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Thursday, March 1, 2012


Good morning all

So the time has come to look at Apple and see where its going and how to go about trading it.

First of all the Lets make it crystal clear I am not advising anyone to jump in and buy or sell the stock.
I am outlining what the astrological aspects for the stock going forward is and how to navigate through it.

The ipad 3 will be a total disaster for Apple lets make that clear so we all understand each other.
The timing of the launch is so wrong that component issue to reliability issue will be the main concern.
Bad publicity will follow and then pressure to build components in the USA for the ipad might become a reality which will be a good thing.
When we look at the CEO's birth chart (Tim Cook)we see that his planetary configuration is very weak.
 In fact I am confident in saying that he doesn't have what it takes to run the company.

When I look at the future his just not a firm CEO.

Now lets look at the positives
John Browett head of retail sales, has a very powerful chart. His ability to make it happen for Apple is very likely.
In other words this guy can sell Ice to Eskimos. nothing more needs to be said.
Now with the above issues can he pull it off.... 50/50

The nuclear weapon that Apple has.

Well we all know it and they have publicised it pretty clear that they are sitting on $98 billion in cash.
Hooray they are going to pay a dividend of $7 billion to share holders.

Now anyone who is smart would know that if APPL stock price starts falling more than the market average  they can announce a buy back to squeeze the shorts out.
The problem is that $98 billion people buys you a hell of a lot of stock.
Its for this reason that no one is prepared to seriously short the stock.
This is way too much fire power for the market to take on.

So I am a little sceptical as to shorting considering the above.
 I am 100% sure the stock will come off, and then I am very coconfident that a stock buy back could be announced.
I am smart enough to know that you fight the fights you can win and make money not loose.

Its looks I might have to let this trade go... will decide by the 8th of March


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