Hi readers
Well don't say I never told you oil is getting creamed, the question now is at what point do we slow down production as companies at $46 start loosing money?
I don't care really as its going to at least $40 .
Russia has just increased interest rates from 10 to 17% to protect the rubble.....LOL
Hey Australia what does that tell you, as 89% of the working population are in debt.
Of that 62% are just interest paying or have defaulted at least once on there mortgages.
As I said people prepared yourselves.!!!!
It amazes me that we here get the news in Singapore and yet in Australia no media run with the facts.
I have completed the US and Commodities totally for the next 12 months and things are not as rosy and they seem.
But I guess most of you knew that.
There are times where the market will rocket up but there are also times where the market will come dropping like a stone in the air.
Once again prepare.
Since I said that the market has dropped a couple of hundred point in the Nasdaq and the S&P and Dow...I will start putting prices up as some have asked for reference points.
Again people wholesale is liquidating and retail thinks this is a buying opportunity which it is not.
This is just an appetiser to what will be for the next 18 to 24 months with Saturn in Sag.
Yes it will over shoot but right now we aren't even close it.
OECD came out and stated that the Australian government has to increase the GST to 18% and low income taxes.. Lower income tax are you serious.
Ill give them the heads up! Singapore with 5 million people has a tax rate of 12% and yet Australia's tax is 40%... yet Singapore produce nothing, and Australia is so rich with serious production of everything you could want.. there is something terribly wrong .
Interesting to see what the Government does with it.
Answers to questions.
If Apple does close for more than 2 days under $105 yes I will liquidate, and buy back in the 70-80 area.
Question 2
No I'm not interested in trading for a firm or other peoples money. I like sleeping at night and only trade my own. My days of managing are over.
Question 3 Am I front running what I publish.
No I don't need to... the market is so huge at the present time I don't manage billions to move the market. My comments are of an Astrological view and that's it.
As I said before when you pay for something then your obligated to use it.
When its for free you don't need to act just be mindful of it.
Well don't say I never told you oil is getting creamed, the question now is at what point do we slow down production as companies at $46 start loosing money?
I don't care really as its going to at least $40 .
Russia has just increased interest rates from 10 to 17% to protect the rubble.....LOL
Hey Australia what does that tell you, as 89% of the working population are in debt.
Of that 62% are just interest paying or have defaulted at least once on there mortgages.
As I said people prepared yourselves.!!!!
It amazes me that we here get the news in Singapore and yet in Australia no media run with the facts.
I have completed the US and Commodities totally for the next 12 months and things are not as rosy and they seem.
But I guess most of you knew that.
There are times where the market will rocket up but there are also times where the market will come dropping like a stone in the air.
Once again prepare.
Since I said that the market has dropped a couple of hundred point in the Nasdaq and the S&P and Dow...I will start putting prices up as some have asked for reference points.
Again people wholesale is liquidating and retail thinks this is a buying opportunity which it is not.
This is just an appetiser to what will be for the next 18 to 24 months with Saturn in Sag.
Yes it will over shoot but right now we aren't even close it.
OECD came out and stated that the Australian government has to increase the GST to 18% and low income taxes.. Lower income tax are you serious.
Ill give them the heads up! Singapore with 5 million people has a tax rate of 12% and yet Australia's tax is 40%... yet Singapore produce nothing, and Australia is so rich with serious production of everything you could want.. there is something terribly wrong .
Interesting to see what the Government does with it.
Answers to questions.
If Apple does close for more than 2 days under $105 yes I will liquidate, and buy back in the 70-80 area.
Question 2
No I'm not interested in trading for a firm or other peoples money. I like sleeping at night and only trade my own. My days of managing are over.
Question 3 Am I front running what I publish.
No I don't need to... the market is so huge at the present time I don't manage billions to move the market. My comments are of an Astrological view and that's it.
As I said before when you pay for something then your obligated to use it.
When its for free you don't need to act just be mindful of it.