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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Part two Bub

Hi readers

Tomorrow is bubs AGM.
The board is of the understanding that all will be passed as the directors have guided shareholders to vote.
While you can all vote in accordance with what you all feel fit there are issues that I will be voting against .

While I can not guide you as to which way to vote, I strongly urge you to seriously consider the company and its future progress going forward.
The likelihood of the current board members and Kristy Carr being at bubs is a 50/50 bet.

THe remuneration to the MD is very very very generous considering that the company anticipates these numbers by the second quarter of next year.
As a shareholder I'm not a mug and I do know very well what's going on so the fact the the board is recommended to vote for this resolution is an insult to our knowledge as shareholders.

Resolution 8 also I will be voting against. The company doesn't need to use our value in the company to further expand.
It's does have the financial capability to do it through profits it produces.
While the company has burnt through 9 million dollars through expansion, I have a major issue with the cost of it administration and corporate costs.

While many of you will not be aware the company can afford to fund growth through its profitability in the products it sells.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
The company is no longer in its infancy, it has the distribution, it has the sales and the marketing down pat.
It's one of the most expensive product in the market and sales are booming.
It's not rocket science to work it out.

As I said if the company's share price continues to fall anticipate action which will be to the detriment  of the company and there will be nothing management or the board can do about it.
It's time as shareholders to stand and not accept what's being handed to us.

As we are in a period of Mercury retrograde accepting these 2 resolutions will be to the detriment of shareholder value.
It's for this reason that I'm putting the case before you.

I am not a financial advisor and the above is not financial advice.
Seek professional advice before making financial decisions.
The above is personal astrological insights into the above.

I am have a substantial number of Bub shares.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Hi readers

Bubs what's happened and it's lost it lust in the market place.
Will it recover and has the astrology changed.

Those of you who know by know how I analyse companies will know that it's first astrology, then fundamentals of the company, charts only show what the market assumes what the price is or where it's been.
But as we know the human works on visual and the above isn't what's seen by the market.
I laugh at some who end me charts to tell me where a stock is going because of what the charts are showing.
One investor said to me that bubs will be 15 cents by Xmas which is wonderful but how can that be seen with charts I replied.
If a investor throws $20 million at Bub stock the company will be at 75 not 15, so you just need to step back and really think about what analytics your really doing, charts are not and will never be anything but a picture of after the fact.

Fundamentally where are they at.
The Dandenong plant is working more hours to catch up to demand.
Product to supply demand is still very tight, to tight for my liking but they are expanding livestock.
Sales are continuing to increase across all markets, both local and internationally.
While there focus is more on the local market at the present time, the international side is increase it not as fast as I would like.
But I can understand that  as the supply isn't quiet there yet.
Where are they at with the licensing to direct sell into china is the question, everyone seems to be concerned about!
Complete and utterly irrelevant, I say this because it's now become a political play.
Some of you will be asking questions what do I mean ?
China is holding back from approving as its trying to obtain Australian government support against the US trade war.
A number of companies in Asia are facing this with china deliberately playing political chess for its own interests.
US product is being shipped to china and rotting on the docks with Chinese customs delaying release of product through red tape.
Once the product expires it's then classed as unacceptable and sent back.
Over the last month the Chinese government has ordered banks to not fund companies who buy US products.
So unless the companies buying products are cashed up, no bank will fund loans to buy US products be tech or food.
But you never hear a word of this in the tabloid media, as this will spook investment markets.
So as you can see bubs is hamstrung by events beyond its control.

Has bubs made mistakes absolutely.
This is where both management and the board have a lot of explaining to do.
To be honest I don't know how they can explain it but time will tell.
The board replacing Nicholas with Kristy Carr is a huge mistake, a time aggressive growth to put a learner at the wheel is irresponsible and derelict of duty.
There are far more experienced CEOs around.
Time will tell if this pays off but at the present time this decision has cost shareholders over 35%of there value.
It's obvious that Kristy need to prove that she is up to the job of performing and while I reserve judgement on the appointment its obvious the market and existing shareholders don't share the same view as the board.
While she is the founder of Bub that doesn't mean she will make the right decisions for the companies profitablity going forward.
Yes she might want to see it be successful but that doesn't mean the right decisions will be made going forward.
Last placement shareholders have been burnt badly.
The previous to the last placement holders are being tested with the stock at its current price and with management bringing there friend in at the price (45) it will be interesting to see what plays out.

There's no way BUB can go to the market and ask for money as bridges have been burnt.
So there on there own from there own doing.
The only way they can go forward is to prove to both shareholders and the market that they are profitable and growing by showing double digit growth.

The boards decisions are what have put the price in this position presently.
The above issue with china will over time work themselves out as china needs bubs more than bubs needs china.
With a current birth rate at 27.1 million this year in china I rest my case.

To the Bub board needs to be very careful about awarding bonuses to management at the current suppressed prices as they can and will be all thrown out of there positions at the next AGM, or if prices keep falling then they will be in play.
I can guarantee you that..

Friday, November 16, 2018

mercury retrograde

Hi readers
It's been a while since I have posted but I have been busy with business and family life.
As the Mercury retrograde is upon us I thought it's time I post a few things as, many of you will be affected by it over the next 20 days.

Political issues are coming dangerous and for that I don't really want to reflect on them today.

It's more about the next 20 days with the retrograde Mercury which is far more important.

With Mercury traveling through Sagittarius many of you who are in business have found it easy to communicate with other business individuals, whether this has increased your business or not the fact that people have been open to listen is a great start.
But as of Saturday 17th November door will begin to close, no discussions no appointments, it will all just seem to close up shop.
It's has nothing to do with what your selling or providing it's just the emotional impact of what is occurring.
Don't feel disheartened by it or let down by it, just simply back off and let the dust settle, don't pester the potential for business either you will only make it worse.
If they chase you to close a deal just be mindful that it will be subject to change.
After the 7th of December when Mercury goes direct business will pick up where it left off.
Use the time to research new opportunities and how to improve your day to day life or business.

