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Monday, April 23, 2012


Morning... The news coming out of Europe isn't getting any better and yes it might roll the markets, but Europe doesn't have APPL.
As much as many feel markets will all fall if Europe drops money will run to the US for safety.
That's why you are seeing good stocks hold up while others are fleeced.
Its great for the Fed to continue to more Auctions  with the bonds holding a strong bid at the present time.

In Commodities the metals cant seem to get it going while the grains a trading sideways.
Has the Indian Boycott got to do with the gold fall I don't know but its becoming a huge concern.

In the currency market, its just a war zone there. Central banks are devaluing at an alarming rate.

For the Financial astrology students.,..
23rd look for a low for the week.
24th positive.
25th negative in the Morning and positive after lunch
26th should be positive for the employment numbers but then it will fall away.

As always use the above as an indicator to your own work.


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