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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

End of the month

Evening all
First I would just like to say that my thoughts go out to be the people in the US who have suffered and lost a great deal.
It was pointed out to me by another astrologer that I should have warned regarding what was to be.
Instead of just looking at the financial side of things.
Wether this is true or not as an astrologer I guess I have neglected my responsibility to warning what could and might.
For many who don't understand when you become a complete astrologer you have a duty to warn of any dangers that might face man.
If I have let anyone down my deepest apologies for this.
But I am a financial astrologer not a forecasting astrologer.

While I have been harping on about the 26th of October for a while this wasn't what I had imagined.
Didn't expect to nail the storm to the day months out.

Lets look forward

We see that the authorities have basically taken over the markets.
While many might not be aware but its a mates looking after mates at the present time.

New York is still somewhat paralyzed by water and yet the financial markets want to open which is stupid.
Power is at best frail, and a freak wind could shut the hole network down again.
I hope that anyone trading during this time is smart enough to know that it's not worth the risk in trading. Best let it go until next week.

So forecast of damage is around 20 billion.... Maybe I think the number might double.
For the economy it will be a huge injection, people will start working again, jobs will be created to restore what was lost.
Real jobs for people not pumping money into banks and then parking it back to the fed.
Government fails to understand that people can overcome anything if they can work.

 While there are a fair few negatives about the positives will out weigh the negative over the next 60 days.
 Yes I still do see Ben still fed chairman and an Obama victory.

In trading
The MA had another great month this time doubling last months performance.
While we took a haircut on the last two trades of the month we managed to return 29.13%
Please note that while we budget for 5-7% a month these markets at the present time are volatile.
Please note we are not taking on any new clients until there is a vacancy.

Looking forward market will continue to be volatile  till year end.
Use caution when trading.
I strongly believe that the indexes and bonds will be more active next month than the commodities.

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.