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Friday, December 30, 2011

just a quick note

Hello to you all.
Just want to wish you all a happy new year and may all your objectives/achievements are fore filled in 2012.
Haven't bothered with the markets as family time now is more important.

Will commence again on Tuesday till then enjoy celebrations.

Will respond to all questions and emails next week.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

learning how to fish.

To our new Australia readers.

Yes astrology can be used on the SPI also.
I tend to publish mainly for the US market as that's the main market that most people trade.
Also the commodities I tend to express what I am trading and not every commodity.
From time to time I do look at stocks but only when there is a massive .
Our last monster trade was Netflix, which we shorted both the stock and bought options and made mega bucks.
At the present time I am waiting for Apple to tick over $400 and and I will start loading up on shorts and puts.

The objective on this blog is to look at the emotional behaviour of the market.
The emotional component of the market is 80% of trading the other 20% is technicals ..I believe.

I am not out to convince you of anything but only hope that you consider what astrology is saying.
Astrology cant be changed or bought it is what it is,
Unlike technical indicators which can be manipulated to serve ones purpose.

I hope this explains what the blog is about.

For those who have asked for me to disclose my trades happy to do so but don't think it will achieve anything. but not to worry I will set out targets and guidelines for the new year.

Hope the above has answered most of your questions...

Couldn't resist

Hello to you all.

I couldn't resist trading today.
It looks like a gift and given the astrology I just had to take the trade.
The explanation first.
On for the student of financial astrology.
Today the moon is in a void of Course in Scorpio and as you all know Scorpio is the sign of the dead.
Yes while the market is trading up for reasons I don't know I felt that its a BS push and went about shorting the market at the 1241 level.
Also went short the A$ as I don't think the metals will hold there current levels.
As the day progresses you will see the negative energy kick in and the market will trade lower.

Disclosure I am short ES 1241 and A$ positions10040.

As this is being written ES 1240.25 A$ 10036

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Just a quick update. rain hail or shine I am liquidating my positions at the close today, while disappointed with the move of the index market it looks as tho the 1250-1300 is going to be a more serious level to crack.
Is the Santa clause rally over, by my work the answer is yes.

As a bear trader I think its important to recognize that there is a time for everything going short and long.
I'm sure that in the coming year great profits will be made both long and short.

As I have said I don't think going by my work next year will be bad as many expect.
Sure mistakes will be made but hey we are human...not computers..just look at the

Tomorrow while there are still positives to prop the market higher astrologically there are also negatives kicking in.
Experience has taught me that when the market starts showing negatives this time of the year the moves can be extreme with low volumes.

As trading might quieten down I will respond to many emails

As this is being written ES 1238.25

book profits

Morning all
Well it looks as tho the ECB is going to do the Fed thing and pump money into the system and hope it works...LOL
Suckers good luck.
How dumb can Central bankers really be, honestly, look at the fed they have no bullets left in there gun and while CNBC hopes for QE3 it ain't going to happen...
Anyway I really don't care my main concern is my positions
I just cut my gold at the 1640 area ,while the market is running I am prepared to hold my index positions until the end of the day.
Rain hail or shine I will be closing out of my index trades today.


As this is being written ES 1247.25 Feb GOLD 1641.20

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Morning ..

Its interesting to see the games being played by some of the Fund manager yesterday.
Yes while technically this could break down and run to 1180, my astrology doesn't support this.
If fact its extreme the other way at the present time.
While the indexes are looking some what shaky I did notices yesterday some massive buying in staple stock.
Please remember folks BAC isn't the market either there are much better companies to invest in.
I continue to hold my position and trust my work as apposed to technicals but one can make there own judgement.


As this is being written ES 1211.25 Feb GOLD 1606.20

Monday, December 19, 2011


Good morning to you all .

As expected Friday the last 15 minutes of the day we saw the unwinding of the forward month positions gave us a window of opportunity to pick up cheap positions.
While some stubborn bears see that as a negative the true nature is that its the unwinding of protection nothing else.
Looking at the present market we see that the North Korean military leaders will hold the fort for the time being while the educate the junior, nothing to be too alarmed about.
If anything another opportunity to buy.

Now looking forward we see that the astrology has started to kick in and the market is on the rise.
Going by my work I see the positive momentum pushing this market through the 1230 area and beyond today and it wouldn't surprise me if we saw 1240 today.
Those of you who find it hard to buy anything might want to look at selling bonds, as they have been the safe heaven.
I tried to buy gold Friday and today at 1585 but was unsuccessful twice hopefully third time lucky.