Those in relationships will find the memories of past flames creeping into your thoughts, if thats the case be good, and don't hurt peoples feelings.
(That's when you know that Mercury retrograde is prominent with you)
As always be careful about travelling and double check everything before taking off.

Past ideas will come back into your thought, and you will get ideas about how you can improve them.
This is great but write them down and revisit them after the 7th of December to see if they have merit.
The likelihood of them being successful is maybe 2%.
Past ideas are just that the past.. personal opinion

On a business note I will post up the astrology and views on all my/our current investments (Bub,Abr,KFE and Frm)
Donald Trump and his war against the pentagon machine in the US.
The current property and stock market in the US and Australia, plus the odd comment on what the hell is going on in the cryptic currencies.

To new readers getting to your emails (slowly sorry )

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

No Epidemic over the blood moon

Hi readers

We have a number of major astrological events coming and I thought I'd post up how I see it going forward financially not some of the crap some have emailed me.
Yes there is a blood moon eclipse coming and those of you who have some expertise in astrology will know that new beginning will become very powerful businesses.
Anyone starting  up a new business will find that the best time to start is over the next 3-6 months.

NO epidemic diseases or Armageddon will occur so let's just settle down over it .
Some of you might be watching far too many Hollywood movies.

What will occur is a serious heatwave across the globe.
Those who know how eclipses work would know this was coming from the start of April.
Fact is it's going to seriously intensify to levels we haven't seen before.
Currently Im in Sydney and there is a drought here.
This is only the start of it,there is far worse to come and it's for that reason you need to get ready for it.
Crop damage no low yielding crops are on the way so those who understand this prepare yourselves.
Emotions will be tested the next 6 months between the people you know.
Friendships will be made and lost due to the words spoken.
With a Leo Mercury retrograde all hell will break loose over the most stupidest of things.


The divorce rate over the next 18 months will explode due to Friday's blood eclipse.
Life is too short to argue over the dumbest of things.

In regards to financial markets you can already witness how bitcoin and the like are bouncing up, banks will again drop and then pop up again so watch them closely.
Been doing some investigating while here on some local companies so hopefully if they do what they say there could be some huge potentials down the road.
At the present time cash is king.

It's interesting to see how difficult it now is to buy a home here in Australia.
Yes I was a year plus out on the top of the market but I'm very confident that prices will fall away very quickly soon.
With all the current restrictions now in place all it needs is another US rate hike and that will be curtains on property.
The majority are investors in the sector , which is huge that they don't hold out through tough time.
The banks know this and that's why anyone with less than 25% equity must have mortgage insurance, which is another bank scam.
Who's  the insurers the banks themselves, I so love Australia good people gullible system.
How far it falls isn't the issue it's the damage it does for the next 10 years.

In regards to stocks I will start purchasing again as of Monday happy to sit at the bid and wait for the sellers to fill orders.

Purchased last 7 days

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Mercury retrograde coming

Hi readers

Back in Australia on business with a client.
We see the markets trading sideways at the present time while metals are falling away and so they should they are far to expensive at the present time in my view.
We are in the mix of an eclipse episodes which will have long lasting  affects next year.
Also we are coming into a Mercury retrograde period also which will once again just exacerbate difficulty in communicating with each other.
We will see authorities say one thing and mean another.
Trump will continue to have the so called foot in mouth disease, but hey it is what it is I guess.
To the Europeans, tensions in the Balkan states will escalate with particular focus on the turkey and Greece issues.
To the Australians readers weather on the second eclipse will become very damaging.
Crop damage and property damage will have serious implications on economic growth.
Potential outbreak of bacteria infection very real.
Don't shoot the messengers people I just post what the astrology is showing.

We will have a bottom coming in on the cryptic currencies between the first eclipse and mercury retrograde those trading can anticipate a nice pop on the way.
WANCHAIN is now trading around the $2-2.50 area nice value area.
Bitcoin also around $6000-6500 area a nice value area.
The only other I like is litecoin under $85..

In stocks I have been somewhat quiet as I haven't been paying too much attention.
I'm still holding the following stocks

For the holders of AS1 the deal has been done for there product to be sold so a purchase under the listed price is a good buy, going by what the astrology is showing me.
I personally am just happy to mop up any panic sells 13.5-14.5.

In regards to FRM I'm stuck in it and have to wait for the next astrological cycle before I can get out, management is simply incompetent in my view.

ABR is oversold and that's fine as I'm going to increase my investment in it, the astrology on the stock hasn't turned negative and shouldn't be at the current price.

 Regards to BUB I have had it with management and the board with there constant mistakes.
While I was prepared to buy a lot more stock at 73-75 cents I decided to pull the pin and let the stock fall away.
Let management understand that this type of stupidity isn't tolerated.
The value of the company is being hamstrung by the lack of executive management/action.
You can't be taking your investors of granted.
So for those holding share show patience over the next 3-4 weeks as the stock will fall, but the EOFY numbers will again explode the stock back up again .
During the next 3-4 I will mop some up but hard to say at what price.

KFE had its AGM, and a number of investors had there medicine.
Stock is sound with good backing from a fund who has interests in the country.
Please note this is a trade not a marriage.
Happy to sit on the bid and let sellers hit me .

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work .
The above is an astrological viewpoint of what is anticipated.
Seek professional advice before investing in the above.
As I am not a financial advisor.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 is the next astrological play .

Hi readers

Another small cap stock to look at is on the asx exchange.
While there is rumblings going on with the board and shareholders the main focus is to look at the astrology of the company.
A Venus Jupiter trine to its Uranus is a wonderful aspect to have but that's not the main thing the fact it's at 16 degrees is huge .
The company is looking to build a steel plant in Nigeria.
While you can all do your own research on the company, the astrological side is the reason I am going to invest in it .
The 11th house of Neptune conjunction to the Sun also at 15 degrees is another major fact in the company's growth prospects.
The only issue the company has is the Chiron square to the 4th house moon which as you will witness will be played out with secret deals being exposed.
With saying that yes the company can trade lower but won't last...
There seems to be some authority assistance whether it be financially or red tape from government after September which will propel the project into turbo.

