over the place.(astrologically)
It's market that it's looking to get into is way more competitive that it really realises and is selling hype at the present time to its shareholders.
The actions the company is taking its basically trying to justify its credibility.
Let's look at why ?
At the present time it's growing crops in Europe with a low concentrations of strength in the oil it's producing.
Yet its competitors in America are way more advanced.
In certain parts of America where marijuana is legally sold for medical treatment the concentration is way more advanced and is a thriving business.
Climate does play a huge part is the concentration of strength in the product,yet in its own back yard it's not able to grow the crops.
Again western British governmental bullshit, if you can't tax it you can't grow it.
Cairns is the ideal area for it to be grown yet the politicians will only allow trial in Canberra.
The only real opportunity for the company to justify its transformation into this area is to use all means necessary to open Australia for its product. Looking overseas is a waste of time and money as its behind the fence in so many fronts.
Sure it starting to get its act together, with Doctors who are leaders in the field, where marijuana oil can be used but they are only consultants.
People of that status need to be on the board.
Not mining people who are still on the board acting on pharmaceutical issues.
I won't put all the astrology in for now as its got a long way to go before I look into investing my own money .
This was written when the stock was at .049 and was refused as an investment.
Mid 2017 June has potential should the company clean up its act, but for now no.
Holidays are over and we are down to business.
There is a simple rebalancing act going on at the present time.. Closing positions on both sides of the markets.
Trade what's in front of you and don't look for levels as th y either won't hold or will fall short.
Not only that but when you start looking for levels you fall into the trap of illusionary trading, play the hope than trading the moment.
On the political front we see the Australian government still worrying about being popular instead of looking to doing the right thing for the country, by that I mean working for the country to make it more productive. Australia seriously need to be growing at 5-6% annually not the primitive level of 2-3%.
It's for that reason so many migrants turn up at the doorstep of the country wanting to make a fresh start.
So much opportunity that the locals don't see.
On the American front Hilary is really making a lot of mistakes.
Instead of making policy and selling it to the voters, she's now playing Donald's game of being personal.
She's the politician and it looks really bad on her while, Donald has nothing to loose and it's starting to work for him, by unsettling her campaign.... Very smart
As we said a year ago he is the dark horse when everyone was joking around about him.
First stock we looked at was MXC.AX .
Company has moved from a mining company to a pharmaceutical company.
It's got into the medicinal and cosmetic use of marijuana.
Which is a great thing looking forward.
But when we looking at the astrology or the management of this company where really is it !
While there are some great opportunities later on right now the company is all over the place.(astrologically)
It's market that it's looking to get into is way more competitive that it really realises and is selling hype at the present time to its shareholders.
The actions the company is taking its basically trying to justify its credibility.
Let's look at why ?
At the present time it's growing crops in Europe with a low concentrations of strength in the oil it's producing.
Yet its competitors in America are way more advanced.
In certain parts of America where marijuana is legally sold for medical treatment the concentration is way more advanced and is a thriving business.
Climate does play a huge part is the concentration of strength in the product,yet in its own back yard it's not able to grow the crops.
Again western British governmental bullshit, if you can't tax it you can't grow it.
Cairns is the ideal area for it to be grown yet the politicians will only allow trial in Canberra.
The only real opportunity for the company to justify its transformation into this area is to use all means necessary to open Australia for its product. Looking overseas is a waste of time and money as its behind the fence in so many fronts.
Sure it starting to get its act together, with Doctors who are leaders in the field, where marijuana oil can be used but they are only consultants.
People of that status need to be on the board.
Not mining people who are still on the board acting on pharmaceutical issues.
I won't put all the astrology in for now as its got a long way to go before I look into investing my own money .
This was written when the stock was at .049 and was refused as an investment.
Mid 2017 June has potential should the company clean up its act, but for now no.