Hi Readers
So the PCE came out on Friday and what was expected to what was the actual numbers blew away any idea of a FED pivot. It was never part of the discussion but the media commentators kept pushing this out there to lure the public to believe that the stock market is 9 months ahead and that the worst is behind us.
The astrology which is coming up will only make it worse, as we still haven't seen any real belt tightening yet. Inflation world wide was created by the Central banks to entrap the public.
You can work that out for yourselves, but the bottom line is that we haven't even scratched the surface yet, how bad its really going to get! Some countries are going to be far worse than others like UK, Canada and Australia, as they are dragging there feet in tightening monetary policy.
While people are still working you won't see society change there habits in spending as they don't want people to know that they are getting squeezed, due to rate rises, or inflation increases.
I've said this before and I will say it again this didn't start last year 2022 either, this started in 2018 but the level of money that was thrown at it to hide it was successful but the issue was still there like a tumor. In 2020 we got the Covid helicopter money which once again was just an adrenaline hit and now there is no more adrenaline hits nothing left so we have to pay for the excesses we took.
What many don't seem to understand is that the western world has been condition for the last 25 years to spend and enjoy life no matter what the debt was because rates kept on dropping. We have become people who need instant gratification, whether that's shares prices, crypto prices, likes on social media people have simply become stupid. Now the beauty will be how many will be able to adapt and change and live like minimalist, anyone born in the 1980 plus I see maybe 5% anyone before 1980 I see 10-15% . So what does this all mean I see 85% of the western world in financial difficulty.
Yes regardless of whether you do a side hustle or a second job (just over broke) or Only Fans the bottom line is that this won't pull you out of anything unless you tighten you belt and live like a minimalist.
The long time readers here won't have an issue as I've warned you of what's coming and therefore you all should be more than ready to take advantage of what's going to occur.
So the a private report( from Australia )that came out from treasury to the treasurer stated that anyone who has taken out a home loans from 2012 on now would be underwater, had they not increased repayments on loans during that time. You need to understand that rates have doubles and so to have the repayments but peoples incomes haven't double and never will. So be smart and think about what your doing moving forward, right now we see most selling there toys, women selling there $300 clothes for $100 and the $1500 Prada bags for $700. The men selling jet ski's and boats for a quarter of what they paid for them. Don't believe me look into Market place or Gumtree. To the ladies doing Only Fans thank you for the info from $2700-3400 per month to $150-180 per month for the last 7 months. its now simply unviable for the hours being put in.
This is all been by design and the world has fallen into this trap like sheep in a yard. The media has been a huge part of it so don't believe what you are told. We saw last week as the Epstein names came out there was a plane crash which killed people in the USA. No media coverage of one of the most important pedophile rings in operation. Politicians, singers, actors, media influencers and media reporters. Oh I forgot and king Charles the putts from the UK also.
When your told this people turn and class you as a conspiracy theorist well maybe you might what to starting questioning things for yourself rather than believing what your told by the media.
Like Climate change is real, what a total load of bull shit. Banks wouldn't give anyone a loan for property if the water level was going to rise around the coastal area's. Cities would be under water by now . Yes New York, Florida, California, Melbourne or London just to name a few.
So before you believe what you choose think about the above, what's the agenda and why. Yes money,