The stock is trading around the 17 cent.
The stock isn't an incubator like Bub which will continue a growth year over year.
The is an investment trade not a hold for the next five years.
It's only my view of course but I do see a higher valuation of the company once they build the steel plant.
55-65 cent valuation isn't unreasonable.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

EOFY window dressing

Hi readers
End of financial year window dressing is upon us and as you can see with the latest market moves its a yoyo.
Trump once again wants a headline and has started his China bashing instead of looking how to improve the economy.
His very aware that the tax cut was a load of shit so anticipate the ramifications of this after November this year.
I wouldnt worry too much as he won't be re-elected again.
In regards to the US economy it's been  incubating inflation for almost 8 years and time has come for it to expose itself.
Nasty numbers are coming October on..

On the Cryptic side we continue to see WANCHAIN fall now down at the $2.30 area.
It's still over prices but getting close to fair value, not bargain.
The whole sector is washing out hype money, which surprises me considering people where happy to pay $19,000 for Bitcoin and now at $6500 there is no interest.
You have to love herd mentality, we are as people so stupid.

Bub did a placement after the great news that came through which we expected but, it's starting to really piss me off that local brokers are being used instead of one who has a major Asian footprint.
You think you would have learnt from past mistakes, but it appears not.
For management to use Bell securities to capital raise at the discount is boarding on incomplete and rapping BUB loyal investors.
Those who took up the offer have been selling the stock days leading up to the cleansing.
It was also just before EOFY so that's just mates looking after each other. Not a happy investor

AS1 has once again come down to my buy area.
I haven't purchased any at the present time as just waiting to see a wash out first...
A cent or 2 here or there is nothing and not really what I'm looking at, it's more I want to see a couple of million shares get washed out, then I'll step in and take volume on! Not before.

The above was verified by another brokerage firm.

As always the above is just an astrological indicator and not financial advice.

Purchased since last post

I'm doing the final astrological  analysis of 2 stocks which could be profitable success stories.
One listed on the ASX and one on the Nasdaq 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Crypto currencies are preservation not growth currently

Hi readers

We continue to see the cryptic currencies come down in price.
While this is a good and bad thing it's great to see exchanges becoming more secure.
Again as I have said before cryptic currencies are more for parking wealth or laundering money at the present time.
Yes the value has come down but it's not lost until you sell what you have, so don't panic.
I continue to hold my positions in my nano and have no concern over it.

WANCHAIN as stated previously has halved in price and is on the way down to its low.
While there is huge potential for it currently it's not worth the $3.50 price tag.
The Arab money which bought the hell out of it now I'm hoping will dump it soon and the opportunity to buy it will come.
Either way  there is plenty of time to buy cryptic currency.
But please understand it's wealth parking not growth at the present time.

For our Australian friends we are getting news here in Singapore of property values at 2016 levels and falling, quicker than many expected.
With the banking regulators clamping down on the banks, it's appears to me that the music has stopped and there are no chairs to sit on people.
It's so funny that the ratings agencies are saying that the banks are offloading risk in an orderly fashion. REALLY!!!!
Try telling that to the poor soul who has just paid a good 1.4 for a standard house in Sydney.
He now finds out that his got to come up with more capital to keep the house, the great Australian system.
Now you have the Labor party talking about scrapping negative gearing policy.
The whole property boom has been based on negative gearing, scrap it and prices will collapse.
Please BECAREFUL it could get ugly.

BUB continues to impress

Hi readers

Market volatility has slowed and once again it's all about stock selection.
We see on  the political front both Trump and Kim taking the spotlight.
As if Trump doesn't love it!
Here in Singapore certain parts had been in lockdown due to it.
Bottom line of the meeting is very simple, North Korea has the biggest lithium deposits in the world, the cant export it until sanctions are lifted.
Trump will talk to anyone who will stroke his ego.
Trumps in the job for 3 years or 6 where as Kim is until he dies.
The nuclear issue is bull shit, once you obtain the knowledge you can start it again in a flash as long as you have the materials.
There is no price for knowledge!

In regards to our stocks we currently hold, and have bought.

FRM while it's still profitable business, I have huge reservations about the ability of management to bring true value to the business.
I hate staple stocks and management is turning this company into it, and doing it with my dam money  I'm not happy.

BUB is continuing to go through the process of ticking the boxes and regardless of what the market believes is doing it with ease.
Yes those who have sold it in the 80 area and talking the stock down in chat sites, that doesn't change what's going on.
One word it's called PROGRESSIVE GROWTH.
Sales are continuing to increase substantially and while the market still hasn't acknowledged it, in August the numbers will come out and blow the market away.

For the true believers of financial astrology and those who send me there interpretation of what they see, now you understand why it's so important to look at degrees when reading a stocks birth chart.
The astrology of the company clearly showed that approval and growth was just a matter of time.
Regardless of what anyone believes the company has huge growth ahead of it.
There is a negative time but that's some 4 years away 2022.

Another stock which I have mentioned to you before is, yes the oyster company.
I did buy a small junk of this stock at 13.5-14.5.
The reason for this is that a huge deal is coming up, which will either make this company a 60-80 cent company or flop it to its current level.
This is what the astrology is showing for the company and that's why I took a stake.
It bothers me that Ashok is still about in the stock but I guess we will have to wait and see what becomes of it .
While it appears that the company and the buyer are miles apart the potential for a deal is very real and one will buckle, to make it work.

In regards to the company is continuing to explore and has found some serious deposits, this is what clearly is showing astrological, while it's annoying that the company has dropped in price I'm not concerned by it as astrology doesn't lie.
There is a current play of buy GSC/ sell ABR going on, all I can say is god help the poor soul who will loose his shirt when the news does come out of the find.

Disclosure since our last post we have bought the following stocks.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

You knew A2M was coming down back in April

Hi readers

Markets around the world are just chopping around no real movement.
Trump still opening his mouth for the hell of it, with no real substance behind his words.
In Australia we continue to see bank bashing going on and I don't understand why people are so surprised.
The profitability of banks in Australia are amongst the highest in the world and with only 25 million people that is staggering.
So the royal commission into the banks is just exposing past errors not future errors.
This is why it's a media nightmare nothing more, to the banks.
Anticipate a good $100 million to be spent on advertising and promoting by each bank and all will be forgotten.
Wait for more bad news to come out before looking to invest in them.

