Hi Readers
I'd like to address something I posted and has upset a number of our female readers.
Because we got over a dozen complaints I thought it would be best to be public and state some facts which will make people understand or people won't because of there arrogance which is all good.
As the saying goes IT IS WHAT IT IS.
Previously I mentioned that female Robots will not might be the dermise of the women.
I said that because women have been trained to be entitled to equal as the male counterparts.
There are things that women are way better at and there are things that men are better at.
In the last 20 years women have been fooled into thinking that if they get a degree and a high paying job that this will attract a high net worth male. This is far from the truth its not funny.
As a male, men and I have spoken to a number from single and married men don't care about how much money women make, what there careers are or what there views are.
Men still today want the same thing there fathers did and there fathers before them.
Wife to cook, clean, be friends with and to have a family with. The rest is simply bullshit.
For a woman her chance to find a premium partner is 22-29, for a males it tends to be whenever.
I say whenever because men in there 20 don't know what they are doing day to day, in there 30's the are developing themselves and in there 40's are making there money. A good women can enhance a male and speed up the process.
Ladies you have a biological clock to breed and Im sorry is sounds cruel but its the truth. So while most of you are in UNI or chasing your careers which is great your actually killing off your premium time to attract a partner. I say this because as humans this is what we live for, its why our parents lived pasted there 70's and this generation is struggling to make it past 50 with metal illness, depression or other issue I don't want to go into. To put it simple men want a wife , family and women want to be noticed and appreciated. This doesnt and will never work, thats why when the female robots come and they will women will then wake up and realise that you have pushed away the one good thing they had.
Now if same sex is your thing good luck to you, the odds of you staying togther is 24%.
For females will a robot listen or put up with whats going on in your lives? or will it simply attack you. I don't know but the only sample we have is the same sex relationships over the last 20 years.
Men 76% success rate more than 7 years.
Women 24% success rate more than 7 years.
Males are very simple creatures , while women continue to have the current views of entitlement and the prize, men will look past and move on. In Europe and in Asia we see the tradional values where as here in Australia we see women going down the American route of entitlement which is very wrong.
The only other thing that I can think of right now is diamonds.
Diamonds became valuable because some shrud businessmen decided to fool women into believing that if he loves you he will buy it for you at any cost. It was a way to extract money from men who appreciated there wives. Women over time got fooled into competing with the other women that her's is bigger than mine and that was the way diamonds became what they are today, nothing but a symbol.
Absolutely no benefit to the couple but a show off thing.
I hope the best for females of the world, I really do but I don't see them smart enough to understand what there actions are doing to them long term.
Look behind the scenes to see who benefits from women being the way they are and you will understand whats really going on.
I hope this settles it and if not live with it.
I wish you the very best.
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