Please remember this is a 3 day play and I will be closing out Wednesday close.

I am holding long position in ES average 1211.50, long gold 1269.00, short bonds 145.00


As this is being written ES 1219 Feb GOLD 1596.10

Friday, December 16, 2011

Good Morning

I have been busy doing my next years astrology and it seems we could have a mega year in the markets.
Well that's what the astrology is showing.
Yes new highs in all markets are coming, even NASDAQ...

So while we see Euro crumbling I believe we will see some serious power shift come back into the US dollar and markets. 2012....
If I was to call it I'd look at a 25-35% rise in the US market value next year. and maybe double in NASDAQ. from Current levels.
So lets leave the doom and gloom aside and look at whats really going to make money over the longer term.
To our Asian readers you have 2 years starting from January to pull your money out of china before it also crumbles like Europe.
Would I be a metals buy? no
Stocks different to commodities, but one thing is for sure regardless of where the commodities are come in the next couple of years a 50-70% reduction in value's is for sure I believe.

Today I am for those who want to know will be looking to purchase calls in the SPY June 130 and Dec 135.
While it wont always be one way traffic there will also be times where bargain prices will allow you to double up.
To the bond traders be careful 2012 might be a nasty year.

As for today I have bought some position on the ES and Gold and will be looking to buy more during a dip either during the day or at the end of the day as it is options expiration, and hedges in the forward month will need to be unwind.
Great opportunity to pick up cheap positions...Monday on as of next week we have a nice move up in the market, so I do see 1300 on ES by Wednesday close.


As this is being written ES 1219 Feb GOLD 1592.10

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good Morning

we have finally let go of the mercury retrograde and while the markets have been all over the place not many have made money so I am told.
During that period most moves tend to be fake outs and catch many momentum players off guard.
With the Expiration this week coming to ahead I will be some what surprised if the market stays at these levels or even trades lower.
Next week we have some very strong astrology which will finally give the boost to the market it needs to push through the 1280-1300 level.
As for this week it would be somewhat wise to look at the option premiums and see what the market makers are looking to do..
There is some positive astro on Thursday followed by some negatives on Friday.

Lets look at what has been during the retro time.
1.  The Euro Zone efforts will fail that's no secret.
2. The Government act which has taken all liberty's away from US citizens will come back to bit congress.
3.Gold has fallen over $100.

Lets see over the next 6 weeks what reverses.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Recapping what occurred on Friday as server was down then had to ring orders in really annoyed me so when fishing for a couple of days.
Friday we saw the astrology do its thing while it was as I had hoped it did perform and basically got me out of jail as I was hold shorts from 1250.
Now looking forward I don't have much last couple of days market has gone both up and down but with no real traction
This should continue until the Lunar Eclipse on the 11th and then the Mercury direct coming through on the 13/14th, till then it will continue to be difficult to understand this market for everyone.
Technicals are some what all over the place with little if any really direction and so view is be humble..

For the financial astrology students
On a lighter note all news which has come through during this period will be reversed come the 14th on..
Often I have found the decisions or news in the market when announced during the retrograde period is usually wrong or reversed.
So take it with a grain of salt.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


What a day yesterday was and what did it achieve?
Its called jack shit...A term used to express ones disbelief at what happened.

Lets look at in in depth..
Not one of the central banks is prepared to guarantee countries loans so, what are we trying to achieve..
Band aids don't stop bleeding.

So while the banks all think they can maneuver the markets  as they like the one dominating play china isn't part of the game..NOT GOOD
Also this was announced during the confusion time so it wont work and in fact it will get worse, more than people think.

While many think the central banks can move markets I have very reliable information that treasury was caught with over 800k long  ES contracts.
Anyway that's life and we move on.

I got stopped out like many others so looking to re-establish again.

While today I anticipate a push above the 1250 in the morning I do believe we might come off in the afternoon.
As the astrology will start to gain momentum during the day today and then really kick in tomorrow.
One can pick there spot and move.
The astrology start to move into negative time frame from 10.44am NY time.
In the event that you fear the bulls run please just stand aside and don't risk trading.


As this is being written ES 1243 Feb GOLD 1751.10

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Well the market is taking the hits from every angle at the present time.
The rating agencies came out again and downgraded basically all the banks, who prop trade...LOL
I think there a little late for the MF Global Clients..