In regards to WANCHAIN as expected the Arab money dried up and WANCHAIN is coming back down to earth.
Yes it's halved in price from $11 to $5 but is still in my view expensive for where the coins technology is currently.
Under $3 I'll look into it..

In regards to you did know about it back in April.
When we posted our comments I did receive a number of emails accusing me of being jealous that A2M is doing what Bubs will never do.
This is not the case as I only post what the astrology is showing.
When we posted the comments A2M was trading $12.50+.

Lets look forward is $9.50 value or overpriced?
Looking at the astrology on the stock it can go much further down in price.
How far down the market will tell you. had new investor taking a percentage stake in the company and yet since purchasing it the stock has lost over 20%.
Financial Astrology is a wonderful tool and while we have it we will continue to use it. has come down with the sector which is ideal for the accumulator of the stock while those who don't believe in it have sold it at a loss..

In regards to has also come back but far less than the sector, which is good but for the non believers of the company your welcome to sell it.
I'm happy to keep buying it and holding it, in the process burning a number of daytraders in the process.
All I can say is don't be upset when the stock explodes up for no apparent reason.
I'm aware many will look at selling it around the $1 or so area, but the stock won't stop running once is starts.

I have purchased ABR.AX 25-34
I have purchased BUB.AX 74-77

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Ask your financial advisor on more on the above.
Above comments are totally based on astrology.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Bubs ticking boxes

Hi readers

We see the market chewing up traders at the present time on both sides and while many are worried about geo political events money can be made in stock selections.
 In the cryptic space we see good volatility and traders are making good money.
I'm not keen to lock money up and it's for that reason I'm not prepared to buy anything in the space.
Also the astrology isn't supporting any strong move so happy to hold off.

In stock we did make some purchases which we mentioned to you some time ago as they did hit our pricing area.
With our other stock it's continuing to tick boxes.
Production issue solved, distribution solved the final straw is import licensing which is on the way.
It good to see a certain shareholder liquidated there holdings.
To the amateur traders this is a warning sign but to the professional out there and you know who you are, it's no wonder that the stock has been bought by bubs direct competitor.
It only going to get more interesting as time goes on.

Looking at the astrology over the next couple of months we see some nice moves coming for the stock to the detriment of other baby formula companies.

I wish to make it public knowledge that I have bought the following stocks .30 holding long term .13-14 holding long term.
Closed out of trade.

7 day notice of intent.

As of Tuesday 1st 11.25am Melbourne time I give notice that I reserve the right to increasing my stake in Holdings.
All trusts and companies under management can at any point in time after 7 days purchase without public notification.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Only invest in coins if you want to lock money away

 Hi readers

How good is WANCHAIN at the present time.
The coin has doubled in price in the last 4 weeks, to be at its opening price when it first listed.
Yes the coin has great growth but I struggle to see how it will continue with difficult aspects coming.
The whole sector will struggle and unless your watching it daily I'm happy to hold the position I have in other coins not WANCHAIN.
If it wasn't for Arab money buying WANCHAIN I doubt prices would be at the current levels with both bitcoin and ethereum where they currently are price wise.

For those trading coins there will be a good patch coming in May, June and July for the sector.
Then Aug, Sep and October will be choppy..
Its November December and January which bothers me a great deal, where we could see a real bloody bath in the sector.

There is light at the end of the tunnel  tho with the mother of all Bulls coming in March of 2019 and will stay true for 19-25 months.
It will make the 2017 bull year look like a myth.

I currently hold bitcoin ..$7750/7850 ice storage
I currently hold ethereum.$790-820 ice storage

I am looking at both litecoin and WANCHAIN going forward for potential buys.
Please note that the coin market isn't like the stock market.
Your investing money for the future at no cost to yourself so unless you want to lock money away don't invest in coins.
It's far to dangerous to leave your holdings on exchanges, thinking exchanges are safe there not.
The reason I say this is that exchanges are getting hacked and if you don't cold storage your holdings you can loose them with no trace of who stole them.
It's the best white collar crime out there with no trace that's why the smartest computer minds are doing it.
It's for this reason some who are liquid in cash are locking up money in coins and then either going to jail,bankruptcy or going through divorce and are getting away with it.
Authorities are try stop it but are simply powerless.

It's a free ride people so don't be fooled by it ... be smart and think outside the box

Questions on baby formula sales in Australia

Hi readers

Markets are continuing to flog around traders up and down basically, churning the wheels as they say.
Where the action has been is in certain stock sectors where you can see the speculative money just float around.
We mentioned a couple of weeks ago, a simple issue that was regarding sales of baby infant formula.
Which I guess fell on deaf ears at the time but it's now starting to show up with managers asking the questions that should have been asked a good fortnight ago.
So where is the problem you might ask!
I know that bubs has the sales for a fact, the local (Australian)new born baby population hasn't  grown above the average (2012 levels ) so how can WHA,BAL and A2M all be recording double digit growth locally.
When you break down the sales it appears that all four have local growth of 50-100% per year.
I can't seem to find the evidence to back those sales up.
That's why I have been selling shorting both A2M and BAL for trades.
It's my view that the  numbers don't stack up.
I could be completely wrong but going by what I'm seeing in the sales number breakdown I doubt it.
Is a 12-15%correct a normal thing, you can be the judge of that ..

We are still in Melbourne at the present time and haven't been able to get to your emails yet as I was hoping to last week.
The wife has stamped her authority so please be patient, also looking at some good opportunities which will list later in the year .
 One is a medical research firm and the other is a manufacturer.

Looking to close out of short positions today Tuesday 24th

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work .
In no way is the above financial advice and is purely based on financial astrology
Seek professional advice on the above as I am not a professional advisor.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Mercury direct will clear the fog that's been around

 Hi readers

How good is the market at the present time.
It doesn't matter which market your looking at there is volatility everywhere.
Trump with his ideas are keeping many managers on edge.
So there isn't that buy and hold mentality at the present time which is good for traders.
As for longer term investors it's all about holding on to good stocks and sitting still.
Yes they will go up and down but they looking positive for the future.

