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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good Morning

First the brag for astrology.
The big Euro deal was done as explained last week and for that well there is no saviour for Europe.
But for the US one does need to show caution as there is Positives all but small kicking in for the US today late.
For the market to fall this hard on a FED meeting week is dangerous for both sides.
The bears would be worried about a FED QE3 and the bulls hoping the slide would end.
Yes today was a negative day astrologically but there is a time to take your money and leave for the day.
I have a strong suspicious that buying on flips like today would be on all technical traders mind as they call it an outside day or something like that .
Yes market can go lower but today I doubt as I think 80% of the move is done for now.
Why risk profit for 20% chance of lower lows.
So I am taking my money off the table.
1226.50 as this is being written


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