Its also interesting to see that over the last 2 trading days that most of the move in the ES has occurred during European time and not US time..

Astrological view.
There isn't much today to support either up or down,
But Thursday and Friday is a different story.

Personal View
Didn't think the market would hold the 1200 level.
This move up has been nothing more than a short covering rally, and not new money coming into the market.
So for the bulls the gas is or has about run out.
For the Bear get ready for offense now..
There is another nice power move coming Friday .

I am short ES DEC 1201-1202... short FEB gold 1721.00


As this is being written ES 1189.25 Feb GOLD 1711.10

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I had a look at the market and it seems that there was a real deal to buy the market....NOT
While yes there are some small positive aspects, which have now waned, there are some major obstacles ahead.
Does the market break the 1200 level? Maybe but the question is can it hold it and close above it.
Finch had there 5 minutes also putting the US on negative watch.
Now if it weren’t for the retrograde period we are in the market would have fallen hard.
But as I said a week ago what else is there for the shorts to get excited.
We need a bounce of some sort to give everyone that impression that the market is gearing up for the Xmas rally.
At the present time I don’t have much on the market today or tomorrow, but Thursday we need to prepare for a nice drop on the market and commodities.
So for the time being observer and if you see an opportunity then act accordingly.

Please also note that any news, which is coming out, won’t come to fruition.
News from Europe, news on the US economy if it’s bad then after the retrograde it will be good, (Visa versa)

My work shows that the Solar Eclipse will affect more the commodities than the Stock market.
Metals more than grains.


As this is being written 1192.25,gold 1714.20

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



When you look at the market the amount of negativity around is some what of a contagion to say the least.
It almost feels like the market can no long have an up day.
Yet when you step back and look at it I wonder how this market can still be holding these levels.
I mean lets be honest we have seen a potential collapses of countries, Major house falls over and yet market still above the 1150-1200 area.
If I remember correctly when Lehman's went belly up market was trading under 1000.
Anyway the astrology is still showing positive moves yet the market is finding away to trade lower.
I guess if the astrology wasn't positive the market might actually be around the 1000 mark.

Lets see whats ahead  astrologically.

Thursday begins the Mercury retrograde period.
Starts from the 24th and runs until the 13th of December

This is a time that whats said in the market is wrong, deals/mergers will fall apart.
To the technical people this is the period where the support and resistance levels will be breached only to turn around and trade the other way.
The market will whipsaw traders.
For the students of Financial Astrology this is a great time to do research.
Needle's in the haystacks will be found during this period.
Use it to obtain ideas but don't implement until after the 20th of December.

Today astrologically I have some trad able moves down for the Bonds and positive moves for the Metals.


As this is being written 1193.5  bonds 143.12 gold 1691.80 silver 31.66 copper 3.3540

Thursday, November 17, 2011



What a day!!!
I guess my stop at 1233 was a good one considering where the market went to and here it closed.
Dont know what to say in the context of it all.
The astrology is showing some small negativity on the open tomorrow but thats about it Nothing too alarming but what occurred today nothing to do with planetary movement.

My bias is still to the upside until the 24th so might look at chip and charging.


As this is being written 1215. bonds 143.07


Morning all ..

I have to admit at the present time I reading of the market seems to be wrong ..
I didnt believe the late day sell off, for the simple reason, news like that you bring out to the market before the open not just as its coming to the final hour of trading but in any case it is what it is and I accept my medicine as they say .
I did get stopped out and at present licking my wounds as they say .
My work still shows the same.

Yes I am prepared to just sit out and watch for the next 24 hours before deciding what to do .


As this is being written 1222.25 bonds 142.31

Wednesday, November 16, 2011



Where are we going today ?
Looking at a pure astrological stand point up.
There are hardly any negative aspect to worry the market.
Oh yes there is Europe and my response to it is, (What else is new).
Old news

Anyway I think an opportunity was about during Asian time so lets see what happens for the rest of the day.
My feel on the market is there are a hell of a lot of skeptical bulls out there who haven't jumped on.
While the bears are jumping up and down over Europe.

As stated yesterday there is no negative astrology to support the bears and so I see this dip and a buying opportunity.

Disclosure I do hold short Bond positions and long ES positions.