In the cryptic coin market there is a lot of messy water flowing at the present time.
Stock and future exchanges have missed the boat and the are now using government authorities to shut down many of the exchanges, on money laundering bullshit.
The idea of the cryptic currencies is that there is no disclosure, just simple supply and demand.
Unfortunately as always is the case there is always the odd dog that takes advantage of people who are uneducated on coins.
This also happens with boiler room in stocks , yet for some strange reason coins do get the rough end of the stick .

WANCHAIN has had some great publicity with there presentation in the Arab states and has attracted the attention of some movers, hence the 50 million investment and the ballon in price currently.

Until governments back off and allow coin currencies to grow the risk is there for them to keep falling. came out with there sales update, as expected growing nicely and continuing to expand like good businesses do.
It continues to bother me that in the last quarter all the baby formula companies are recording huge local growth numbers yet, Australia's baby numbers haven't exploded to warrant the current sales numbers from all formula companies.
Did my own research while here in Melbourne and baby numbers being born are stagnant.
Spoke to a reader who is a Coles manager and there sales haven't increased in the traditional brands but there has been an increase in sales in his store of the goat (Bub formula).
So just watch the space as I can see a train wreck coming to the market .
It's also a wonderful move the Credit Swiss has also jumped on Bub train.
Much better presentation than previously, and with more to come in Asia..

I do not hold any WANCHAIN coins at the present time.

Ps.. will get to all emails this week cheers 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

trade war is ripe

Hi readers

The trade war has already open the tubes and firing away on all cylinders.
We see the Chinese be measured while the US is playing the aggressor roll.
No matter what becomes of it this will start affecting the bottom lines of companies.
Yes it is also inflationary so things are going to start getting more expensive.
China is just toying with the US and already has plan B and C ready to be implemented.
On the stock front if your playing longer term be patient as cheaper prices are coming.

Im currently in Melbourne for Easter and am doing some research on some future potential investments.
Those holding banking and finance stock just be cautious, the economy is showing signs of slowing down that's why the RBA has its hands tied on rates.
Those looking at housing, if you have looked up property you can already see the cracks in the sector with new lower prices on property displayed.

On the stock trading front.
I closed out of the A2M short ..
I found the best trades are the ones that are just handed to you.

Disclosure... we have closed the short open positions A2M $11.55.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Trump called out on bluff.

Hi readers

Market volatility is ripe at the present time and it's nothing more than tax selling and rebalancing of portfolios.
You would be fooled to read more into it.
Yes there is a little bit of the trade tariffs in there too but you can see how Trump back tracks quickly when his called out on his bluff.
Basically his full of shit, there are no other words to describe it.
This has Larry kudlow all over it and you can now see why it was one of his better appointments.

In regards to the Facebook leak and exposure that not a secret who understands quantum programming.
Its why you tend to see had on web pages that you read or search on the web which have ads that interest your hobbies or previous searches.

In regards to Wanchain let's get one thing straight I didn't kill the value of the coin in the last post, I simple posted the facts regarding it and that the value of the coin could not be maintained at those levels.
Due to the listing launch of the coin.

Timing is very important when listing on exchanges I know while many who don't believe in it, it's why so many fail to make it or struggle.
In order to use a Mercury retrograde properly during this time you should be research, negotiating, review current issue/position , it's not a time to commence or start new ventures.

Example ....if your thinking of selling your house you want to be selling it during the Mercury retrograde period, it's where you will obtain the best price for your property.
You don't want to be the buyer as after Mercury goes direct you will then realise that the house you just bought isn't what you want or you paid to much for it.

On another note there seem to be some cracks starting to appear with what I mentioned some posts ago regarding which company is loosing sales, if BUB sales are increasing.
More to come.

For those asking regarding disclosure laws in Singapore.
17c financial disclosure laws.
Any registered series7 fund manager who posts via electronic media needs to disclose any trades over  $50,000 USD, as not to collude readers/ followers into trading the assets he/she is either buying or selling.

Disclosure I have executed the following trades.

A2M sold short at $13.06

Monday, March 26, 2018

Huge timing mistake for WANCHAIN

Hi readers

It's been a busy two weeks , with WANCHAIN listing last week, been to the Asian development conference in Hong Kong, hosted by Credit  Swiss which was a huge eye opener.
Trouble for the American president is only beginning and the credibility of the office will become the laughing stock of the world.
The question that needs to be asked is who is really going to gain from a tariff war tick for tack.
Also it will be very interesting to see how the Republican Party position themselves in all this.

So let's gets started.
First WANCHAIN The biggest mistake WANCHAIN has done was listing at the start of Mercury retrograde.
Biggest error know to any astrologer worth his salt will tell you.
It was vital that they list back in February but due to certain decisions this wasn't the case.
I want to fully disclose I DO NOT OWN ANY WANCHAIN COINS.
All coin/ tokens where sold in the first 5 minutes of trade.
The reason for this is that the coin due to its listing time will struggle to make any gains let alone any real traction over the next 14-19 months.
The coin is very over priced at the present time and will only fall in value from here.
There will be times where it explodes in price but that's  not now so don't expect it .
I have a $2.60-90 price on it by December and that's with some good times where it explodes in price.
It's just my humble opinion but believe WANCHAIN is only worth $1.40-1.60 at the present time.
If you believe I'm wrong then buy it and watch it trade.

In regards to Donald Trump, a man with so many skeletons in the closet, it was only time before they all started to come out.
While he uses the media and his personal views to attack countries that he feels aren't pulling there weight, it's nothing more than a distraction before the inevitable comes out.
Russia still dogging him, porn star wants her 5 minutes of fame, sexual advances on other women on the way, gun control, racist remarks still brewing.
 The one good thing is at least the keys to the cash register he doesn't hold them ..

