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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Crypto currencies are preservation not growth currently

Hi readers

We continue to see the cryptic currencies come down in price.
While this is a good and bad thing it's great to see exchanges becoming more secure.
Again as I have said before cryptic currencies are more for parking wealth or laundering money at the present time.
Yes the value has come down but it's not lost until you sell what you have, so don't panic.
I continue to hold my positions in my nano and have no concern over it.

WANCHAIN as stated previously has halved in price and is on the way down to its low.
While there is huge potential for it currently it's not worth the $3.50 price tag.
The Arab money which bought the hell out of it now I'm hoping will dump it soon and the opportunity to buy it will come.
Either way  there is plenty of time to buy cryptic currency.
But please understand it's wealth parking not growth at the present time.

For our Australian friends we are getting news here in Singapore of property values at 2016 levels and falling, quicker than many expected.
With the banking regulators clamping down on the banks, it's appears to me that the music has stopped and there are no chairs to sit on people.
It's so funny that the ratings agencies are saying that the banks are offloading risk in an orderly fashion. REALLY!!!!
Try telling that to the poor soul who has just paid a good 1.4 for a standard house in Sydney.
He now finds out that his got to come up with more capital to keep the house, the great Australian system.
Now you have the Labor party talking about scrapping negative gearing policy.
The whole property boom has been based on negative gearing, scrap it and prices will collapse.
Please BECAREFUL it could get ugly.

BUB continues to impress

Hi readers

Market volatility has slowed and once again it's all about stock selection.
We see on  the political front both Trump and Kim taking the spotlight.
As if Trump doesn't love it!
Here in Singapore certain parts had been in lockdown due to it.
Bottom line of the meeting is very simple, North Korea has the biggest lithium deposits in the world, the cant export it until sanctions are lifted.
Trump will talk to anyone who will stroke his ego.
Trumps in the job for 3 years or 6 where as Kim is until he dies.
The nuclear issue is bull shit, once you obtain the knowledge you can start it again in a flash as long as you have the materials.
There is no price for knowledge!

In regards to our stocks we currently hold, and have bought.

FRM while it's still profitable business, I have huge reservations about the ability of management to bring true value to the business.
I hate staple stocks and management is turning this company into it, and doing it with my dam money  I'm not happy.

BUB is continuing to go through the process of ticking the boxes and regardless of what the market believes is doing it with ease.
Yes those who have sold it in the 80 area and talking the stock down in chat sites, that doesn't change what's going on.
One word it's called PROGRESSIVE GROWTH.
Sales are continuing to increase substantially and while the market still hasn't acknowledged it, in August the numbers will come out and blow the market away.

For the true believers of financial astrology and those who send me there interpretation of what they see, now you understand why it's so important to look at degrees when reading a stocks birth chart.
The astrology of the company clearly showed that approval and growth was just a matter of time.
Regardless of what anyone believes the company has huge growth ahead of it.
There is a negative time but that's some 4 years away 2022.

Another stock which I have mentioned to you before is, yes the oyster company.
I did buy a small junk of this stock at 13.5-14.5.
The reason for this is that a huge deal is coming up, which will either make this company a 60-80 cent company or flop it to its current level.
This is what the astrology is showing for the company and that's why I took a stake.
It bothers me that Ashok is still about in the stock but I guess we will have to wait and see what becomes of it .
While it appears that the company and the buyer are miles apart the potential for a deal is very real and one will buckle, to make it work.

In regards to the company is continuing to explore and has found some serious deposits, this is what clearly is showing astrological, while it's annoying that the company has dropped in price I'm not concerned by it as astrology doesn't lie.
There is a current play of buy GSC/ sell ABR going on, all I can say is god help the poor soul who will loose his shirt when the news does come out of the find.

Disclosure since our last post we have bought the following stocks.