As this is being written 1250.25 bonds 141.29

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



What a great day today is and has been, the market has shaken out many weak bulls at levels which many thought couldn't break, while at the same time its given many bears the idea that the market is trading on shaky ground.
As you all know by the Financial astrology this is a set up which has a lot more to run.

Today I also got my bond options which was great, that's why is a wonderful day.
140 DEC puts

Looking at tomorrow I don't see any let up, might find some annoying resistance at the 1270-1273 area but after that, most bears I think might wake up and smell the roses.

Please note also that we will be making a move on the next stock to half in value soon, but not yet.
Also the above levels are just observations only, I am no technical analyst so please do your own work.


As this is being written 1258.25 bonds 141.17



Looking what occurred.

Yesterday we had a very negative astrological day.
I anticipated at least a 20+ handle move but it wasn't the case.
For the market to hold up so well in a negative day is a serious warning sign.
This market does have strength behind it and while many are emailing me stats on how bearish this is I don't share your views.
The past is just that the past and while it is a good indicator of what might occur, this market isn't the same, as last year.
Or the year before, the dynamics of the market are always changing and an astute trader will take heed of this and adapt.
One need to identify what works and what doesn't and use that to make money.
At the end of the day friends this is a zero sums game, all are squared off.
As repeating isn't smart once again I must say please look at whats current not what might.

Looking Forward

Tuesday is as the name says the turn around Tuesday.
We are moving into a period of a number of days where the market has different positive energies which I believe will propel the market higher.
Regardless of what news comes out just a reason to buy should the market slip up.
The Full moons bottom has held also which is another huge positive.1218.25
So until late next week I don't have any serious negative to hold down the market.
Lets look at the pockets of negativity.
18th 10am -2.30pm
24th is the Mercury retrograde period which we will go into more detail.

So for the time being bears you are warned.

Until the 25th of this month there is no holding you back so run hard.
Get it out of your system because then the negative clouds are on there way ...

Disclosing that I do have positions in the market ES long 1246.50
Short bonds 141.30

As this is being written 1249.25 bonds 141.27

Monday, November 14, 2011


Seems to be that the market is holding up quiet well at the present time..
While we did see a fall not as much as I had expected which is a little worrisome.
As expected the trouble did come from Europe but the divergence between the US and Europe is evident.
The negative energy is starting to wane and one need to begin placing stops now to protect themselves from a potential attack from the bulls.

Tomorrow is pretty much a non bias day and one might want to look at there work for the next set up to the up side.
To my bear brothers heed the warning, the move is over, the bulls have been able to hold it together and so now I think the next 4 working days we could have a go at 1300.
The bulls need to show a heart beat I believe and the fact they haven't been able to get over the 1300 is like a red flag to them.
Also note the bonds at the present time, I stated last week that we could see a nice drop in them to protect the option writers..

Just fit nicely I think.

Planetary movement = positive
Bond option game = need a down move
Market = holding up well in a down day

Its important that you do your own analysis and look at the above as another indicator to your own work .
As you can see the last move we where some what early in the call but it did come through.

As this is being written 1249.75 bonds 141.30

Friday, November 11, 2011


I've been looking at the Bonds of late and have noticed an opportunity which looks to me interesting.
I don't think today is the day for it this would be more for come Monday when bond prices will once again be rising.
I'm looking at either writing 142 DEC Call or buying 140 Dec Puts in the 30 year bonds.
Now the open interest on the Two are  quiet interesting as the market makers need to close bonds by the 25th of Nov under 139 to maximize there return and minimize being exercised
Just take a look at the opportunity and see if its suits you if not just watch it and maybe next time when a set up like this once again arises you can consider it.
With the positive week expected next week I'll be surprised if the bonds aren't under 139.12 by Thursday close.
To make serious money the bonds need to be around the 142.20+ area.


As this is being written 141.10


Good Morning

Well a nice bounce up we are seeing and all is good I guess depend on which side of the fence you are on .
It looks as tho 1218.25 is the low to hold or is it ?
Today as this is being written markets at 1246+ which is great for all the bulls traders.
But today I do have some negatives which will kick in from 11.30am and run through out the afternoon enough I guess to make some good dollars.
But the play is for Monday where news which will come from Europe could once again shake the foundations once again.

Looks to me like some bank might go into public ownership or collapse.
I think both the Euro and maybe gold will suffer as once again serious margin calls might take hold on market sentiment for the day.
I think US bonds and the dollar might be a safe bet , not commodities.

