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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Evening all ...

Well its official this market is in the early stages of a bull run..
I know many of the bears will question the statement but what I am looking at this could be a sister bull 200 S&P points
I will explain my reasons..

Full Moon in Capricon is a powerful moon.
It tends to be a high or a low and tends to hold..
In many commodities and indexes depending on there astrology you tend to see this being the case.
For this to be negated we need to see a 1% closing low from todays low.
Example 1355*1% =1342 close would eliminate this move.
Also you are witnessing bad news as ( ok so we expected that) buying on the dips.
Expectation on profits are very low at the present time with 12 P/E.
While the average is 16, to see a 16 multiple your looking at a 1500 S&P.
We have the Olympics soon and the holiday season in the US coming..
Are they bullish for the market the short answer is yes.
Technically the market will be seen as overbought, but as your all aware I question technicals.

Its obvious now that the Fed and there partners are going to take a different course, than what the market wants.
Inflation here we come.I will put more up regarding this later..

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

July 3rd

Morning all

Well as you can see the markets are trading markets ..
Oil... I got stopped out just below entry which was disappointing but thats the way it goes.
As for the market I am holding short from 1359.50..
Regardless of what happens today please make sure that you do cover all short trades today on the close.
Today is a full moon and as some of you know full moons bring out bottoms or tops.
I'm thinking that today could be a bottom and thats why I will close my shorts out today.
I wont go long tho as a closed session and at the mercy of Europe isnt a good thing.

Those who have brought grains when I mentioned some weeks back I think its time to take profits and wait.
Same with coffee also .

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.

Monday, July 2, 2012

new year ahead

Morning all ..
As stated friday wasnt a day for the faint hearted.
Perfect example of bull shit flowing .
Its was the sheer lack of selling which ran the market even higher that it went.
Yes it was also one of those 15% times where the astrology got it wrong..
Anyway such is life and we move on...

This week I dont see any shining light for the market or the metals market... infact I will be suprised if gold doesnt hit $1500 by week end.
Today I would wait to see how much carry over there is as there does seem to be some from Europe.
Then I will be selling ..anything above 1359 is my target looking for a1335 handle by Tuesday close.
To be honest the EU announcement was crap friday and the reaction was a laugh.
I am a seller of oil above $84 today also..

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.