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Monday, June 24, 2024

End of Financial year fun and games

 Hi Readers 

With the of Financial year fast approaching tax selling has started early this year.

We tend to see it the last working week but it started last week and is continuing until the end of the month.

Tax selling for those who don't know is when you have value loss on your portfolio and you offset it by gains you have made during the year so you end up paying minimal tax.

We have seen selling in DXB also and that not tax selling.

DXB has a number of small investment managers, who need to realize profits to get paid.

When you have a book with some realized losses on it and you have bigger unrealized gains you need to crystalize the gains to hide the losses and to show a profit. 

As you only get paid on profits not losses. You don't work all year without being paid.

Over the weekend we had some major announcements coming through which its not in the media's interest so its being kept quiet as not to stir up the financial markets but it will.

The Saudi's are no longer going to peg oil to the US dollar and what that means is that the US dollar will have no backing as of the 1st July.

The last 50 year agreements has officially ended with the Saudi's refusing to have oil pegged to the dollar.

What that means is higher rates in the US and US partners is here to stay as the US needs to attract money to cover there bond market, and there spending.

In other news we see a Japanese bank having to sell its US bond holdings as the losses are proving to be significant. So who is going to buy the bonds when the Chinese, Russian's and Saudi's are no longer buyers and have been selling and running bonds off there balance sheets. Its a massive problem as the dominance of the US dollar has eroded due to miss management.

The BRICS nations currency will be backed by commodities so they say and while you can see the energy and grain side playing out I question the precious metals side of the equation.

We live in interesting times and we see inflation paralyzing the consumer, how companies will be able to sustain compounding profits remains to be see. The B2B has ended with the suppliers loosing pricing power due to competition. So what will fuel further growth with a bankrupt consumer and cut back in business spending. This isn't just in the US its in all the western world.

I'm fascinated to see, consumers have become slaves to debt, governments are taxing everything to raise money, businesses are tightening there spending, and consumers want more from governments. We really are living in historic times readers.

We just went through the covid crap over the previous 3+ years and I'm just laughing at how stupid people were. The social distancing the mask wearing inside your own car even out side, people where scared to breath air wearing masks outside. Unbelievable, now a report comes out with 90% of Americans regret taking the covid vaccines. 

You look back and say what the hell was I thinking, I hope people learn from it as there will be another bullshit pandemic, its the only way to push socialism. 

Some of the younger readers have no idea of it but believe me you never want to live in socialism, I'm a capitalist and love the idea of the free market deciding what (product, service or idea )is worth. If you want to experience socialism go and live in China for 6 months, if you don't obey you won't be accepted. 

As I said historic times.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Addressing female readers complaints.

 Hi Readers 

I'd like to address something I posted and has upset a number of our female readers.

Because we got over a dozen complaints I thought it would be best to be public and state some facts which will make people understand or people won't because of there arrogance which is all good. 

As the saying goes IT IS WHAT IT IS.

Previously I mentioned that female Robots will not might be the dermise of the women.

I said that because women have been trained to be entitled to equal as the male counterparts. 

There are things that women are way better at and there are things that men are better at.

In the last 20 years women have been fooled into thinking that if  they get a degree and a high paying job that this will attract a high net worth male. This is far from the truth its not funny. 

As a male, men and I have spoken to a number from single and married men don't care about how much money women make, what there careers are or what there views are.

Men still today want the same thing there fathers did and there fathers before them.

Wife to cook, clean, be friends with and to have a family with. The rest is simply bullshit.

For a woman her chance to find a premium partner is 22-29, for a males it tends to be whenever.

I say whenever because men in there 20 don't know what they are doing day to day, in there 30's the are developing themselves and in there 40's are making there money. A good women can enhance a male and speed up the process. 

Ladies you have a biological clock to breed and Im sorry is sounds cruel but its the truth. So while most of you are in UNI or chasing your careers which is great your actually killing off your premium time to attract a partner. I say this because as humans this is what we live for, its why our parents lived pasted there 70's and this generation is struggling to make it past 50 with metal illness, depression or other issue I don't want to go into. To put it simple men want a wife , family and women want to be noticed and appreciated. This doesnt and will never work, thats why when the female robots come and they will women will then wake up and realise that you have pushed away the one good thing they had.

Now if same sex is your thing good luck to you, the odds of you staying togther is 24%.

For females will a robot listen or put up with whats going on in your lives? or will it simply attack you. I don't know but the only sample we have is the same sex relationships over the last 20 years. 