Sunday and into Monday could see a close test of the 10th's low.(1218.25)
Please note that regardless of what the news is or what occurs during Monday please make sure you do not have short position come the close of Monday as there is some very powerful up days ahead.

For the Students of Financial astrology we have the all might powerful Jup/Mars Trine.
What does this mean to the market ?
Jup = sign of plenty and more isn't enough, expansion.
Mars= quickly, powerful moves, aggressive
Trine= optimistic, confidence,success.

When you put all this together you can see that a powerful move is coming.
Should see signs of it come Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday, (my bear brothers) jump on the back of the bull, and let it run.


As this is being written 1246.00

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Looking at the market at the present time you can now see very clearly that margin calls where the reason the market fell so much, and not as many believe was open selling.
Its for this reason I said yesterday dangerous trading at the present time.
There was a 50% chance of a rebound and a 50% change of a continuation.
Odds like that you don't make money, your gambling.
Here we are trying to put more odds in favour to one side, so the chances of losses are low.

While we are in the critical aspect right now its interesting to see just where the low will be.
Current low is 1218.25 is that it ? don't know to be honest but likely.
For those of you who are looking for an option trade or a futures trade on the bonds its coming up...
Maybe Monday tho as could be higher that what it is today..
Anything above 142.20 will trigger the play.Its the DEC options.Which expire on the 25th of this month.
More later.


As this is being written 1241.75

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Well well, what an interesting day.
It looks like the euro is finished now with the margin calls this morning on Italian Debt.
While many bears are getting excited about the down day its more to do with selling every position you have to cover losses or raising money to meet requirements.

Still we are in the Full moon phase and a low to hold of some sorts is on.
Tomorrow there will be a lot of news coming out of Europe good or bad not sure.
This could snap right back or fall .
Is 1222..75 the low to hold too early to say.
When every commodity and currency is getting nail except bonds and dollar, most often that's margin calls.
So read what it is not what you want it to be.
The ECB move was a clue to what could happen.
Missed it !!!!

Looking further in just observations for the Financial Astrology Students.
Full Moon do tend to bring endings, so it will be interesting to see what occurs tomorrow.
Either the crystal destruction of the euro or the ending of the Italian news.
Just observing tomorrow, to dangerous to trade.

Please note no need to trade daily, when its dangerous why risk capital!!

As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.


As this is being written 1228.25

Good Morning

Looking at the astrology today its looking for a slow grind up today.
But we are moving into the Full moon aspect which tend to produce bottoms and tops in other markets.
While the full moon is in a Taurus sign the bottoms will hold while any markets that make tops wont hold.
News coming out of Europe will be some what dangerous and many issue will be exposed.
I have the market falling away in the afternoon Thursday, and into Friday but not seriously.

For the Students of Financial astrology Neptune goes direct today so oil could see some action to the downside.
Hidden agendas will be exposed and in particular from Europe.
While the month does have some negative days I do believe that there will be a serious divergence between the European and US markets in coming weeks.
Its important that you use caution today and tomorrow in trading as bottoms in markets will be active.
I'm still inclined to buy the dips

As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.


As this is being written 1265.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Don't say I didn't warn you

There  is no point emailing asking for levels which I think this market will top out at or stop.
Astrology does work that way.
It just gives you the emotional component of what the market attitude is.
One shorting in a STUPID running bull is foolish.
By the way I know some are hoping for trouble out of Italy for the market to fall well, maybe but what else is new.
Right now market isn't worried about what might and could!

Don't say I didn't warn you .

As for technicals I'm not a tech guy so look up the web and find sites which can assist you ..

 As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.


As this is being written 1263.00



Yesterday we got the fall we expected but no follow through in fact we got a reversal.
For the market to close where it did( in positive territory) on such a negative aspected day is a very serious danger sign for the bears.
If you ever wanted to see a hedge trade then look no further than the indexes, Sell Europe/Buy US.

To my fellow bear brothers this is not the time to stand up and take on this bull.
My reading of yesterday is that this bull is just strenching his legs and is getting ready to run hard.
This bull can see blood and has put the his front foot half cocked out there.
There will be a time to take this bull on but not now, dont stand in front and he will run right through you.
Use the down moves as opportunities to buy.

The best thing for all bears is to jump on board the run and wear him out sooner, as the weight of numbers will be too heavy for him to continue running hard.

Looking forward we see small down days but no 2% down days for the month, so play the odds.
In fact the next serious down day is 2nd Dec.

