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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Where to from here?

Hi readers

With the profits season on the way one should not get to excited at what's to come.
Reason I say this is because it's my view the market has already priced in reasonable numbers.
Maybe I'm looking through bear glasses but the fact is at current levels market has facted in lower profits.
So where to invest many have asked!

Germany, Germany Germany.
Spread rate
12/1/2015 ...7859

Don't freak out if the DAX next year surpasses the DOW JONES.
There are a number of things going right for Germany at the present time.
While the public is witnessing the bailout help to weak EU countries there is a lot more which isn't seen.
The real reason Germany is doing what it does is PROTECTION.
It's very smart, and while the Americans know it they can't do a thing about it.

Then you have the QE crap which is just inflating the market.

With the cream on the cake is the lower euro.

Many will dispute this but it's the facts your not being told that are the real essence of the rise in the German economy.
German should knight Angela Merkel.

Just wait and see once Russia comes back online with trade where the German economy will go.
Astrologically country still has another 3 years of huge growth, before Saturn bring some realisation back.
But until then watch the spread between the DAX/DOW come in .

Not unexpected

Hi readers..

Not unexpected today's move even tho the emails from the Bears came expressing there views.
Basically we state what THE ASTROLOGY  is showing me and you decide what to do.

For the new readers it's simple.
Always use your own indicators or work!
If the astrology supports your own work then there is a better chance of being a successful trade.

I am not stock specific so please don't ask, unless your prepare to fork out $35,000.
Also unless your prepare to pay up to obtain months in advance work, I suggest you start learning astrology, it will be the best thing you ever do.

As for next week earning start, and so do the goal posts.

Word of note to those holding position, DO NOT HOLD LONG POSITIONS OVER THE WEEKEND.
Bank them and prepare for the next move down Sunday night Monday.

Cheers 4am Singapore time off to sleep

Disclosure : still holding Shorts and options in FB& TWTR.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The cats are away and the mice play!

Hi readers

What a day on the market!
Looks like I could be 6 hours early on the market.
We got a fluff move up followed by a nice move down.
The down move is and was expected but the up move was not.
It will be interesting to see how the market trades on Wednesday as there should be a nice follow on but don't know if it will last the hole day as Thursday is a positive day, and the players tend to close out short trades.
Please see how the market is trading and if it looks as tho the market has finished its run bank up alook at the other side.

To the CFD plays please be nimble and watch your quotes as the first signs of the fall weakening will be in the bid ask spreads leaning to the ask side not the bid side.

Still holding my positions but will look to be closing out Wednesday..

Cheers people of to sleep.. 5 am Singapore time 

A few notes on the lunar eclipse affect for the beginners

Hi readers

A number of emails asking regarding the lunar eclipse, so I thought I'd put up a few comments .
Below I've put up an eclipse power grid.
What this is, is the energy and area which will be most affected by the eclipse.
The darker the colour the more powerful it's affect on that country.
This blood moon is the third of 4 and its affect is here for a number of years.
This eclipse is very connected to people's ability to provide, there ability to produce, there fear of failure, and do whatever it takes to still be with the jones's even tho they can't afford it.
People will believe what's told even tho they know the truth but can't accept it.
Gambling will skyrocket, and bankruptcies will explode.
Technology has lost its way of helping people as apposed to making money.
Stupid technology no use gadgets will come on to the market, and people will be forced to buy them even tho they have no need for them. Peer group pressure.
A property revaluation as begun and will only intensify, with a number of country in the blue and second layer of purple falling into recession.

Don't expect monetary policy to spur only Spurs illusion

Hello readers...

Hope you all had a great Easter.
Down to business, with the Scorpio moon in difficult aspects expect a nice fall today on the U.S. market.
That's not to say that the German DAX won't follow , it will.

To the Australian readers, you really have to come to terms with what is as apposed to what's not.
Analysts get paid to spin crap to the public.
They all tend to play follow the leader, yet it was the leader today buying the hell out of the dollar while everyone was waiting for a rate cut.

People look outside the box, the RBA has already closed out its short position at the 75-76 level on the Australian dollar why would it cut rate, and risk sinking the currency.
Fundamentally the currency is about right , but economically the currency can go low.
With that said nothing more to add, start playing the players game, not the media's hype.

Thursday we should see a huge move up with very positive astrology.
So the best advice is trade the market don't be a lover of it.

Disclosure : I took a massive position short by my standards on FB at 81.69& 82.12.. Looking to close out either Tuesday or Wednesday morning.
In the index have a NDX short at 4336