Men 76% success rate more than 7 years.

Women 24% success rate more than 7 years.

Males are very simple creatures , while women continue to have the current views of entitlement and the prize, men will look past and move on. In Europe and in Asia we see the tradional values where as here in Australia we see women going down the American route of entitlement which is very wrong.

The only other thing that I can think of right now is diamonds.

Diamonds became valuable because some shrud businessmen decided to fool women into believing that if he loves you he will buy it for you at any cost. It was a way to extract money from men who appreciated there wives. Women over time got fooled into  competing with the other women that her's is bigger than mine and that was the way diamonds became what they are today, nothing but a symbol.

Absolutely no benefit to the couple but a show off thing.

I hope the best for females of the world, I really do but I don't see them smart enough to understand what there actions are doing to them long term.

Look behind the scenes to see who benefits from women being the way they are and you will understand whats really going on.

I hope this settles it and if not live with it.

I wish you the very best.

inflation just wants to explode again.

 Hi readers 

So we just had the FED come out and say that there is more likely to be 1 cut by the end of this year.

So what happen since November 2023, what changed the 6 rate cuts by the end of 2024 and with 3 cuts potentially by the first quarter.

Yes people we are being gaslighted, because no central bank is in charge of interest rates at the present time, they want you to believe that they are but there not. INFLATION is.

First quarter came and went and we got no rate cuts, but we got talk of a May cut, May came and went with nothing, market then took the view that by June the FED will cut 1/4%, again all we got was talk.

The bullshit propaganda media who pushed the November 2023 ideas for the last 6 months refuses to accept or even tell you the people the truth. 

WE see the dickhead from CNBC now use language of ( high expectation of a rate cut by year end).

Previously it was (definitely 3 cuts by mid 2024 with the possibility of 6 by year end ).

This is what annoys me when people who don't understand economics create this false narrative and people believe what they are told and actually plan on what they are told. 

Inflation is running above the statistics numbers and the FED is very aware of it and that why they simply can't cut rates. When the market starts to understand this a correction in fluffed up names will commence.

Australia is in the same boat, the current inflation rate is much high than what the current CPI number is, and the more the government continues to bring in migrants into Australia the higher the inflation will be. Newly arrived migrants are not contributing to the economy as previous times, there is simply not enough jobs in Australia to support the number of people coming in.

At present 10,000 migrants a week its been cut from 25,000 and to date this year its over 720,000. In previous year it was 120,000-140,000 per year.

The way of life in Australia is being changed and it will be for the worse.

So what do I mean, supply and demand is a wonderful thing, it tend to price good accordingly. All western countries at the present time are going through this, even Europe. 

Farming has lacked investment for decades due to poor return, when I say poor returns Im talking under 10% yearly, very rarely will  farmers cash in big unless crops they produce ballooned in price due to weather damage from other farms. Today we aren't see any weather damage or tarriff issues, its simply a supply/demand issue. Today's generation isn't interested in farming due to the lack of returns. The average age of farmers has increased so much so that farmers are selling up or simply closing down and retiring. 

So what that does is paralyse the comsumer into paying more for the simple things we take for granted food. Then you have the importation of migrants which just compounds the issue and that dear readers is how you have your inflation.

Migrants aren't looking to buy dishwashers or microwave ovens or label designer clothes, they are looking to buy needed goods. The same things you need to buy to survive, thats how your getting the compounding inflation. 

Some of you might say that in Canada and the ECB just cut rates, and its only a matter of time.

Wrong they cut rates because the defaults on morgages is that big that its threating the banking system. People can't simply pay the interest only let alone the principle, so you either save the banks or you blow up the economy, they have decided to blow up there economies.

Inflation in these 2 economies will continue to rise and its only a natter of time before there currencies face the market revaluation.

As I have told many of you before until the interest rates are higher to kill demand inflation will continue to rise. Unless countries start using the american model of ex food, ex health, ex military, ex everything. Bullshit economics

For those of you in the political arena, how do you solve it.

Increase interest rates by at least another 2%. 

This will destroy demand, people will spend on there needs, businesses will limit the mark up on products to attract sales. The good businesses will survive while the zombies will purge, 10/1 innovation will come and economies will regroup and recover.

