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Friday, September 27, 2019

The US treasury is behind falls in the crypto market to protect the US dollar.

Hi readers
Yesterday we saw a flash crash in the crypto market and why did we see that the question has to be.
Who's interest is it to keep the crypto currencies down as not to allow them to gain value.
When you look at the astrology and some of the crypto currencies I hold there seems to be a Pluto transits which is weak yet lingers around which indicates underneath manipulation.
While its weak not to worry about the bottom line is that there is an attempt to burn this asset class at any cost.
I have been following 9 wallets which sell the crypto currencies on one exchange and buy them back at a lower price on another and then transfer the purchased positions to the open positions.
Effectively trading the crypto market like the futures market only better for a long term outcome.

When you follow the money trail it seems to lead all the way back to the US treasury department.
So we now know who is doing it and if you dig deeper into the wallets you can find evidence of the fronts that portray as clients yet are treasury shelf companies.
So the next question you need to ask is why are they getting involved in this type of market, why don't they just continue to manipulate Wall Street, and the metals markets.

If you look at the astrology it clearly shows that over time countries will start to use crypto currencies to trade amongst themselves.
The US dollar commercial exchange is being dropped.
China is lending REMINDI denomination currency to the world and its being accepted.
We just saw it with Saudi Arabia which accepted REMINDI as currency instead of US dollars.
The dollar is no longer becoming the commercial currency it once was.
Oil has been getting purchased by countries in crypto currencies, we now see Russia accepting Bitcoin for grain exports.
This is becoming extremely serious for a country who runs on debt, and war to stay afloat.
So while countries are look to move away from the US dollar, crypto currencies seems to be the only independent currency that is trusted.
It's for this reason the US will do whatever it takes to burn the crypto market.
They use the media muppets on CNBC,Bloomberg and Fox to discredit the cryptic coins but people aren't stupid and understand that the debt levels in America are out of control.
There needs to be a balance in the world and not a dictatorship which has been the case for over 50 years, this illusion the world is in needs to stop and people need to understand that they are in control of themselves.
I say this because I can see the strain people are under due to massive amounts of debt.
If people focus on there debt then they don't see what's really going on.

Example .. Australia passed legislation that you can't pay for services or goods more than $10,000 in cash.
They call it money laundering/ anti terrorism laws.
Since when was a tradesman who did a job on a house a terrorist.
Since when was buy a classic car to work on at home money laundering.
This type of controls governments are putting on the people is really for another purpose.
It's more to do with protecting the banking sector from a run on when rates become negative in Australia.
In case you didn't know money in term deposits is a loan to the bank from you.
If everyone pulls there money out of banks and stores it in cash the banks then become vulnerable.
This legislation is designed not to allow you to do that.

Remember people capital preservation is key

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Always seek professional advice on the above issues.
Above are astrological aspects put together to for an opinion which is my own.

Monday, September 23, 2019

American propaganda at its best

Hi readers
Dear oh dear what are the American's up to.
I haven't seen an asslicking like what the Australian Prime Minister has had since the last Prime Minister got ( that being John Howard) can you recall the so called deputy.
No one in the world trusts the Americans nor does any American who does there own research on issue.
Here is once again a perfect example.
The Saudi oilfield got attack by drones from where Iran. That's the bullshit the American government wants the world to believe and talking about a war with Iran.
News services from America spun the bullshit that the oilfields would be down for over a month.

Then the truth came out, that in fact the drones where American explosives drones which came from Iraq and to be more precise from the green zone in Iraq.
Why where they targeted you might ask, well the Saudi government has decided to accept Chinese REMINDI has payment for oil.
You might ask so what!
The US$ is loosing its status as the reserve currency of the world, that's why it was a warning to the Saudi government that the US won't stand without a fight.
Already the Chinese are squeezing the Federal Reserve by not participating in bond purchases, and as a result your seeing the debt exploding in the US which can no longer be managed.
For those who don't know the US interest on debt is the equivalent of 3 years of tax revenue.
So the last straw is if the US looses its status as the reserve currency then the US will default and one day the fed will just need to cut the value of its bonds overnight.
Yes that will collapse the financial system as we know it.
This is high stakes poker with no winners as it's the public that will bare the brunt of this collapse, not the crooks who instigated it.
We already know the American way ,always blame everyone but themselves, that's why there is no more trust in the government by people.
Governments and banks are artificially holding asset prices up as they are so addicted to the tax revenue.
Don't believe me?  why is there inflation of over 10% yet every government no matter what country says its only 1-2%.
In Australia meat alone has increase 10-15% in the last 6 months, as for power don't get me started, increased in Australia by 20% and expected blackouts this summer.
In America food alone is up over 10-15% depending where you live and yet there is only 1.5% inflation.
So what's kept inflation down, fuel up, power up, utilities up complete bullshit and readers you need to think about your retirement.
Don't expect to be ok in your pension age, your are totally screwed.
As one person said to me "non tax contributors, governments want to cull" it's cruel but true.
So start educating yourself because no ones in government will help you going forward.
Wealth preservation is key over the next 2 years.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Seek professional financial advice on more on the above.
The above is only astrological aspects put together to determine an outcome.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bubs could be in play ? What do you think

Hi readers
 What a weeks it's been.
We have seen a takeover bid for Bellamy which is wonderful for the shareholders.
The takeover is a strategic play on behalf of the Chinese government to reduce the dependence of the US product.
If you look at how it's being funded the takeover you will quickly understand that there is far more to it than just a buyout.
So who is circulating around bubs you need to ask.
If you ask management they will spin out the routine lines that the stockmis undervalued and blah blah.
But let's cut the crap and understand what's going on.
Friday stock closes at $1.20, with around 3 million shares traded.
At 4.10pm in the aftermarket the stock climbs $1.24 and mind you 13.5 million.
So why pay a 3% premium for a 4% stake hmmm is someone putting bubs into play.
It looks that way to me but hey I'm just a shareholder.
So let's ask the right questions and see what answers come.

Who would pay up for a stake so quickly, who would also want to sell it..
So let's see what plays out over the next 10 days and we will see the buyer and any intention they may have.

ABR is starting to get things going on solid foundations so I'm anticipating better outcomes going forward.
I still believe ABR under 50 cents is a steal, but that's my own opinion and you should seek your own  financial advice.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own research.
Seek professional financial advice on more on the above.
The above is only astrological aspects put together to determine an outcome.