Market volatility will continue going forward so you just need to be careful on what your buying and holding.
Note that every countries debt in the world has increased 10 time of what it was 10 years ago.
So debt can no longer continue to fund people's lifestyles or there investment.
Problem is that if it does collapse governments can't fund bailouts.

Buying hope and dreams is not a wise decision at the present time.
If anything hold what you have and do nothing.. watch and observe

Over the last fortnight I have bought

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

curiosity.. who is loosing sales

Hi readers

Is a trade war coming?
This is the second most asked question we have received via emails and the answer is yes.
Who is going to pay for it, we the public.
Sure it will secure job in each country but for how long ?
Any country you choose buys one product from another while selling more of another product to another.
It's no secret and you don't need to be a brain surgeon to work it out, but if Asia elects to go down this path with the US then the US could be the biggest looser in this.
It's short minded to think that by putting tariffs your not going to get a response from your opposition.
If  China and Japan wanted to go nuclear on this trade war all they need to do is stop buying US debt and the US will be in recession for a good 5 years.
So Trump while he enjoys the spotlight and media crowds around him needs to tread very carefully on the issue.
Should it escalate there won't be any backdoor exports either, US firms exporting to china via Australia or New Zealand.

In regards to BUBs results all as expected and growing nicely.
The biggest question which no one seems to realize is if Bub is increasing market share, and when you look at there opposition results also, there numbers are also increase!
Who is loosing market share locally.
Last time I checked Australia wasn't in a baby boom era, where an extra 500,000 or a million baby where born.
Someone is cooking numbers as they begin to feel the threat from there opposition!
Audits are not worth the paper there written on as they only go by what they are given by the companies.
Look at the landscape, there is a lot more to play out.
Soon we will be getting a new director on board, and washing one out.
Apart from that it's business as usual with better sales numbers to come.

On the pressing question by you all via email !

I know some of you do have account with this introductory broker Asenna wealth solutions.
Australian financial regulations are way to far behind 8 ball, your political leaders are busy kissing babies and worrying about same sex marriage instead of keeping up with technology.
Is it wrong what head trader of the company has done absolutely, but by Australian law he hasn't broken any law so case closed.
The media can beat the drums up as much as they want, he hasn't broken the current financial regulatory law.
I don't know the guy and I don't really care what he has done but those of you who aren't comfortable with what's going on can simply move on to another firm or get over it and smarten up.
Just don't think that brokers act in a different way, they are all from the same bucket.

If this occurred in Singapore, he would be doing jail time no question about it including the firm who signed him up, for not disclosing the deal..
Our prisons are empty here that's why I've said that...

On the watch stock trading as expected, maybe they should have hired an astrologer to give them the ideal time to list.. lol
Be patient on it as there could be more to come.

Over the last 7 working days I have bought stock in excess of $50,000
 Comments and views above are not financial advice, seek professional advice by your own advisor.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Take a look at this stock .

Hi readers .

Markets are just bobbing around turn wheels as the saying goes, there is some interesting development going on .
Once again in Australia the opportunity is presenting itself.
Australian investors for some reason can't see potential growth past there noise and that's why the opportunities are there readers.

I have just finished doing the astrology for a client who is looking at a company called Angel seafood.
Basically an oyster business , yes that's right oysters.
Company at the present time has just listed on the ASX code is AS1.AX.
The float prospects was 20 cents , and closed at 16 today.
The good news is that the company in a couple of years time will be worth 5-10 times its current value.
Whether they remain Australian owned remains to be seen in the future.

Bad news is they have listed on a very negative aspect day and will struggle for a good month or two.
Again in 2020 will be a challenging year..

This is a company that when it starts running it will fly.. and when it stops it will simply crawl.
Looking at the stake holders in the company I'm inclined to wait as I know one very well.
No respect for his investment decisions and am happy to wait until he dumps his investment as will be the case if the stock trades under 14 cents.
His 3,125,000 shares are ripe to be cherry picked should price slide further which will be the case.
(Memories from trading).

As I said the company is loosing money and there are risks with this investment but under 14 cents could be a bargain or even lower.

Had the company listed in November I think the stock would be around 50 cents but it is what it is.
Once again do your own research before make a decision on the company.

Under Singapore financial regulations

I hold no positions in at the present time.

My current investment holdings are in the following companies


the above is an astrological outlook on a company and is not investment advise .
Seek professional advise from your advisor or broker.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Bub just growing as expected

Hi readers

We see the cryptic currencies coming back as expected while retail who panicked sold at at the lows as always..
The media has a wonderful way of spooking retail investors out of investments.
People must come to terms with the media's obsession.
Freaking investors sells papers, sells advertising, it's a business and the quicker you come to understand what it's all about the more you will do your own research and make money.

On the stock investment side Bub will be making an announcement today.
The Chinese investment is just simply growing beautifully and will just continue over 2018, and 2019.

I'm amazed at the stupidity of the Australian investment community, yes I have to comment on it as the news has hit us here in Singapore.
Get Swift GWS.AX looses its head IT guy before they floated on the exchange, yet use the technology he designed and then when alterations are required they have no idea how to execute.
Stock runs from $1 to $4.50 on hope with no growth path except hype..
It's amazing how dumb both institutions and retail investors don't research investments properly.
That's what makes a market I guess..

We have sold all positions in CSL.AX

Thursday, February 15, 2018

inflation allowed to say hello

Hi readers .

Well inflation has finally bee not allowed to show its face in the US.
For those who don't understand what I'm talking about, for some unknown American accounting reason most items are excluded from the number.

We saw the computer programs sell the hell out of the futures market until people took over and then bought the market up.
Bonds are gaining some great yield levels while the markets is just bouncing around with good volatility.
(note people you need volatility to make money not slow grinds.)

Astrologically we have some good favourably aspects over the next 3 weeks which will propel all markets up.
So enjoy and take advantage of the move up to assess what you want and don't want in your portfolios.
2019 will be a very devastating year for equities and government support will be required once again..
I have already looked at 2019 twice for clients who are managers and I'm still coming up with the same verdict..
But until 2019 there is plenty of time to plan.