Remember this readers inflation has never come down without the stockmarket crashing or correction over 30% so until then dont believe what your told by media or central banks.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Economy's on thin ice worldwide

 Hi Readers 

We continue to see the gas lighting in the media of the economy, regardless of where you live your being told that everything is going great yet your out there and struggling to make it work.

Whether your in business or in debt with mortgage repayments the bottom line is it just doesn't work.

The reason it doesn't work and it will never work is the size of the mortgage is so big that its never enough, your wages have only gone up 8% yet the cost of living has increase 27% on top of any debt.

In business your finding it difficult to pass on the cost as you fear loosing the work and the list goes on.

For workers here in Australia they just got a 3.5% increase in the minimum wage. So tell me how can you make it work when everything in creep crawling higher.

For those who don't know what creep crawling is . Its when supermarkets on a weekly bases increase the prices of products by 2-4 cents per week on items across the board. Once again it doesn't matter where you live, its happening across the board.

Example a tin of tuna 150g was $1.15 on the first of May, as of the 2nd of June the same tin and brand is now $1.25.

Or a packet of corn chips (175g)was $3.25 on the first of May as of 2nd of June same packet is $3.45.

So this is what we call continue crawl inflation. Where products just keep rising regardless of what your told, not by the company making the products but the retailer looking to bank on the current circumstances.

Yes people we are in a stagflation environment, the media wont tell you as it doesn't suit the governments narrative. Whether your in the USA, Canada, Australia or the UK its the same everywhere.

In Victoria alone business bankruptcies at up 500% in the first quarter. In fact there where more business declaring bankrupt in the first quarter this year than all of last year.

That should tell you where the consumer is at, another example I was told was from a cafe that increase the costs of coffee from $6.50 to $7 to cover the loss revenue in food, he now finds himself down 30% in coffee's since the price rise. 

For those looking to purchase property just be patient. Once again regardless where you are governments are all playing the same tune and its not to hard to work out that its not working.

Governments have brought in immigrants way beyond sustainable levels to force them to prop up the housing market, but the people with money haven't come, and the people that they brought in are broke bums, yes cruel and I make no apologies for it as its forced so many people into poverty. 

The bank of mum and dad are tapped out and most who helped out are now paying the debt. Much to the delight of the banks.

Banks now are looking at serviceability not just the down payments so with that most people cant service million dollar loans, at 8% so housing, prices will come down.

I think of it like a trawler boat collecting all the fish, that's what happened in the last 7 years with property especially here is Australia. Fire sales will come as more and more pressure is coming on with tax departments cracking down on unpaid taxes, and banks starting to become hostile to helping out property investors with interest only loans as there has been a default, its obvious that things are getting worse much quickly than banks had anticipated.

For those of you who don't know, banks are in the business of derisking loans, the less risk of default the more they can fractional reserve. The more chance of loan default the more the bank is exposed to losses.

For the investors who sold out there shares at 43 cents and are waiting for a correction, Unless we see a crash in the stock market the stock is going to continue rising. 

The stock finally is moving on fundamentals and in a down market will hold and rise 5% per day. If stock Market crash yes it will go down but not as much as some of you think it might.

If the markets is stable then price will trade much higher. 

As I have said to some of you can still buy it you just have to pay 55c, 75c or $1, bottom line is you need to do what's right for you.

I have already given my view on what I believe its worth so until then I'm all good.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Pluto in Aquarius

 Hi Readers

So we are at once again in a very important movement.

This is a long term aspect which will become massive I say this because Pluto is slow moving planet which takes time for change to take place but once it does it is permanent and its massive.

Example . June 15th 2008 Pluto moved into Capricorn. 

What was born around that time ?? Bitcoin I looked into it but never thought digital money would be a thing. I remember at the time it was around $2.12-$2.20. Need I say anymore, its in the past and we only more forward.

As of January 20th 2024 Pluto moves into Aquarius. for 15 years 

Yes it will retrograde back into Capricorn but the main focus should be what will become of it.

Robotics. Robot people

Aquarius changes relationships, acceptance of robots will be real and come to your house quicker than you think.

Look at companies which make robots, most are private or under military agreements.

If all fails look at what's required to make robots, there are plenty of ways to capitalize on it so do your research.

People will be robots, men will buy robots and have there own relationship with them while women will find it difficult to acquire the emotion connection with them so it will only benefit one side.

The damage women have brought upon themselves with this me too movement will be difficult to repair. The word ENTITLED will be a very regrettable word for women.

We will see law enforcements, an officer and a robot together. Yes people will loose employment.

