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Saturday, January 12, 2013

weekend review.

Hello all

To the financial astrology students as we have seen this Sag Moon is a growing moon as I stated in the previous posts.
The power of understanding astrology.
Now what you need to do is find the low in all growing commodities, Coffee, Cotton, Wheat Corn or Oats. Once you establish that a 2% move below that price will negate  the astrology.
So yes they popped up which was wonderful but they can also still fall.
The 19th is the sealer so its like a jig saw puzzle when you looking at serious moves up and your just placing foundations down for the move.
I did say the could doesn't mean the will.
No I have not taken any positions as we had some small technical issues with our system this week.

To the MA we took a hit this week which was disappointing but the simple fact is, the market refused to go down on negative astrology while pushing higher when the astrology was waning.

That's telling me that this market has a hell of a lot of juice and can turn it on in a heart beat.
There is no point shorting for a couple of point when the move is to 1530 at least before month end.
Frightening but true,considering we have the debt ceiling talks already hitting a brick wall for next month..

To the metal players Platinum is the only metal I'd be buying the rest are a dead basket case.
Gold is just teasing investors, and with no positive astrology I don't see how it will stay at present levels.

In the currencies time has come to start looking at spreads across the board.
A$ is looking very rich while the yen is looking like a good buy.
Euro is looking very rich and the dollar is looking like a bargain...
Do your homework on them.

With some of giant tech firms reporting NASDAQ might struggle this week while the SP should power ahead.

Please be careful this week as there is a lot of cross currents in astrology that will catch many out.
Money which has come out of the commodities and bond funds is being put to work in Equity funds, so please be aware of it..
Yes I am aware that the technicals are screaming overbought but they screamed over bought periously for months.
So please be humble as we will also.

Chance comes to the prepared mind

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

6amNYT 10th Jan

Hello all

We are now entering into a Sag New Moon.
For the financial astrology students this is a moon that tends to bottom out Agri commodities.
Yes that means softs, grains, cattle and  hogs etc.

That doesn't mean metals.
Metals don't grow, this is a growing new moon.
The degree's in which it is coming in at will have bottoms to many of the above markets.
That doesn't mean that they will make what ever the previous low was.
It means that the low which will come over the next 24-48 hours will hold for a while.
Do your homework and look at whats near or close to there lows and see if they interest you.

In the market the AA news was I thought disappointing but the market doesn't agree with me at the present time.
We currently have the ECB spinning out crap about supporting to the high hills the euro and the China news is saying they are back on line..
Well we shall see about that in Feb/March.
I have done the Chinese horoscopes of both the country and the new president and they aren't good so, we will have to wait for this illusion to play itself out first.

For those who want to know which options I'm looking at
Cotton July 79calls
Coffee July  180 calls...
Please look at what suites you and decide for yourselves.
In the market interesting times, last day or so no negative or positive astrology.
There is positive astrology tomorrow so see what plays out.

Chance comes to the prepared mind

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10.33am NYT 8th Jan

Hello all

This is what I mean by being smart about looking to take up positions in softs.
The market is down at the present time, dollar is also stronger and coffee is down over 2%
Because it closed above 150 the March contract doesn't mean anything.
Softs are not indexes where most times are true to the break outs... softs 90% of the time are fake outs.
Where the illusion of a move is yet the producers are selling into it.
I don't want to go into the dynamics of it but please be smart about it..
No I have not bought any positions in either yet as I said we have until the 19th to purchase position.
The one thing you need to be aware of is that, anyone who has bought the March contract has lost money as most traders and market makers are short.
The one thing that will squeeze the shit out of them is weather damage to crops, which isn't been taken into account.(because of cocoa)
This is what the astrology is showing so your aware of it.

On another note AA is reporting after the close and I think they might report disappointing numbers numbers.
 The guidance I think is what many will be looking at and I don't see them being to positive with the Chinese slowdown play out.
I might hold the shorts after the close to see the numbers and if they are what I think we might get that quick spike down .

Venus in Cap 11.11pm
Remember be smart and wait for the opportunity to arise..

Chance comes to the prepared mind

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.

Monday, January 7, 2013

9.40pm 7th Jan NYT

Hello all.
Markets trying to decide which way to go while the technicals are up.
Metals are fighting to stay afloat and the softs are gathering momentum.( astrologically speaking).

We are still holding our shorts at the present time confident of the move in our favor.

For the financial astrology students
Tomorrow we have Venus moving into Capricorn.
Also the VC kicks in after the close so regardless tomorrow I will be closing out shorts as the energy is starting to wane.
So it looks as tho the market might run for a while on illusion.. and be sure to write down the gap that still exists as when we go down later on that will be  a target area.

To the soft commodity traders yes tomorrow is the beginning of a coffee move but it won't really get going until the 19th of this month.
So I guess it up to you how you go about it.
I'm looking at both cotton and coffee.
Also looking at the options on both dec calls but futures July.
Please note we don't really care where the technicals are we are looking at what the astrology is showing.
Yes crop damages are on the cards for both.
As my work is showing so be aware you have been warned.
To the bulls you have 9 trading days to set yourselves up do watch how it trades, you don't have to jump in tomorrow.
Let the technical traders play with it, and buy when it's down.
To this I'm looking at a gold or silver sell as a hedge.
But time is on our side here so let's be smart.
I'm looking for end of year 260 coffee and 120. Cotton , won't surprise me if we see these prices in September before a correction tho .

As always use this blog as an indicator to your own work.
Futures trading can produce huge losses and profits.
Ask your financial advisor more on the above .
Past performances are no guarantee for future performances.