In the cryptic coins don't listen or believe any government or authority about them... they are here to stay...
Wall Street players who ignored the space have been buying them in the hundreds of millions of dollars worth.
Do your research on them as that is the next frontier whether you like it or not.
Understand what the coins represent before investing in them and if you don't understand it then don't buy them.
There is a lot of good people on YouTube who can explain what block chain technology is.
There is also a lot of wankers who talk crap about how much they have made and what to buy.

With WANCHAIN we are once again looking for another date for them to list so it's a TBA on them.

Those of you who have asked me to do YouTube videos instead of the blog, I'm not keen to show you all my sometimes unshaven face,bald head, and bags under my eyes from little sleep due to trading or doing astrological

Due to Singapore financial regulations any purchases of more than $50,000 in any equity or investment is required to be disclosed.

Over the last 5 trading days we have bought the following


As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.
Seek professional advice from your financial advisor before investing.
This is not financial advise.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

volatility finally

Morning to you all..

What a rough 48 hours it's been.
Market have finally shown some volatility and given traders the opportunity to profit from them.
As I've said to many of you I haven't traded for over 2 months until yesterday.
Word came out that a hedge fund got margin call after the close Monday NYSE time.
Obviously they got liquidated and the market ran down hard, which was the time to buy.
It's difficult to relay news out to you all when the market does trade like this.

There was some great bargains yesterday in a number of markets, those with there powder dry will do well.
While many are focusing on the blue chip stock I'm more looking at the plays that I hold and how to accumulate a lot more, cheaply.

With WANCHAIN the company has missed the opportunity to list under favourable astrological aspects and will be a flop listing which I'm looking forward to.
Doesn't mean it will fail just mean if you want to buy them cheap, give it a couple of hours and feel the market before buying the coins on the exchanges.
But you will have to trade in and out of it instead of buying and holding.
More on that later .

While there is some good stories of companies doing things it's important to note that execution is everything,  not we want to and we are going to..
It's for this reason a lot of the companies that I have done astrology for aren't up to scratch to recommend for you to look at them.
I am noticing a lot of executives with great records building up to the top jobs.
Now that they have these top jobs the killer instinct which they had has just disappeared and look for scapegoats in case things go wrong..
One great company which was mentioned again the other day was
 Magnis Resources
Looked at it for a client when the stock was in the 85-90cents area, great people running the show with great potential yet execution lacking.
FArm Pride is another stock which if I start I won't stop ranting about ..
So it important when making an investment to look at the broader picture.
If your just trading for a 5-10 cent gain that's a different game entirely.

For those trading the markets I wouldn't read to much into this dip, it a massive buying opportunity, there isn't any astrological aspects to bring down the market as such at the moment, but this will change in March on ...

I currently own shares in the following companies

I was an active buyer of and 5th and 6th February.

Under new Singapore financial regulations this needs to be disclosed.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Year ahead

Hi readers

Markets are continuing the current binge on further increasing debt level, with the US government about to go again, pump more debt into the system.
In Australia banks are quietly revaluing property prices and where they see fit are starting to squeeze borrowers.
Cryptic currencies are getting a shake up which is really good, the last 6 months the rate of speculation in this sector has exploded and yet the astrological work that I have done hasn't warranted this move up ..
So I'm not complaining that's it's getting a shake out, it will be still there tomorrow so no rush.
But the light will shine again on this sector and it will move higher .

We have a massive astrological alignment for certain parts of the market which will be extremely beneficial to the way we live over the next 5 months  of the year.
These are foundations which need to be understood and planned as in the future you will wish you had.

At the end of the month also we have a supermoon lunar Eclipse, which is such a double edged sword it isn't funny.
Look at your own charts to see if that is affecting you and if so, use the energy to focus on what you need, not what you want.
Peoples charts that are trigger by the eclipse will find success and rewards walking along side of failure and losses.
Focus and what you need to do and stick to it no matter what and success will come !

Focus on what you want to do, and failure will make it presence felt!

As an example
I've done the chart of a young sportsman.
This individual has the potential to explode his career to another level should he focus on it.
But his private life could bring him unstuck, and possibly destroy his career.
This gives you an idea of how the double edged sword works.

We also have Venus, Sun and Mercury moving into Aquarius..
Technological evolution is upon us wether we like it or not.
Life as we know it will pass by and we will be laughing at ourselves for being so primative.
Embrace change and be part of the 2% who evolve the world to change.

In May nothing can be more clearly displayed that the  evolution of finance as we know it.
The speed of finance will be so advanced that you'll have your money in your account within 10 minutes of a transaction being made.
The excuses banks sell to it customers about money laundering processing for the delays in transactions will be no more.
It's  a simple front so banks can use your money to make money in the forex exchanges.

Business will also evolve, where once a document is signed money will pay for goods..
The days of credit 14 days and 30 days will become obsolete.
Those who don't move with the times will simply Go under.

The Chinese see this year as a bad year but not so.
Trying to fight change will expose countries manipulation.

Health wise this year looks to be a peaceful year.
Man made micro bugs will be exposed but nothing which will be life threatening.

Political geez where do we start..

Sunday, January 14, 2018


Hi readers
While many of you have looked into WANCHAIN, the decision on whether to take on the purchase is entirely your own..
You need to be aware of the risks associated with cryptic currencies, there is a trail that needs to be taken so just keep that in mind.
There is no promotion of it just stating the astrological significance of this coin.

I have done astrological work for 3 other coins which are pie's in the sky as far as I'm concerned, and haven't mentioned them.
When up 200% when listed but since are just on the current ICO prices and below.
There are on average around 15 coins coming on to exchanges daily with ideas of companies using the cryptic currency market instead of list on stock exchanges.
As I said before most are full of shit, but those that are diamonds will shine.