We currently have robots and all the huge robotic machines, this isn't what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about robots that will look like humans, with rubber or plastic film which will look like skin, they will talk like humans its why our phones record every conversation, to have the human emotion to it and anyone will be able to buy them. Not quiet like terminators, but close.

Some of you will be freaked out by it but think of this 25 years ago could you see men/transgender playing against women, in women's sports. Its why women's sports will die if it isn't stamped out.

DXB is a prime target

 Hi Readers 

Hope your all well. We took a break from the blog as we had personal issue to deal with. 

I was also contemplating letting the blog lapse as the work load got to heavy with business and health.

As both have sorted themselves out I have the time to post.

This blog is dedicated to you the readers those who, I have met and those who have emailed, you know who you are and its because of you I will continue to post. Thank you to all of you.

So where is the market, property, stocks and economy.

Since our last post the stock market is running on gas lighting, investors, property markets around the world are holding up barely on immigration and economies have entered into stagflation.

While many of you unless born pre 1952 would have no idea what it is other than what you have read.

Stock we are holding is finally making profits and has wind underneath it.

We are starting to see shoots of the DMX200 and small agreements are being signed which is great moving forward.

A lot of you have been asking what is the stock really worth. Yes we have seen reports of 70ish to 80+.

But what you have to understand is where is the real value in this company, its not in management or the board that's for sure, its in the intellectual property. has over 10 other treatments in its IP and while the market is all excited about DMX200 there is another treatments that are worth way more than what DMX200 can deliver in revenue.

The reason for the slow progress and delays in price appreciation is the foolish dilution the company executed last year. Had that not taken place this stock with the current news would be double its current price. Then we have managements lack of understanding of financial markets and that's why we are where we are at, and not $1.20 right now.

The one thing you need to think about moving forward with your DXB holdings is the following.

The company will need further injections of funds to continue the research in its other treatments.

Is DXB worth more as a going concern to shareholders or is it a prime takeover target for one of the pharmaceutical giants in America. 

At the present time they all have money but no IP, DXB would be an ideal candidate for one of them.

Hence what is the company then worth?

I do have my personal view, but I keep that to myself for the time being. I can assure you its way more than the current $230 million. Billion is the minimum so you do the maths.

I'll leave you with this food for thought and maybe managements might start thinking like giants not minno's.

DXB's current treatment method of kidney, demonstrated that they can turn off receptors, lets say you could then do the same with drug addicts, smokers, or weight loss. Yes there are drugs for that in the market place but the problem is there are side affects.

DXB treatments can become a commercial treatment, for people without side affects. 

This is where management isn't looking at the potential and is short minded.

What is the company worth then?

As I said from the start when we got into this investment, it will be one of the grand investment of a life time.

The astrology on is still strong moving forward but will wane in 2026. By then either the company will be bought out or I'll be selling my stake in the company. 

So the next 9 months will be very interesting to say the least for the company. 

As always use the above information as an indicator to your own work.

The above is based of financial astrology and my interpretation.

Ask your financial advisor on more on the above as I am not a financial advisor.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

BIS got there man into Australia

 Hi Readers

Today we have got the Rothchilds moving in on Australia.

With the people voting against there referendum to take there right to own land this went against what was expected. As a result to the treasure of this country (Australia) has appointed a former director of the bank of England Andrew Hauser.

If you think the Treasurer Jim Charmers pick this guy you are delusional. 

Jim Charmers yes the Australian Treasure is a journalist and  has no idea about finance.

His told what to do by his minders and he obeys, in other words shit for brains.

 His been picked by the BIS which is run by the Rothchilds, like most of the central banks.

So that tells you that the current RBA governor won't last long. From her Comments in September when she said " I'm confident that rates wont move again this year" to raising in November and now blaming domestic economy for the inflation. Yet we have for the last year being told by clowns that its the Russia war or supply shortages, told bull shit. don't blame us mentality its the other guys fault. its almost as bad as Biden, but then again no one can be that bad.

Now this guy Andrew Hauser time at the BOE was lame, 2013-2017. Record in 2018 -2020 poor to a failure . his appointment in my opinion is disappointing.

When I hear that climate change is part of his mandate I clearly know his going to screw the public when his time comes.

His astrology on his birth chart is very poor. His a puppet and will be a yes man, similar to what Lowe was. rates won't move until 2024 like all the central banks said the same thing because that was the playbook. We know how that played out.