Wednesday the 9th looks to be an nice up day which gathers momentum as the day progresses.
The 10th of November full moon is still showing some sort of bottom to hold give or take 24 hours.

Question you should ask yourselves?
IF you where a $200 million manager, where would you invest your money Europe or US.
Thats whats going on.
Take a look at copper today as its got positives today and tomorrow which might pop the price up on it.

As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.

Price as this is being written 1250.25

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Couldn't resist

I was reading and thought this would be an interesting read

How American Banks Are Engineering the Next Apocalypse, Again

Remember credit default swaps? AIG? Hopelessly entangled exotic financial instruments tied to esoteric asset valuations that caused cascading defaults in 2008 and threatened to tank the global financial system unless taxpayers ate all the losses? Remember how we reformed Wall St. to make sure that never repeated itself? Someone tell Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley, because they've teed the whole damn thing up again, this time in Europe.
Bloomberg's Yalman Onaran has an excellent and terrifying account of how American banks have spent the last three years replaying precisely the same malevolent game that led to the '08 crisis. But instead of playing with shitty real estate, they're playing with European bonds. Either way, the endgame is the same: As soon as someone can't pay their bills, we'll be talking about "systemic risk" again.
American lenders have sold a half a trillion dollars worth of insurance on European debt, mostly in the form of credit default swaps, Onaran reports. That means that if European bond issuers default, these American banks—Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Citbank, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America chief among them—are on the hook to pay up. And the amount of insurance issued by U.S. firms actually ticked up by $80 billion in the first half of 2011—a time, you will recall, when half of Europe seemed to be teetering on default.
"We could have an AIG moment in Europe," said Peter Tchir, founder of TF Market Advisors, a New York-based research firm that focuses on European credit markets. "Let's say Greece defaults, causing runs on other periphery debt that would trigger collateral requirements from the sellers of CDS, and one or more cannot meet the margin calls. There might be AIGs hiding out there."
The banks all claim they've managed to spread the risk around—so that if, say, the recently reached voluntary deal with Greece's debtors goes south and the country defaults, they will be able to pay the resulting bills. Yes, Morgan Stanley, for instance, has sold a lot of credit default swaps on Spanish debt—but it's hedged that risk through an arcane financial process called "netting," and we all know how successful arcane financial processes are when subjected to massive stress.
Morgan Stanley said last month that its net exposure in the third quarter to the debt of Spain's government, banks and companies was $499 million. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, an interagency body that collects data for U.S. bank regulators and disallows some of the netting, said the New York-based firm's exposure in Spain was $25 billion in the second quarter.
The net figure for Italy was $1.8 billion, Morgan Stanley said, compared with $11 billion reported by the federal data- collection body.
That's right—Morgan Stanley's estimate of its Spanish risk is only off by a factor of 50. Its market capitalization is $31 billion. Anyway, I'm sure it's all fine and the banks have it under control and Bloomberg is just doomsaying. Why would a bank lie about something like this?

Friday, November 4, 2011


Afternoon to you all
Has the market somewhat confused you all as to its direction now.
Market traded lower from 8am which was great, and yes another tick for Astrology.
Went down to Thursday's closed then is bouncing up now so, a little for both side you might say but no real direction.
I guess on a technical perspective it will seem bullish due to not making lower lows from yesterday but hey I'm not a tech guy so don't know.
I am still waiting for 1266 today I think we might see it or at least 1260 .
I think that's the moment of truth for both sides we break it runs it doesn't we fall and the interesting thing is now, every man and his dog has there stops sat the 1205-1208 area so that's the target for next week for the bears, just a question of time.

Those of you who aren't playing the index for Monday might want to look at the US dollar as a buy.
The yen I don't know, the BOJ can pop there heads up, and for some reason they love Mondays.
Bonds with some 20 odd days until they expire they seem very risky at these levels.
Remember risk reward important.

For the Students of Financial Astrology we have the full moon kicking in on the 10th which should show some sort of bottom give or take 24 hours and because its in Taurus money will be the focus so a bottom to hold will be on the cards..

Please remember that Astrology is the emotional component to trading.
It not the one and only thing in trading it give the emotional state of the market.
Whether its positive of negative.

As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.