On the stock market front, apart from my investments in certain companies I really have lost interest in the way money pumping has artificially created this idea that valuations mean nothing.
Interest rates should be much higher than they currently are and it for that reason that the fiat system as we know it has lost is credibility.
I say this because professional fund managers I know for over 35 year in the industry can no long accept the current environment as stable.
As one put it " it's the 6th year of debt growth Year on year around the world".
"In other words when are countries going to pay off there debt.
It's one thing to bankrupt the consumer but at what point does that affect growth"
Answer that question and you start to understand the environment we live in.
The beauty of recession is there is a clean out waste and incompetence, this hasn't occurred and it's just adding on to layers upon layers.
It's interesting to see that even in Australia , US economics has crept into the system where the country just keep writing up debt upon debt, while keeping rates low.

Predictions on where the stock market will end or be is irrelevant if the dynamics are all messed up.
When mortgages are becoming generational you know the system if stuffed.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work
Opinions posted are those of my own and shouldn't be used as investments advice.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Wanchain future

Hi readers
While the equity markets around the world are in a corrupt state questions are also being raise at the cryptic currencies market also.
I say this only by what the astrology is showing not with any emotional attachment to either equities or cryptic currencies.
Opportunities are everywhere and with astrology we look to obtain the opportunities as they present themselves.
One of the cryptic currencies that I did the astrological chart for 3 years is WANCHAIN.
I've put the white paperlink on so you can all read what it's about and what's the future is going to look like.
This link gives you an idea of the details associated with this coin.

As your all aware 80% of cryptic coins are fraudulent or basically pie's in the sky hopes.
What can be executed to what can be achieved are two very different things and you need to understand and be aware of it when buying coins.

Forget about bitcoin as it was the beginning and the current prices of $15,000USD is ridiculous.
Bitcoin and other coins like ethuirim have support because you need those coins to buy other coins.
There are much better and more prosperity coins out there than these two.

The reason cryptic markets became was to decentralised the fraudulent system we currently live in.
Turning the printing money machines on every time there is a problem has devalued money so much that it's now become an addiction by governments around the world, first it was the US then the ECB,  BOJ now it's the RBA and the Chinese.
This coin system takes control of money, out of governments and the fiat system as we know it and put it into supply and demand.
It's interesting how governments around the world have expected those trading cryptic will move profits into fiat to use them, therefore catching them and taxing them.
Yet cross boarder trading has been developed and it's only a matter of time before you can seriously start buying assets with cryptic coins.
It's become such a panic now that not many realise that the new tax bill passed by the US will now tax cryptic trading , up to 37% if you don't have your ledger in order..

I am pretty sure that Australia will also go down the same way but the clock is ticking as there are ways now to tax avoid billions.

I want to make the point that I'm not here to promote WANCHAIN, I have simply done the astrology for the firm and it's a winner until end of 2020.
The ico price was 34 cents in which I bought $65,000 worth of coins and $35,000 for the astrological work which was done for the firm which we also took up in coins.

For the astrologers out there they have a 3degrees Jupiter in the second house trine to 6th house Venus.
That says it all as your all aware this company is a winner and will do wonders.
The company is looking to come on trading at the end of January to the first week of February.
When you look at the companies astrology this company will execute its platform and is worth in my humble opinion $25-35 conservatively.

please do your own work on it and ask your financial advisor for more details on it.

I do believe the cryptic coins markets need to correct and they will this year but this is a 3 year investment, not a 3 day or 3 month trade.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

2018 has arrived

Hi readers ...
2018 has arrived and what have we learnt from 2017 is the question.
The system of finance is officially broken, it does not work.
The flood of money by then FED Ben Benake (2008) has critically injured the financial world as we know it.
It's for this reason the digital crypto currency world has exploded and will continue to in the future.
While is difficult for many older heads to understand it or get there head around the fact that this is the new world, it's thriving and will continue to as central banks and governments have no idea how to deal with it .
With every crises comes a reborn ingredient a better way of doing thing or understanding issues around us.
The stupidity of flooding the system with money and hoping people with feel good and continue spending money has always been floored.
We just went through it again in September-December where the FED refused to act accordingly for personal agendas.
Companies have gained over 15-20% in value yet profits have only gain a couple of points.
It's for this reason that people refuse to believe the United States of America Bullshit that there economy is growing.
Economic growth doesn't come from debt upon more debt.
Any economist worth his salt will tell you that.
So your welcome to believe what you want, bottom line is someone will have to pay up one day.
Kicking the debt down the road works up to a point.
The Australian economy is going through the same thing, wages aren't growing yet the household debt is out of control and growing at a compound rate of 12%..
Living cost are increasing at 4% so that's how consumers can't get out of the debt cycle which is drowning them.
Up to the end of November 71% of all housing mortgages have defaulted once in 2017, and 59% defaulted twice in 2017..
2018 will be a year of consolidation for many while others will loose everything they have.
Scams and fraud will be huge this year..
As I see it too many people have so much money in there hands that they don't know what to do with it , and will get caught up in get rich scams.
Wether that is in property scams or crypto  scams time will tell.
Astrological advise later but for now it's a case of be cashed up and wait for opportunities to come to you, 2018 will the year of chance come to the prepared mind...
Drop the planning and forecast returns or expectations, you will just burn yourself.

Quick note apologies for not posting often but have been very busy on doing work for a number of small companies.

Yes we have even done work for the digital currencies also.
Which leads me to a huge potential which I will go into detail tomorrow.
This crypto will launch trading at the end of January.
I picked up coins and some the balance of $100,000 on the ICO at 89 cents.
The astrology for this coin is going to be big and I say that not to convince anyone of it but the astrology and the launch time and date says it all.

On the stock front we are still holding our shares but have liquidated one holding...
I continue to hold Farm Pride .... it's a dog and very disappointed with management.
I'm holding BUB and will we looking to pickup another packet at the end of the month after the shake out.
I will go into more detail tomorrow.
ABR I'm holding and very comfortable, with what the company is up to..
I have sold out of GSC I'm not going to get sucked into companies that have potential,but pump up announcements that are not yet ready.
Also my 2 requests to speak to the CEO have ended up in his to busy.
I made that mistake with Farm Pride.
If management won't speak to me when I want to talk to him then there isn't much point in investing in that company. Current price doesn't reflect where the company is really at ..
Happy for them but not for me, astrology still good but communication with investors poor.

Anyway more tomorrow