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Thursday, November 19, 2015

No reason why gold can't be $500 next year

Hi readers

Well market has gone against me some what at the present time.
Went short yesterday on the ASX200 a little early but holding.
For those who have asked for my trades.

Short 25@ 5190
Short 50 @ 5220
Short 25 @ 5250

ES Dec
Short 90@2080
Short 40@2085

NQ Dec

Short 40@4650
Short 20@4675

As you can see we are up on some trade and down on others.
The danger was as stated that the market was very low to commence a down move in particular the ASX.
So let's see what plays out as we are in for some good volatility.
I've had a number of emails to comment about gold.

Gold as I have stated previously is a great way to store wealth.. That's it.
Gold will never be anything more.
While I totally understand why gold is loved and it's the security of a currency.
But the fact is the whole financial system is out of control.
When governments need money they just print it up with no respect of process or ramifications of the action.
Population is always growing around the world so it will work itself out.
I don't make the system we live in, I just adapt to it.
Yes many will be disappointed If you think gold at 1100 or 1500 will be higher in 5 years from now?

Gold conservative outlook to me $500-600 in 5 years or maybe next year.
I say that because the is no reason to own gold.
Sure if gold drop to 200-300 an ounce I will buy it but before then no point.
There is a major difference between metal we use as opposed to investment metals.
Also the tax which countries have put on precious metals to raise revenue is the most stupidest thing in today's society.
Many will always talk of gloom and doom, so the price of gold can go up.
Bottom line gold is just another investment tool... Buy low sell higher.

In bonds they can only go down and while I don't trade them, I can't see how rates can go lower for the bond prices to increase.

For the readers who email regarding our stock to look at.
It's great how all of you are doing your own due diligence.
It's extremely pleasing  to know that many of you take an interest in your investment decisions.
The internet is full of information, you just need to spend a little bit of time on it.

For those asking about teaching financial astrology the answer is no I'm not interested at the present time.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Starting point is dangerously low.

Hi readers

I don't want to say too much on it but it has to be said !
Is there that much hatred towards each other in the world?
To the Muslim extremists this is not the way to conquer the world.
Yes the western world has a lot to answer for and I don't blame you in wanting to revenge the west but killing innocent people is a weak act which is a sin for taking a soul.

There is no 49 virgins waiting for you a total bullshit belief.

As Gaddafi once said to anyone who listened ... Muslims can takeover the world without firing a single shot. Just populate.
In France there has been and continues to be 14.3 Muslim babies born for every 1 western baby.
Take a look for yourselves
It's happening around the world..

Google  resource.
14.3/1 France
6.2/1 Germany
6.5/1 Australia
7.9/1 UK
8.3/1 US
In 30 years time whether we can accept it or not Muslim governments will run the world.
While the west has looked at lifestyle choices, Muslim haven't changed.
So why attack innocent people to make a point? Stupid and cowardly acts.

To the markets as your all aware this is as good as it get for the November month.
Now we are heading into some serious head wind.
The issue is the starting point is low so we could go for a serious run down.
While the market will be up today as stated in the November dates, start looking for potential points to sell.
To those who we sent out our favourite stock for the next 18 months, the reason we said don't chase it was for what's ahead.
Market is ripe for a shake out heading into the festive seasons.
Amature traders  tend to jump in on stock without being patient and end pay up.
Yes the big picture is huge but there is still time so why rush.

To the broking house who sent the email! It's all good.
The stock will be much higher than you believe regardless of your efforts to reduce.
You have another 3 weeks to play your game then watch the astrology takeover.
Should you wish to do a cross you have my email happy to take what you through up.
But warn you, I won't release until I get my price, not the conservative price .