As being posted ES 1250

Thursday, November 3, 2011

book profits

Evening all

Well the market did shoot up as expected but very disappointing that it wasn't higher than I had anticipated.
Looking at whats ahead tomorrow I feel it might be a little negative, just enough to put doubt in every ones mind about the move today.
Bragging rights once again for Financial astrology on today.

Monday and last week I stated that NFLX has positives coming its was and as you all can see the stock is up handsomely.
Tomorrow will look to close out the DEC and the JAN options.

For some reason I have a fair amount of negativity come around 8am-9am  I guess someone might open there mouth and spit out trouble, not sure anyway Tomorrow is a set up day for Sunday/Monday as I have the market going down a fair amount.
The trouble will come from Europe so it might be Greece getting kicked out not sure.
So while tomorrow there will be a negative patch use the day to positions for Monday if your trading options..

As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.

Couldn't resist

We did warn the bears.

For the students of financial astrology, we have Venus and Mercury moving into Sag today.
Mercury = communication/information.
Sag= always positive outlook.
The ECB just cut rates .25% did I expect that no but look at the above, now you will begin to understand how financial astrology works.

Its a wonderful tool when you know how to use it.
As its being written 1251.25



Good Morning
What a morning its been. Some huge elephant was the instigated from the close yesterday selling the market without fear.
Did they wash the market out of long positions you betcha.
But Have they covered ...
I wish them well taking on financial astrology,its a dangerous game, that's not to say that astrology is always right but sometimes just early.
Yesterday the the low was as expected between noon and 1pm.
I managed to pick up positions at 1225 and was just about stopped out at 1212...
But not to be my friends and so now I am anticipating 1280-1300 today's, as this is being written 1238.00
Yes its a long way away but if you have the financial astrology I have then you wouldn't question it.
Anyway see what happens.
Now lets look at tomorrow also.
While the market might be up I do believe it will close lower.
One needs to use there own discretion as to when to pull the trigger.
In the event the market doesn't trade that high.
Monday will be a very bad day and the trouble will come from Europe so I will be looking to acquire some shorts Friday and then Sunday top up.
Use the yen as a hedge to the down move both Friday and Monday  not the bonds.

As always use the above as an indicator to you own work.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today is the day to prepare for tomorrow.

Today is the day we need to look at preparing for tomorrow.
With the Fed today voicing there view I think the market can go both ways.
Will there comments solve anything ? NO but they will give that "yeah feel good feeling".
Today we have some powerful planetary movement which will give a powerful lift up late today and tomorrow.
While technically we could see lower lows, I just cant see them coming through for the next 48 hours.
So bears braces yourselves or be smart and reverse.

For the students of financial astrology, we have Venus and Mercury moving into Sag today.
Mercury = communication/information.
Sag= always positive outlook.
Now market should see some kind of a bottom around Noon=1pm. After that we could start climbing higher.
At the present time As this is being written 1234.25

As I said previously Thursday trading day can recover all this weeks losses so you have been fully warned.
1300 Possibility.

Important to understand that at certain degree's we see positive news, at other degree we will have negative news.
Friday and Monday will be just that  so keep that in mind bears.
But for now bulls look at opportunities to buy.

As always use the above information as an indicator to your own work. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good Morning

First the brag for astrology.
The big Euro deal was done as explained last week and for that well there is no saviour for Europe.
But for the US one does need to show caution as there is Positives all but small kicking in for the US today late.
For the market to fall this hard on a FED meeting week is dangerous for both sides.
The bears would be worried about a FED QE3 and the bulls hoping the slide would end.
Yes today was a negative day astrologically but there is a time to take your money and leave for the day.
I have a strong suspicious that buying on flips like today would be on all technical traders mind as they call it an outside day or something like that .
Yes market can go lower but today I doubt as I think 80% of the move is done for now.
Why risk profit for 20% chance of lower lows.
So I am taking my money off the table.
1226.50 as this is being written


Monday, October 31, 2011


What an interesting morning we have. the BOJ jumping into the ring taking on all comers while Margin calls are slicing up everything else.
This action taken people won't work.
The BOJ can stand up and fight up to a point, only time will solve there issues not intervention.
Anyway great opportunity to make some money I guess if your short.

In the market I warned you all of NFLX and that a positive period was on the way.
I have purchased both 90Dec calls and the 95Jan calls.
Under $5 on the Dec's and over $5 on the Jan.

With APPL I still haven't purchased as yet any option on the stock,
At the present time while the market move is higher I'll just wait to pick up my puts on the cheap.
I have noticed that put options have been holding a interesting premium which I don't understand why.
This week we have a Fed Meeting and you should already know by now that nothing will be changed and if anything words of pick up in the economy might show up.

For those who want to know I have negative astrology for Tuesday and Wednesday morning and a turn Wednesday afternoon with a very powerful move up on Thursday.
Thursdays move will cover all of Tuesdays losses.
Then Friday and Monday 7th down again.

Use the above as an indicator to your own work.
I have put this up as a request by some readers.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

A waste of time

It looks as tho the EU has got a deal through to support the Euro and the PIGS.
Thats great and I am happy for them but the astrology is very negative towards this deal.
This deal will fail my friends.
It was done at the Dark of the Moon, and another negative is its a Scorpio moon which is the worst you can get.
So while today the market is feeding on outside cash coming into the market, and shorts getting squeezed out anticipate this to be a huge disaster as early as next week and the trouble will start.
Try not to get sucked into this fools rally..

The APPL option I was checking them out the last couple of days to find good value options and havent found them yet.
Hopefully today I might get a nice price on puts..looking at the 270,260 Jan 13 at the present time but might do more work and pin point the best time for a nice move for better value.
I'm looking to pay single digits .

I'm also looking at the either 90 dec NFLX calls or/and the 95Jan calls.
As I said previously there is some powerful positives comming for the stock and it will bounce.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well they come out with there profits and guess what people they finally said the truth about there stupid decisions..
They have lost over 60% of there client base from the all time high that it once was..
While I did close out my position a fortnight ago I wish those who are still holding all the best.
I strongly recommend that you take your money.
The company does have some positive aspects coming which will give a boost top the stock price, just how much I am not sure.

Looking at it in the after hours market its down over 30% ..
I guess now the greedy bankers and the Executives will wake up to the reality of the market they are in.
So now they are going to start streaming into London.
While its will work and it will revive the company and its fortunes, be aware that the decisions that come from the tops have not sunk in.
Yes the same will occur again at a given time before the company goes belly up.

Now with APPL yesterdays close was $407 40% of this is some $162, so I am looking for a $245 price tag or today I am going to looking into the options and the best value for money which I believe risk/reward is and will post later on...


Monday, October 24, 2011


Its been a while since I have posted.
Those of you who know that when the wife says its time for a holiday there is no ifs or buts.
Anyway I thought I would let you know what I have been up to ..
First of all I closed out the Jan 170 Puts at $60 I know they went more higher but I was happy with it and so thought it was a wise to take the money and run..
Trade made around $53-55 so was happy with it ...
Now I am waiting for the bounce before I purchase puts once again ...
For the true believers of financial astrology I have some another darling stock which will see similar fate but not as quick.
APPL has the Solar eclipse challenging its ability to create and invent.
Now as its moving slowly into APPL chart it will take time for the stock to fall.
I believe next year we could see some difficult aspects seriously hurt APPL stock price.
Note today's closing price will be the marker for a 40% decline minimum.

As for NFLX,there are some positive on the ways for the stock in the next couple of weeks which will give a much needed boost to the stock price. But come end of December the clouds once again will come back and have the stock struggling.
If the stock does bounce over what I think it should I will buy puts on it, otherwise just leave it.

Will start posting daily

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ok I have read the empathy email released to the media and the news wires by NFLX.
My take on it is that the bankers are mounting something that might resemble a bounce.
Or this guy is talking to an Astrologer.
But will it work?
For a CEO to come out and spin that rubbish there is something very seriously wrong people..
Read between the lines., what is he really say .

My understanding is he guided lower as people are leaving the service.
Could it be double what they guided in there previous statements..
Instead of 10%  maybe 20% lower..
In any case the buck stops with the CEO, and his marshmallow apology isn't good enough has far as I'm concerned..
When he raised prices by 60% he didn't have a problem then.
But the fact the company has halved in value now his shitting himself.. I don't care the astrology doesn't lie.
This company is dead. no matter what they do!
His got 9 days to hope people dont leave then his got to come clean on his subscribers.
Sure he can DOT the books but his got the SEC breathing down his throat so not a smart thing to do...

I'm going to start doing work for a friend who runs a stock hedgefund..On companies which are grossly overvaled simular to NFLX.
Will publish in October when finished.

To all the private emails regarding NFLX  your all very welcome,( professionals and private traders)
See how astrology works in the markets...
